Genius Citizens

Genius Citizens Unity

Genius Citizens (GC) is a learning organization dedicated to, self-mastery, ingenuity, and collaborative innovation, for the betterment of humanity, by being The Ones that are, consistently learning, consistently sharing, and consistently improving, ourselves, our environment, and our world.

Cracks In The Ceiling ! ⚠️ It’s not always about what you do or how you do it. Sometimes it’s about what you don’t do an...

Cracks In The Ceiling ! ⚠️

It’s not always about what you do or how you do it. Sometimes it’s about what you don’t do and when you don’t do it. It’s not always about how much money you make but how much money you save! It’s not always about how many times you win but how many times you don’t lose!

In the very first lectures of my Trading The Transits course I reveal the patterns and principles that can both save and make you money.

Timing is everything

One of my favorite features of the Trading The Transits paradigm isn’t just knowing when to be conservative versus win to be aggressive or when and where to look for those opportunities, but knowing when to be in the market and when to stand aside.

Go back and look. On October 9th, I told everyone to buy defense stocks. If you followed my guidance, then you’re up at least 24%, outperforming the broader markets by 9%. Now I’m telling you that there’s a fly in the ointment.

Here is where I went from being long-term bullish to short term bearish. Here’s where I go from being offensive to being defensive. Here is where being swift and changeable is an invaluable asset while being greedy is an absolute liability.

Today was one of those days where any and everybody who was long was wrong. Now is when following the herd can lead you straight off a cliff and into a lose lose situation.

Not me. I went to cash last week and stood aside. Why? How did I know to take cover? Because I see the cracks in the ceiling. That’s why! Are you ready?

Protect your neck!

Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027

David Love Morin Amy DaCosta Brandon Jones Ra BeyOtis Floyd Gordon Jr.Daniel Soo Tana Loew Tracee Sioux Sophie Dubus

Program Hacked! I’ll never forget when I was teaching public school during the mortgage crisis and people who dedicated ...

Program Hacked!

I’ll never forget when I was teaching public school during the mortgage crisis and people who dedicated their lives to educating the youth saw their life savings cut in half over night as the markets crashed. People losing their homes and jobs, families disbanding, lives turned completely upside down due to the reckless greed and fiscal negligence of monetary marauders masquerading as accountants and financial planners.

I vowed to figure it out, to crack the code. And to one day make a way for others to benefit from it.

Trading The Transits

That day is here. I’m hitting my stride. I’m still learning and my 3rd color is locked in on the patterns like a pit bull! Everything is slowing down now. The mutation is nesting. It’s a total game changer.

People who have taken the course are beginning to catch on as well! (See receipts)

The transits make everything sensible. It makes it all logical. It gives me a real concrete reason for this or that occurring in the markets…the world. Something I can really trust and it’s an edge! The transits are as natural as wind blowing or waves rolling and crashing on the shores and just as reliable.

Are you ready to trade the transits?

Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027

Hitch Your Wagon And Tether Your Camel 🐪 Major Transit 🚨 Jupiter aka Thanos, will activate the 2 Gate @ 10:56 AM Eastern...

Hitch Your Wagon And Tether Your Camel 🐪

Major Transit 🚨

Jupiter aka Thanos, will activate the 2 Gate @ 10:56 AM Eastern standard time and will move through it till Sunday Night, April 7th. Expect the direction of group activity to shift in a major way. Do you have a 14? Be aware that at this time it is possible to both accumulate keys and lose them.

The loser of the keys will, lose power, lose a sense of direction, lose positions of prestige, lose work, lose vision, lose a sense of self, lose control, lose resources, lose contracts, lose money, lose inspiration and lose an overall spirit of empowerment.

The keeper of the keys will do the exact opposite!

Expect, displays of power, power plays, subterfuge, heightened gamesmanship, vehicular collisions, teams building and teams falling apart.

This transit has major ramifications for global markets and the economy, MAJOR. This transit is jumping off 1 day away from the Sun entering the Gate of Crisis and the Earth entering the Gate of Friction…and 7 days away from the Sun entering the Gate of The Spirit of the Self, activating Shock and Initiation.

