Dr Do little issued a strong statement condemning the dastardly act and Mr. The basic malady however remains unattended.

ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR THEIR MOTHER BHARAT WOULD COME FORWARD TO JOIN THIS CAUSE & SAVE OUR MATRUBHOOMI FROM THOSE TRAITORS WHO ARE OUT TO DESTROY OUR MATRUBHOOMI. Do Nothing shook the media headlines before leaving for their summer vacation. That’s how the Jaipur Blasts have been dealt with – like any other blasts, like any other calamity inflicted by Osama bin Laden’s brave hearts w

ho choose their targets in the thick of night or from among the innocent populace going to temples or markets. This is the level of courage they show in the name of their faith. Surrounded by failed states and finding it compelling to be soft on terror-shelters in return for votes, a bleeding India tries to see some hope in Gurgaon-Bangalore (BPOs, Its) progress barometers which cloud the basic point- is the state willing to take on terrorism full stream? The half-hearted salt and sweet policy to deal with terror gives us more Afzals & Jaipurs as attacks on Jammu, Akshardham, Varanasi and Parliament continue. A wet paper state is worse than being a soft one which refuses to see issues of infiltration, jihad, Maoism, and growing separatism as part of one big assault against the Indian state and her geographical entity, mind & spirit. Nations are run by owners, not tenants. The maliks are those who face storms and sacrifice their lives for “their” motherland without ever dreaming of a return gift. The children of Mother India, consider themselves to be infused with the power and sense of belonging to every inch of our holy land, regard the land as a goddess personified, a living entity and not just a conglomeration of rivers, jungles, peoples and buildings. Then the land, India runs in our veins- we live her, adore her, and devote ourselves for her service, the chant Vande Mataram is no longer a meaningless word but creates an aura of patriotism around our actions and thoughts. Every bit of her history and culture and people is reflected in the behaviour and actions of mother India’s children, like an owner. Then the people are not just voters, they are your own kith and kin and anyone, anywhere who attacks them or hurts them automatically becomes your sworn enemy too. One doesn’t have to ask “whom do you belong to” either of the security personnel who sacrificed their lives to save Parliament or of some of the unworthy insiders or the Afzals and their co-conspirators. The choice would be obvious. But that’s expected of owners. Today we have just tenants who use the motherland as a piece of real estate for their personal ends. Tenants consider themselves as beneficiaries. If the rotten system helps them stay longer, they are not bothered to change it. They don’t fight the mischievous neighbour trespassing or breaking a boundary wall. At the most a tenant would report it to the owner- look this happening to your land-take care if you wish to do so. Only owners would have the commitment and strength to safeguard it, change and improve the system and take hard, unpopular decisions. Tenants can have “statement governance” that smiles when slapped and laughs when hit hard for an award or appreciation from New York, or London. The warriors of 1857 were owners. The revolutionaries and freedom fighters, the Kargil victors & martyrs too, were the inheritors and the children of Mother India. How can they, who loot national wealth to keep it in foreign banks, shuts their eyes to territorial erosion and constitutional corrosion while continuing with election campaigning for the next round of “MONEY HARVESTING”, call themselves children of Mother India and hence legitimate owners of this land? Anyone, any faith or caste or creed or belief or an atheist can be an inheritor of this blessed ownership if he or she does something in his or her life for the good of society without eyeing a free bungalow in Lutyen’s Delhi. But not those for whom serving the nation is a rude synonym for serving their own interest. Scrapping POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act), silence on infiltration, half-hearted responses to continuing terrorism, committees to influence media and the judiciary to free the lecturer is involved in the Parliament attack, a colonial attitude on civilizational matters, hatred for Sanskrit and anything that relates with the quintessential characteristics of the land called India, only indicates an alienated mindset controlling the policy. Hence M.F.Husain must be honoured for painting nudes of goddesses but Danish cartoon should be banned and condemned. Reservations for Non-Hindus must be announced from the rooftops and Hindu Icons can be called mythical, unproven, mere stories and fit for demolition while Hindu Refugees from Pakistan & Bangladesh are condemned to oblivion and de-listed from security conclaves. Can anyone believe that the largest Hindu Organisations in the world, like RSS or their ideological brothers in Vishwa Hindu Parishad, have never been officially invited to the President\s banquets and Republic Day celebrations at homes & Dinners? But those who have a history of working against Hindustan’s soul and territorial integrity have always been on the lists of invitees since the viceregal times. This Siberian-Gulag mindset of the rulers smacks of an alienated sense of perverted history and a vengeful attitude. Not an Indian lineage surely. Still we say, we are a democracy and we are progressing well. If wealth and the infrastructure were the only criteria for a Nation’s growth and happiness index, why did we drive the British out? They were ruling through Indians, creating ICS-es and Raibahadurs and Sergeants and Head-clerks from our midst. They were benefiting Indians too while depositing their share of loot loyally in British coffers, including our books, ancient manuscripts and the Kohinoor. What was wrong