Both Wh**ey and Leon have hosted/participated/helped with tournaments thrown by friends with some success. The goal for the group or its Mission Statement is to provide players another chance to play against each other for a big prize, and also meet and connect with new people. Leon is the self proclaimed "Worst Player Ever!" In games such as Street Fighter 4, Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Call of Duty
starting with MW2. He currently plays MW3 on PS3 (PSN is evilninjoe) and is looking into video game tourtaments as well. Wh**ey is the WWE World Champ, as well as the greatest pokemon player, currently undefeated in the latest Pokemon DS games against family, friends and small defenseless children. He is currently trying to get more competative in yugioh, despite Leon reminding him that BadplayersInc. We are BadplayersInc. a joke that has actually inspired our little group. Our goal is to help connect people in the Westchester area connect to other yugioh player in the greater NY area and give them a chance to meet, play, challenge and connect. Our second goal is to throw tournaments to give players experience they usually wont have the chance to and put up big prizes to get that big tourney feel. Due to BPInc being split up for most of 2013, Leon is currently suffering from dementia and is burning a hole in his pocket to host a series of giveaways on his youtube channel this year! For it being the year 2013, it seems alot of yugi players will be getting lucky with a contest at least once every month all the way to December! He also keeps saying something about muscles and glasses? Wonder what thats about...