Ghost Particles And The Akashic Records ~ 3/7
The Voice told Ra Uru Hu. ‘you can call these crystals of consciousness.’ It didn’t say these ARE crystals of consciousness. It’s like me saying you can call me Brian. What’s implied is that Brian isn’t my only name. If we CAN call these crystals of consciousness what else can we call them? 🤔
Everything is endowed with consciousness, EVERYTHING. Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every molecule of water, every particle of light, every species of every living thing…every form of matter, organic and inorganic, has consciousness!
This is why nothing you think, say or do goes unrecorded. Every thought, word and deed that has ever been conjured, uttered and done from the everlasting past unto the never ending days to come are indelibly registered in the ethers and all of it remains accessible for the rest of eternity. This registry is called by many names. One of them is the Akashic Records.
We’re an open book, all of us! You can’t hide anything. I promise you that. Putting on clothes gives us the illusion that we can cover something up other than our bodies. It’s simply not true.
It’s like these experiments I used to do with my ex back in the day. I noticed she would regularly say things I was thinking but she would say them as though they were her own thoughts. This was years before I learned Human Design.
She’s an Open Head and an Undefined Ajna. She’s also an unconscious 34-20, a Design Where Thoughts Must Become Deeds. We were together in college. She would speak my thoughts so often one day I decided to experiment with it. I can’t help it. I’m a double 16. I love experimenting.
Without her knowing it, I wrote down a number on a piece of paper and folded it into my hand. Then I repeated it in my mind over and over again like a mantra 🕉️. Then I asked her to pick a number between 1 and 10. Over and over again she’d pick the number I’d written down. I’d show her and we’d both get a big kick out of it. Then I extrapolated the experiment to include colors and got the same results.
When company was around I’d do the same experiment in front of them. I’d write down a number, repeat it several times in my mind then fold the paper and hand it to whoever we had over. I’d ask her to pick a number between 1 and 10 or 1 of the 8 basic colors then have the company open the paper. It was bizarrely accurate. If it were a GPA we’d have a 3.8 or something.
Sometimes I’d combine both number and color. That met with success too but it was more difficult to be as consistent. I’d also scramble the numbers or colors in my head and her thoughts would be scrambled. I invite you to try it for yourself, those of you who have the chops for it. It’ll help you see how connected we really are and it just might enhance the way you deal with the mental plane.
One day I was at University and a buddy named Smitty came to pick me up. I got in the car, the front passenger seat, and immediately my body felt like it expanded, massively expanded! I felt like I was 4 times my natural size. I felt bloated, swollen and stuffed like I’d been gorging at an all you can eat buffet. It was like a scene from the movie Ghost 👻 with Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg. When a ghost would jump into her body she’d blow her cheeks up and bulge her eyes. That’s what it felt like.
I said, ‘Smitty! Whoever was the last person to sit in this seat was absolutely humongous!’ Smitty turned and looked at me like he’d just seen a ghost. His eyes 👀 bucked. His mouth was hanging open. He looked on the floor in the front seat then looked in the back seat, struggling for an explanation.
“Prophet, how the 🤬 did you know that!!??” “I can sense him. He’s huge! Really really massive!” He leaned back in his seat and shook his head in disbelief. He said, “P, Bull was the last person sitting in that seat!” Bull’s real name was Kolliedas, pronounced collide-us. He was easily the biggest guy on the football team. About 6‘5“ or so and nearly 400 pounds. Smitty looked at me, shook his head again and we drove off.
I’ve got too many stories like that. Here’s a little bit of what’s actually happening on a scientific level.
Weird Science 🧬
Hold up your thumb like you’re hitchhiking, look at your thumbnail, and count to 3. 1-2-3. In that short amount of time 300 Billion neutrinos flooded through your thumbnail. 8.5 minutes before that they were in the heart of the sun ☀️ !
It’s just like Marcus Chown said, “Neutrinos are in fact the second most common subatomic particles in the Universe after photons of light. We live in a photon-and-neutrino universe - all else is a minor contaminant.”
One of the most impactful facts about neutrinos is that THEY HAVE MASS!!!! Think about that for a moment. We are being penetrated by hundreds of billions of these subatomic particles called neutrinos that have mass which means our bodies appear solid but they’re really mostly empty space.
In fact, when you put our biology under a microscope 🔬 we are actually 99.99999999% Space!!!!
The Consciousness Field
The Rave Body Graph has 2 sets of data, one set in red labeled Design, your unconscious side, and the other set in black labeled Personality, your conscious side. 70% of what defines us on a conscious level is represented by the Personality Sun ☀️and 70% of what defines us on an unconscious level is represented by the Design Sun ☀️.
The so called crystals of consciousness, there are 2 of them, a Design Crystal and a Personality Crystal. And those neutrinos are being filtered through our crystals of consciousness.
Everything you see and much of what you don’t see has a design crystal and is filtering the neutrino steam. 70% of the neutrinos are streaming through the sun which is why 70% of your unconscious and conscious mind is based on the location of your Design and Personality Sun, respectively.
As neutrinos pass through the crystals they leave a little bit of what it passes through and takes a little bit of what it’s passing through, leaving a sort of energetic paper trail.
Everywhere, all the time, neutrinos are striking, entering and exiting crystals, creating and maintaining a vast dense ocean of consciousness, a consciousness field.
How to access the Akashic Records
According to science, matter can neither be created nor destroyed. This means nothing is ever lost and anything can be accessed! Here’s a really practical way to begin consciously or intentionally accessing the Akashic Records.
Let’s take a simple example like…
The full version is available free for subscribers.
I hope you enjoyed that. All the best!
Art by, Katrina Koltes, Rosalind Franklin, Midjourney, Hubble, and Jovian Archive.
Brian is a 13 year Human Design Specialist, founder of Trading The Transits LLC, and Host of the sapiosexual Body Talk Live. #2027
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