in that if the present loot and Swiss Bank accounts of Politicians coupled with tolerance for Terrorists is accepted for the sake of secularism & Vote Bank Politics? Patriotic Army Jawans would like to wipe out the scourge of Terrorism. They are denied permission. Even if the government policies result in frustration and incidents of suicide among the Armed Forces come to the fore, the Supreme court would like to hanged the Terrorists who waged war against India, to be Hanged till death. But Governors, the Tenants, would like to pardoned. A doctor who saved hundreds of lives was shown the door by Legislation exclusively targeting him, introduced by those who considered yielding to a rouge ally more important than saving the honour of Supreme Court tears off a bad law, the Minister & the Prime Minister stare blankly as if nothing has happened. It shows a disconnection between the soul of a nation and her body. The muscles remain paralysed following the breakdown of the nervous system. In medical terms it is known as Myasthenia Gravis (MG), an auto-immune disease that affects the transmission of signals from nerves to muscles, described thus “The symptoms are troubling, yet subtle. You might notice, for example, occasional double vision, drooping eyelids, or the occasional difficulty to chew or swallow food. You may become hoarse or talk through your nose. It may be hard to smile, and people may tell you that you look depressed, even though you feel fine. In the same way the signals from the nerve centre of the state and power to the Ministry of Home Affairs. It is silent on how many terrorists and their accomplices have been convicted or the number of illegal Bangladeshis infiltrators deported. It shows that terrorism and murders out number such incidents in Jammu Kashmir. It is time to throw off the shackles of a Colonial mindset and face the cowards squarely. I was on my way to Shimla, that i came to know through my friend in Jammu that there is a mass protest & the minds of the Hindus are in a angry mood. I reached Shimla late in the night & was planning to take a bus to Jammu early morning, but i got a lift from a kind Hindu family who were also going to Katra for the Pilgrimage to Vaishno Devi Mata, while talking to a young boy of 14 or 15 years old i could sense his deep anger in his heart for the UPA Government & also for Omar Abdullah NCP Government in J&K. I was on my way to the Pashupatinath Temple, I was stopped on my way by an old man of 70 to 73 years old, he was an retired Army officer on the ranks of Brigadier, he took me to his house & after the customary introduction, he said “ I was that unlucky One of that ill faceted 1962 indo-china war, I was captured by the Chinese army & I spent 08 months in their captive, I wanted someone to tell the nation the truth as how we lost the war & there is nobody rather than you who can write & tell the whole truth of our unpatriotic Congress leaders of yester years & how Nehru stabbed us in back, now again that Chinese Dragon is raising its head again & I do fear that war would one day break out between we Indians & Chinese, in our days it was Nehru & now again it is the same Nehru family ruling over our Mother Bharat, so I do fear that the same family would sell us to those bastards Americans & I do think that you are the only person who can write & tell the whole truth about our defeat during those in-famous indo-china war of 1962.”
“I will try to tell the nation about the truth of that war of 1962, but I can’t promise you that I will be able to full fill the promise to you.” I replied. “Why did you not published the book during your own time”? i asked him, he said “since the day i tried to published the book, i have been targeted by the Authorities, i did make a blunder mistake in pouring out my heart to some of my friends in the Home ministry, that was the biggest mistake i made, as after that i was followed anywhere i used to go, they even planted many plainclothes Policemen at the entrance of my building, one day i received a call from an unknown person that if i go ahead with the publication of the book, my family’s life would be in danger, so that is why i kept quiet for so many years.”
He just keep his hands on my shoulders & said “I leave it to you, how to write & tell the whole truth to the nation, I shall be more in-debated to you if you can tell the whole nation about the truth of our defeat at the hands of China.” Saying he handed one big notebook, I took it & after taking his blessings I left the house, I went to the temple & after praying to the lord Pashupatinath I went to my hotel & instructed that I should not be disturbed, I went to my room & after ordering one hot cup of tea, I took the note book & started to read it. I was very angry with the Congress Politicians & the whole Nehru families & late Krishna Menon (who was the Defence Minister during that ill fated war of 62) along with Late General B.M.Kaul, (who was the close cousin of Nehru) fooled us & how other patriotic Generals were by passed & Kaul was made the Army Chief even though he did not have any qualification to be on the Top post. I continued to reading the book into the late night & that was the time that I decided to write the note on that ill-effected war that cost many families their dear ones & their only breadwinner. I went to the house of the Retd. Army officer & it was at that time i promised him & took a solemn vow that i will tell the world about our biggest blunder & the biggest mistake that our congress government made during the ill fated Indo-Chinese war of 1963. I took his blessings & also of the lord Pashupatinath before commencing my writing. Below is the story of that ill fated war which cost us the most & as the story unfold you all would see how the Congress & the Nehru family along with that traitor Krishna Menon fooled us. He then went on to tell me that how Late Sardar Patel had forewarned Nehru about China


