To create a mutual business base for future generations, based on the loyalty and union of people, that our children and their families have their own financial freedom and do not depend on basic wages or abusive bosses. We know that the network marketing business has become one of the most used in the world in recent years and although the market is large and diverse, barriers to entry are weak s
ince the vast majority of projects do not Follow a specific planning process, lack a stable work system including the vision and analysis required to successfully carry out such a project, events that unleash lost rounds and consequently the imminent failure of the people within The business network. The platform Organovit® has been created as a means of information and help for all affiliated partners, the platform will allow them to obtain all the documentation about the products and the details of each of them, only the sharpened partners would have access to acquire the products . Apart from the necessary information that guarantees a regular development our platform offers a virtual office that will allow us to see the whole process of purchase, sales and commissions. The experience and initiative of the Organovit® partners has taken these strategies to the next level. We have the second most sold product worldwide as is the coffee with a unique quality and aroma. In addition, we have created a system that will help us to develop our work plan with our clients and affiliates in a professional and safe way. Also, with our product and system we have a professional team of first, directors, leaders and professionals with a wide experience in the field of business, sales, marketing and network marketing system. Finally, we believe that innovation is a fundamental key to the progress of our company for this reason we are always looking for and incorporated new ideas and ways to provide better financial well-being to our affiliates and customers.