For more insight on how this affects you directly and how to benefit from this transit consider a monthly transit analysis.

I hope you enjoyed that. All the best!

Detailed Analysis of this transit will be available free for subscribers.

Art By Hilma af Klint

Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027

Ghost Particles And The Akashic Records ~ 3/7The Voice told Ra Uru Hu. ‘you can call these crystals of consciousness.’  ...

Ghost Particles And The Akashic Records ~ 3/7

The Voice told Ra Uru Hu. ‘you can call these crystals of consciousness.’ It didn’t say these ARE crystals of consciousness. It’s like me saying you can call me Brian. What’s implied is that Brian isn’t my only name. If we CAN call these crystals of consciousness what else can we call them? 🤔

Everything is endowed with consciousness, EVERYTHING. Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every molecule of water, every particle of light, every species of every living thing…every form of matter, organic and inorganic, has consciousness!

This is why nothing you think, say or do goes unrecorded. Every thought, word and deed that has ever been conjured, uttered and done from the everlasting past unto the never ending days to come are indelibly registered in the ethers and all of it remains accessible for the rest of eternity. This registry is called by many names. One of them is the Akashic Records.

We’re an open book, all of us! You can’t hide anything. I promise you that. Putting on clothes gives us the illusion that we can cover something up other than our bodies. It’s simply not true.

It’s like these experiments I used to do with my ex back in the day. I noticed she would regularly say things I was thinking but she would say them as though they were her own thoughts. This was years before I learned Human Design.

She’s an Open Head and an Undefined Ajna. She’s also an unconscious 34-20, a Design Where Thoughts Must Become Deeds. We were together in college. She would speak my thoughts so often one day I decided to experiment with it. I can’t help it. I’m a double 16. I love experimenting.

Without her knowing it, I wrote down a number on a piece of paper and folded it into my hand. Then I repeated it in my mind over and over again like a mantra 🕉️. Then I asked her to pick a number between 1 and 10. Over and over again she’d pick the number I’d written down. I’d show her and we’d both get a big kick out of it. Then I extrapolated the experiment to include colors and got the same results.

When company was around I’d do the same experiment in front of them. I’d write down a number, repeat it several times in my mind then fold the paper and hand it to whoever we had over. I’d ask her to pick a number between 1 and 10 or 1 of the 8 basic colors then have the company open the paper. It was bizarrely accurate. If it were a GPA we’d have a 3.8 or something.

Sometimes I’d combine both number and color. That met with success too but it was more difficult to be as consistent. I’d also scramble the numbers or colors in my head and her thoughts would be scrambled. I invite you to try it for yourself, those of you who have the chops for it. It’ll help you see how connected we really are and it just might enhance the way you deal with the mental plane.


One day I was at University and a buddy named Smitty came to pick me up. I got in the car, the front passenger seat, and immediately my body felt like it expanded, massively expanded! I felt like I was 4 times my natural size. I felt bloated, swollen and stuffed like I’d been gorging at an all you can eat buffet. It was like a scene from the movie Ghost 👻 with Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. When a ghost would jump into her body she’d blow her cheeks up and bulge her eyes. That’s what it felt like.

I said, ‘Smitty! Whoever was the last person to sit in this seat was absolutely humongous!’ Smitty turned and looked at me like he’d just seen a ghost. His eyes 👀 bucked. His mouth was hanging open. He looked on the floor in the front seat then looked in the back seat, struggling for an explanation.

“Prophet, how the 🤬 did you know that!!??” “I can sense him. He’s huge! Really really massive!” He leaned back in his seat and shook his head in disbelief. He said, “P, Bull was the last person sitting in that seat!” Bull’s real name was Kolliedas, pronounced collide-us. He was easily the biggest guy on the football team. About 6‘5“ or so and nearly 400 pounds. Smitty looked at me, shook his head again and we drove off.

I’ve got too many stories like that. Here’s a little bit of what’s actually happening on a scientific level.

Weird Science 🧬

Hold up your thumb like you’re hitchhiking, look at your thumbnail, and count to 3. 1-2-3. In that short amount of time 300 Billion neutrinos flooded through your thumbnail. 8.5 minutes before that they were in the heart of the sun ☀️ !