आप सभी को हिन्दू नववर्ष 2081(कालयुक्त) एवं नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।।


मुठ्ठी में कुछ सपने लेकर, भरकर जेबों में आशाएं ।
दिल में है अरमान यही, कुछ कर जाएं… कुछ कर जाएं… ।
सूरज-सा तेज़ नहीं मुझमें, दीपक-सा जलता देखोगे ।
सूरज-सा तेज़ नहीं मुझमें, दीपक-सा जलता देखोगे…
अपनी हद रौशन करने से, तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे…तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे… । ।
मैं उस माटी का वृक्ष नहीं जिसको नदियों ने सींचा है…
मैं उस माटी का वृक्ष नहीं जिसको नदियों ने सींचा है …
बंजर माटी में पलकर मैंने…मृत्यु से जीवन खींचा है… ।
मैं पत्थर पर लिखी इबारत हूँ… मैं पत्थर पर लिखी इबारत हूँ ..
शीशे से कब तक तोड़ोगे..
मिटने वाला मैं नाम नहीं… तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे… तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे…।।
इस जग में जितने ज़ुल्म नहीं, उतने सहने की ताकत है…
इस जग में जितने ज़ुल्म नहीं, उतने सहने की ताकत है ….
तानों के भी शोर में रहकर सच कहने की आदत है । ।
मैं सागर से भी गहरा हूँ.. मैं सागर से भी गहरा हूँ…
तुम कितने कंकड़ फेंकोगे ।
चुन-चुन कर आगे बढूँगा मैं… तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे…तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे..।।
झुक-झुककर सीधा खड़ा हुआ, अब फिर झुकने का शौक नहीं..
झुक-झुककर सीधा खड़ा हुआ, अब फिर झुकने का शौक नहीं..
अपने ही हाथों रचा स्वयं.. तुमसे मिटने का खौफ़ नहीं…
तुम हालातों की भट्टी में… जब-जब भी मुझको झोंकोगे…
तब तपकर सोना बनूंगा मैं… तुम मुझको कब तक रोकोगे…तुम मुझको कब तक रोक़ोगे…।।


गणतन्त्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

*MIND BLOWING NEHRU BIOGRAPHY* 💥💥Moti Lal Nehru family.Motilal Nehru had 5 Wives (one real wife Swaroop Rani and 4 other...


Moti Lal Nehru family.

Motilal Nehru had 5 Wives (one real wife Swaroop Rani and 4 other illegal wives).

(1) Mrs Swaroop Rani (married wife) had two children with her.

(2) Thussu Rahman Bai – already had 2 children from her previous marriage to Mubarak Ali (employer of Motilal Nehru)

(3) Mrs. Manjari – had a child named Mehar Ali Shokhta; was Arya Samaj leader.

(4) Iranian woman - had a child named Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

(5) House-Maid (a Muslim servant from Kashmir) – produced a child named Sheikh Abdullah (ex Kashmir Chief Minister).

(1) Mrs Swaroop Rani (married wife), produced 2 children
1st. Mrs Krisna wife of Mr Jaisukh Lal Hathi (Governor)

2nd. Mrs Vijaylaxmi Pandit wife of Mr R. S. Pandit (High Commissioner of USSR). Earlier in life Vijaylaxmi eloped with her half brother Syed Hussain and had a daughter named Chandralekha who was adopted by Mr Pandit.

(2) Thussu Rahman Bai (ex wife of Motilal’s employer Mubarak Ali who died in mysterious circumstances) had 2 children
1st. Jawaharlal Nehru (Mubarak Ali was the real father. Moti inherited his wealth, business and kept his wife and children like a true Muslim)

2nd. Syed Hussain.

