In New York City she created and performed Heistman (The Ohio Theater and Dixon Place), Scenes from a Wedding (University Settlement and The Chocolate Factory), The Dinner Party (NYU and Williamsburg Art Nexus), Laredo (Dixon Place and The Kitchen), Somewhere in Between (NYC subway and Galapagos), Priere (Collective Unconscious), The Ferris wheel (Cunningham Studio), and Looking for r.m. She creat
ed the all male dance troupe "The 60 Second Dancers" for the Sixty Second Film Festival 2000. She is the puppet dancer in Drink Me, a live action animated film shown at IFFRotterdam and Sundance Film Festival. Her documentary Salsero was shown at the Dance On Camera Festival and Cine Las Americas. For television she choreographed the Macy’s "Holiday Spectacular". Choreography for plays includes Goodbye April, Hello May written by Ethan Lipton (HERE), Millicent Scowlworthy, directed by Ken Rus Schmoll (SPF), Pains of Youth, directed by T Ryder Smith (American Academy of Dramatic Arts), Inverse Theater's On the Origin of Darwin, Icarus and Aria, and Midnight Brainwash Revival written by Kirk Wood Bromley. She is the choreographer for Ethan Lipton’s music video Hit it. Her most recent work, Heistman, was presented as part of the Ice Factory Festival '08 at The Ohio Theater.