It’s just like Marcus Chown said, “Neutrinos are in fact the second most common subatomic particles in the Universe after photons of light. We live in a photon-and-neutrino universe - all else is a minor contaminant.”

One of the most impactful facts about neutrinos is that THEY HAVE MASS!!!! Think about that for a moment. We are being penetrated by hundreds of billions of these subatomic particles called neutrinos that have mass which means our bodies appear solid but they’re really mostly empty space.

In fact, when you put our biology under a microscope 🔬 we are actually 99.99999999% Space!!!!

The Consciousness Field

The Rave Body Graph has 2 sets of data, one set in red labeled Design, your unconscious side, and the other set in black labeled Personality, your conscious side. 70% of what defines us on a conscious level is represented by the Personality Sun ☀️and 70% of what defines us on an unconscious level is represented by the Design Sun ☀️.

The so called crystals of consciousness, there are 2 of them, a Design Crystal and a Personality Crystal. And those neutrinos are being filtered through our crystals of consciousness.

Everything you see and much of what you don’t see has a design crystal and is filtering the neutrino steam. 70% of the neutrinos are streaming through the sun which is why 70% of your unconscious and conscious mind is based on the location of your Design and Personality Sun, respectively.

As neutrinos pass through the crystals they leave a little bit of what it passes through and takes a little bit of what it’s passing through, leaving a sort of energetic paper trail.

Everywhere, all the time, neutrinos are striking, entering and exiting crystals, creating and maintaining a vast dense ocean of consciousness, a consciousness field.

How to access the Akashic Records

According to science, matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This means nothing is ever lost and anything can be accessed! Here’s a really practical way to begin consciously or intentionally accessing the Akashic Records.

Let’s take a simple example like…

The full version is available free for subscribers.

I hope you enjoyed that. All the best!

Art by, Katrina Koltes, Rosalind Franklin, Midjourney, Hubble, and Jovian Archive.

Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027
Kate Trunečková Shaka Franklin Laetitia SmithZuwena Salïm Astin Leigh Anita Kirkpatrick Brandon Jones Amy DaCosta Bryan Davis David Love Morin Leen D'Heldt

Public The Work He had 1 “failed” marriage, 2 “failed” long term relationships and his current relationship was on the b...


The Work

He had 1 “failed” marriage, 2 “failed” long term relationships and his current relationship was on the brink of collapse. He sent me their charts in need of an explanation. ‘Send me your mom and your dad’s birth data too, as well as anyone you grew up with who had a major impact on your life,’ I told him.

Before looking at the Rave Charts of his current and previous companions, I studied his parent’s unique designs.

I knew full well that the moment I compared his parents’ charts with charts of his lovers I would see imprints so similar it would appear as though he intentionally went looking for a partner with the closest genetic resemblance to the parent that most conditioned him. So it was.

There were big differences, of course, but the essence of his partners were amalgamations of his mother mixed with a little bit of someone else.

For obvious and not so obvious reasons, I don’t believe we should couple with alternate versions of our parents, although our guardians may possess qualities ideal for a partner.

Just because the words “parent” and “partner” are 99% alike doesn’t mean our parents and partners should be as well.

Walking him through the charts of each one of his partners while juxtaposing them with his mother he began awakening to the awareness that he was so conditioned by his mom he was unconsciously trying to marry her using other women as surrogates, women who were born with predispositions strikingly similar to her own. That’s where the real work began.


One night I was on the phone with my mom going over her, her mother’s and her father’s Rave chart. My mom is a 64/63, so she had all of these questions and confusion about why her father and mother did the things they did. Why was she reared the way she was. Why did her mom treat her this way and her dad treat her that way. Why was her sister like this and her brother like that.

One after another I answered them to her satisfaction. I could feel her peace through the phone and the thanks she gave me was worth more than its weight in gold.

By going over my grandparent’s charts with my mom she wasn’t the only one getting some much-needed clarity. I was getting clear on the forces that shaped my mother’s life and the forces that indirectly shaped my own life.