Jawaharlal marriage with Kamla Kaul never consummated as Kamla was Kashmiri Pandit and Nehru hated Hindu’s and only considered Muslim or English woman to be worth. Mrs Kamla Nehru was left leading a life of a maid in the house so his brother Manzoor Ali kept Kamla Nehru the company and was able to produce a daughter named Indira Pridarshini Nehru.

Nehru didn’t really like Indira but because she was legally his daughter he had to support her in politics.

Although she could not do much whilst Nehru was alive but managed to get up the ladder as a throne apparent.

She tricked Shastri to go to Tashkant for conciliation meeting with Yahya Khan of Pakistan where she managed to get Shastri ji poisoned and was declared dead.

No autopsy or post mortem was conducted and it was reported that Shastriji had a cardiac arrest.

Indira hopped on to the PM Chair quick as a buzz.

Indira Priyadarshini Nehru alias Mamuna Begum Khan-w/o Jehangir Feroz Khan (Persian Muslims), who later changed his name to Gandhi on advice of Mohandas K. Gandhi.

Two sons Rajiv Khan (father Feroze Jehangir Khan) and Sanjeev Khan (name later changed to Sanjay Gandhi).

Nehru divided India into 3 parts :
- India (for Indira),
- Pakistan (for his half-brother Jinnah)
- Kashmir (for his half-brother, Sheikh Abdullah)

Now this is called strategic planning and placement. Nehru's mind was brilliant...!!!

His step father Motilal Nehru, and his step grand father Ghiyasuddin Ghazi's of Jamuna canal (Naher) who fled Delhi after Mutiny of 1857 and went to Kashmir.
There he decided to change his name to Gangadhar Nehru ('Nehri' became 'Nehru') and put Pandit in front of the name to give people no chance to even ask his caste. With a cap (topi) on his head Pandit Gangadhar Nehru moved to Allahabad.
His son Motilal completed a degree in Law and started working for a Law firm.

His employer Mubarak Ali died in mysterious circumstances so Moti grabbed the opportunity of marrying his widow who came with a lot of wealth and 2 sons (Jawaharlal and Syed Hussain).

Just imagine we have had 3 three prime ministers from one family and the fourth Rahul is in the making...!!!😜

Sincerely - from the Biography of MO Mathai (Jawaharlal Nehru's personal assistant).

M. O. Mathai

M.O. Mathai was the Private Secretary to India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Mathai worked with the United States Army in India before becoming the Secretary to Nehru in 1946.


New Delhi: Captain Anuj Nayyar made the ultimate sacrifice for the nation on July 7, 1999 as he laid down his life in the Kargil War after a valiant fight against the enemy.

Captain Nayyar, who was an officer of the 17th Battalion, Jat Regiment, was only 24 when he laid down his life, fighting for our nation.

The young soldier showed exemplary courage on the battlefield.

Captain Nayyar was given the task of recapturing Pt. 4875, also known as Pimple II, then occupied by the Pakistani military.

It was a very difficult but he took the task in his own hands as capturing this peak was a top priority to win the war.

He along with his company secured three out of four bunkers. But as was moving head to capture the fourth bunker an enemy gr***de hit him.

He was gravely injured but did not back down until he had captured the last bunker as well.

It was the success of this mission that led to the capturing of Tiger Hill that ultimately made the enemy forces withdraw from the battle.

Captain Nayyar, who was born to his parents on this day in 1975 in Delhi, left behind a loving family who fondly remembers him. He was engaged at the time and was supposed to get married once he came back from the field.

He left his engagement ring with his commanding officer when he left for the mission, asking him to return it to his fiancée, in case he never came back.

“Patriotism wasn't a word for this martyr, it was his life. The purpose he lived for, and laid down his life for,” this is how described Captain Nayyar.


Philip Goldberg Interfaith Minister, author of ‘American Veda: How Indian Spirituality Changed the West’
Imagine you’re poor and living in a rural area. Your child gets sick. You manage to transport her to a hospital or clinic. To your relief, the condition is treatable. But the cost of treatment is not just beyond your means, it’s beyond your imagining. However, says the kindly health care worker, you can get the treatment free of charge. All you have to do is renounce the centuries-old traditions of your people and convert to a foreign religion.

Such offers are being made to desperate people in the villages and tribal areas of India.


New York, NY



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