Each October I get to create a sculpture that honors the sacrifice in particular of Stephen Siller, but so many others. If you don't recognize the name, I strongly suggest you look him up and the Tunnel To Towers Run that came of his passing thanks to the amazing family he was born into. The things that the Siller Foundation does is nothing short of miraculous to the families they serve. Those being fallen soldiers, firemen, police (whose mortgages they pay off should they die in the line of duty) and are now creating housing complete with care services for homeless vets around the country... not just a few, but we're talking numbers in the thousands. The weekend was cold and rainy. A wetting rain to the bone. But together with dear friends Mark Schaffer, Darrel O'Connor and John Woodard we worked without complaint knowing that so many 'paid' for us to be there. I would also thank Sue Beatrice for the idea to use a version of the FDNY shoulder patch in the design.
(For the sand sculptors out there reading: This was exceptional sand. All done in soft pack except for the 'get' in Forget, which by the time the lettering was done it was like carving pure slurry! Ugh.....