‘Aha! Now I see why my aura is so different from everyone else’s. Now I see why they say traits skip a generation. Now I see why they say I’m similar to my grandfather AND I see why I couldn’t see it nor would I ever consciously agree with them. Now I see why my great grandmother treated my grandfather the way she did. Now I see why, even though I was the first born, my grandfather was more partial to my youngest brother while my grandmother was more partial to me.

Now I see why I wanted to spend time with my Pop Pop but the feeling wasn’t mutual nor could it be mutual. Now I see why he communicated with my mother the way he did and consequently she communicated with me the way she did. Now I see why my mom finally fell for my dad and now I see why their marriage was what it was. So on and so forth.

One eureka 💡 after another I made and am still making sense of, her past, my dad’s past, my grandparents’ lives and my own.


Experimenting with Human Design means you’ve consciously entered a 7 year process of deconditioning. But how can we decondition without taking a good look at the people who conditioned us the most? The further back I go the clearer I become. The deeper I look into my parents the deeper I look into myself. The deeper I look into their parents the deeper I look into them.

Instead of perpetuating a vicious cycle by repeating the same mistakes as our parents and grandparents, becoming aware of who conditioned us and who conditioned them creates a virtuous circle allowing us to make sense out of the senselessness, replacing ignorance with awareness.

How to use your Rave Chart To Trace Your Inheritance…

Some people don’t know their parents or don’t have access to their data so they can’t deconstruct their own conditioning the way I do. Not to worry. All is not lost. The Rave Body Graph shows you the genetic traits you inherited from your maternal side as well as your paternal side.

What you inherited from your maternal and paternal side is represented in the…

The full version is available free for subscribers

Which traits did you inherit from your mom and dad as revealed in your Rave Chart? Can you see how those traits they passed on to you are expressed in your life? What other areas of your chart are impacted by those genetic inheritances? Something to think about, isn’t it?

I hope you enjoyed that. All the best!

Art By Diego Rivera

Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027

David Love Morin Todie Twotime Brandon Jones Natosha Mccray Flo Blume Kate Trunečková Zuwena Salïm Kori Rožár

Blooming This month is bittersweet.  On the one hand I’m celebrating year 13 in my experiment with The Human Design Syst...


This month is bittersweet. On the one hand I’m celebrating year 13 in my experiment with The Human Design System. On the other hand I’m commemorating year 13 of the passing of Ra Uru Hu, the man to whom The Human Design System was revealed.

Less than a week or so after seeing the Rave Body Graph for the first time, I picked my head up from one of his books and said I’ve got to meet this guy! I called around to find his whereabouts and was informed that he’d died a few days earlier.

What fascinated me the most about this knowledge from the very beginning were the transits!

It was like looking through a crystal ball. 🔮 There were no apps at the time and I didn’t have the software so I drew the RBG everyday by hand, several times a day.

Watching transits and watching people was and still is absolutely engrossing!!

In 2012, I was walking out of my Nana’s house in Augusta, Georgia and I had a vision of using the Rave Transits to trade the markets. It was a total paradigm shift.

7 years earlier I was training to be a Registered Representative, better known as a Stock Broker. But life happened and I had to shelf the plan. It didn’t reemerge again until the vision hit me.

I’ve figured out other ways to apply this knowledge that I’ll likely never reveal because it would really put my life in jeopardy. And even though Projectors love recognition, some attention I can definitely live without.

But Trading The Transits is something I’m obviously comfortable with sharing because I know it’s been attempted in the past but they didn’t have the measurements we have now.

As we move towards 2027, people are going to have to rely more and more on themselves. Like it or not, that includes becoming more financial savvy and planning your own retirement.

I’m opening the door for 7 more people this month to learn how to Trade The Transits. I’ve been creating new content for my subscribers as well as designing workshops for applying mechanics to the markets that I’ll be rolling out soon.

Today the markets took a nose dive but I doubled my RH portfolio. I’ve made it easier by connecting the dots. If you’re down to put the work in you can get these results as well. Are you ready??

Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027 Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027

Tana Loew Todie Twotime Natosha Mccray Astin Leigh David Love Morin Brandon Jones

“Go Get My Grand baby!”A mystical reflection ~ Activated for the next 6 days, the 40-37 is a mystical channel.  In fact,...

“Go Get My Grand baby!”

