Lower Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd. 110th - 116th is AMAZING, the #harlemheritage ear hears what others don’t hear, the sounds of 7th Ave from Yesteryear #harlemheritagetours, we stay out here, we were born out here.
“I Remember Harlem” is a must see documentary for all fanatics of Harlem history. Created by the late great Harlem documentary filmmaker William “Bill” Miles.
“I Remember Harlem” chronicles Harlem from early 1600s - 1980s. of Harlem with terrific narrative and awesome footage. We have beautiful hi-def copy straight off the master.
Harlem Heritage Tourism@and Cultural Center
104 Malcolm X Blvd. 115th - 116th St.
February 16th Part 1 & 2
February 17th Part 3 & 4
We love this brought to you by the good folks at @harlemheritagetours and @schemavision We love Black History Month.
We never quit, because we can NEVER forget. We will FOREVER show love and respect for those who paved the way for us us to be able to strive today. Happy Black History Month 2025. We doing all month.
Celebrate Black History Month with Harlem Heritage Tours.
“I Remember Harlem” landmark 4 part documentary created by Harlemite William “Bill” Mile. Chronicles Harlem history from the beginning - 1980s. Phenomenal history and interviews + plus the footage is AMAZING.
If you haven’t seen this one, and you love Harlem history, you gots see this in full remastered beautiful. Straight the master copy.
February 16th & 17th
Harlem Heritage Tourism and Cultural Center
104 Malcolm X BLVD. between 115th and 116th Streets.
#2 and #3 trains on IRT lines arrive directly.
212 280-7888
When many Harlem fans think “155TH” many have “Rucker Park” come to mind, or maybe the “Polo Grounds”, or maybe the old “Rockland Palace” aka 1980s smash hit “THE ROOFTOP” Nah today 155TH represents 155th BIRTHDAY OF THE GREAT AUTURO SCHOMBURG. STAND UP SHOW ❤️