A mystical reflection ~

Activated for the next 6 days, the 40-37 is a mystical channel. In fact, if you have any of the follow gates activated in your Rave Chart then you have a touch of mysticism in your Unique Design; the 19, 49, 40, 37, 51, 25, 10 and 20. These gates make up what Ra calls The Mystical Circuit. Each one of them has a different theme associated with it. What are yours? Have you had any mystical experiences? Can you see them in your rave chart?

One of the reasons why I love Human Design so much is because it has given me answers to questions that aren’t just mundane in nature. Thanks to my experiences, experimentation and study of HD, I know which gate(s) predisposes people to, speaking in tongues, shape shifting, bilocation, spontaneous healing, witnessing transfigurations, and even causing the dead to live again! Some of them are in the mystical circuit and some of them are not.

Many of you know me as Brian, the guy who posts unique insights on HD. But for over 26 years people in my inner circle have called me Prophet.

After a series of mystical experiences that started when I was 16, I began experiencing a feeling that I call The Spirit. I was calling it that long before learning that I’m the Left Angle Cross Of Spirit.

Out of the blue It comes over me. It’s expansive and translucent. The cognition I’m capable of when it’s on me sounds more science fiction than real life. It’s a distinctly different quality of consciousness that feels so heavenly and so peaceful all I can do is just sit in gratitude and silence, seeing and knowing. I can be sitting next to you on an airplane enraptured in sheer bliss and you’d never know it.

Only 2 people have ever picked up on it. One was a man named Tony G. He was Geechee from the Gullah Islands. He was 50 at the time when I met him and I was 25. Sober or not he walked in a zig zagging pattern and tip toed. His limbs were loosely strewn and animated. He wore crystals and a bent fork around his wrist. He’d always ask me for money to get beer. I’d give him a couple of dollars and he’d drink and tell me all sorts of bizarre things.

One day he knocked on the door. I said it’s open and he entered the doorway. The Spirit was on me at that moment and he said, “Whoa!!! Who left the gate open!!??!” He continued, “The last time I felt something like this a little ball of light danced in my face and flew out the window!” Then he stared at me really intensely like a demon…as though he were looking into my soul. Then he drew his body back, stretched his neck and said, “You have a heart of gooooolllldddd!” I was stunned!

One day he told me a story about his mother. He said she had long grey hair that reached down to her ankles and was deeply spiritual.

His sister was pregnant, went into labor and the baby was stillborn. His sister came home from the hospital and her mother asked, “Where’s my grandbaby?” The daughter told her what happened. The mother told her go get my grand baby. The daughter protested and her mother insisted.

He told me his sister went and got the baby and brought home its lifeless body. The grandmother, took the baby, turned it upside down, blew into its butt and its heart started beating.

Years later I was studying The Death Sequence and Bardo as revealed by the Voice to Ra Uru Hu. It was incredible reading how accurately it described what I was seeing while I was dying.

When you die the Design Crystal turns away from the Personality Crystal and travels down the center of the body down through the spinal column into the Root Center before exiting an ‘invisible’ gate that would be anatomically located at the a**s.

When I learned of that it reminded me of the story of Tony’s nephew and it made sense how it was mechanically possible to blow the ‘breath of life’ up through that invisible gate and somehow reestablish the electromagnetic interface between the Design and Personality Crystal since bardo can last up to 72 hours.

Ra said the voice told him the day he was going to die. And as that day approached he spoke more and more about divinity and spirit.

In your experiment with HD, don’t forget to explore your divinity because we are much more than just, ‘flesh, blood, brawn and bone.’

I hope you enjoyed that. All the best!

Art by Laurie Buman

Brian is a 12 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027

Oshun Sha Cinammon LoveTodie TwotimeSeantai BurwellVirgil GeorgeRa Bey David Love MorinPaul Moreland Michelle Renee@highlight Lynn Bee Happy Elijah Zuwena SalïmSonia Warner

Worth Knowing ~ The open ego does not know its own worth.  They don’t! When you run a Rave Chart and you see the smalles...

Worth Knowing ~

The open ego does not know its own worth. They don’t! When you run a Rave Chart and you see the smallest triangle in the Body Graph completely white, 9 times out of 10 they do not know how to properly value themselves or other things.

It’s virtually the same if you have hanging gates in an undefined ego and if your ego is only defined on the design side, though the latter is a lot different.

Only over time…only after suffering…only after the accumulation of wisdom through experience and deconditioning might they come to really value themselves. Even then, the Not Self Strategy of the undefined ego is ready to make you tolerate what should be nonnegotiable!

I bet all of you reading this with an undefined or an open Ego, 10 of my dollars to 1 of your dollars, that if you’re paid a salary you’re getting paid, on average, less than everyone else.

Michael Air Jordan, in my book, is the best basketball player to ever lace up a pair of sneakers. 6 MVP Finals, 5 time regular Season MVP, 6 NBA championships, 14 All-Star appearances etc etc.. He’s the 🐐 ! And he’s also one of the most underpaid athletes in professional sports history! Undefined ego!!!

If you’re a partner in the firm you’re getting the shorter end of the stick. Your Project based pay is less. Bonus season rolls around and everyone else’s is fatter than yours.

If you’re an entrepreneur with an open or an undefined ego, I’ll bet you that your prices are much lower than your “competitors” AND you’re doing more for less! And I know for a fact you agonize over how much to charge and when to raise rates. I’ve seen this movie over and over again.

Think I’m wrong? If you’ve got a 1st line in your chart, do a little investigating.

It’s like those jobs that tell you not to discuss your salary with anyone else. The one’s with the open and undefined egos don’t even question it.


I lie to you not. May the highest power in the universe strike me dead right now, I was being interviewed once and it seemed like the interviewer had totally warmed up to the idea of seeing me as a coworker.

He was relaxed and everything. Then it came time for him to tell me how much they were going to offer me. He told me the figure and I literally scoffed out loud. 🤣!! I scoffed, made that air coming out of the tire sound and recoiled back in my chair. Saying he was surprised by my reaction is a gross understatement. He looked offended! I think he questioned his own self worth at that moment.

Say yes!

A friend of mine, 4/6 🖤 Manifestor, 12-22… about 10 years ago bought a silk screen printing machine. He was making custom T-shirts for local businesses etc., in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

After my brush with death, he formally invited me to come and stay with him and the crew so I could get on my feet. I studied his operation for a few days. Looking at all of the hours he was putting in. He’s an undefined ego with a hanging 26. I’m a define ego with a hanging 26. The first thing I did was raise the prices and bring in new business.

I was there when he sold his first shipping container on Craig’s List. Phone call after phone call. No after no. One name after another erased off of the White Board. Are my prices too high? No! I think they should be higher but keep them where they are and keep pounding. The going rate was something like $1,600 - $1,800 or something like that. I don’t recall exactly.

Then he got the call. How much, the customer asked through the speaker phone. My friend meekly said the price. I want it, the man said. Can I pay you today? My friend looked at me and was dead silent. His open ego had him stuck! Mute the phone, I whispered. Then I put a grimace on my face, wrinkled my brow and said, “SAY YES (expletive expletive)! And say it with your chest out!”

He unmuted the phone and said yes. The customer said I’ll send the payment over now. We celebrated that night! I was super happy for him! Hard work had finally paid off.

I’ve got too many stories like this from working with clients or helping friends or just observation of how undervalued and under appreciated the open ego is.

I know how much of a struggle it is for you to realize your worth. I’m a 40-37. I can taste the lack of self esteem in the open ego. It’s in their gait and their posture.

If you don’t think businesses AND customers or clients pick up on these traits and aren’t taking advantage of it you’re fooling yourself.

Besides Strategy and Authority, I’ve got a very simple and effective…tried and proven way for you to turn the material tables and realize more of your worth. There are other ways but this is one you can do on your own and it works!

Yesterday’s Price is Not Todays Price !

First of all…

I hope you enjoyed that. All the best!

The full version is available free for subscribers.

Art By Art By Jim Dine

Brian is a 12 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027 David Love MorinRichard LamotheBrandon JonesTodie TwotimeAngela PoelingJannica LeaNatosha MccrayRa BeyHans TaubChelsa King


Newark, NJ


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