Greeters this morning at @thewateroasis ⛲️💍✨
This week Greeters was at @socialgoodsmarket. Thanks to all who attended!
A big THANK YOU to Minthorn Mercantile for hosting Greeters this morning! It was incredible to hear about the time and thought that goes into curating products that are built to last. From men’s wear to the new botanical offerings, there’s something for everyone in this store.
A special shoutout to Kayt's Kitchen for the delicious bagels that started our morning right, and congratulations to all the businesses who received their Chamber plaques today.
As our business community continues to grow, so does the success of our entire community. Stop by Minthorn Mercantile soon to discover something special. #ChamberGreeters #ShopLocal #CommunityStrong
@minthornmercantile @kaytskitchen @ziplyfiber @newbergglassstudio @summitstaffingsolutionsnewberg
A big thank you to Gibson Auction Services for hosting us this morning at the historic Fernwood Grange! Your dedication to our community is inspiring.
Next week we'll be at new local businesses and Chamber member, @minthornmercantile! We hope you'll join us at their downtown store to check them out! Let's continue to support our local businesses.
What a fantastic way to kick off the first Greeters of the year! Huge thanks to J's Family Restaurant & Lounge for hosting us this morning – great food, great company, and a perfect start to 2025. Congrats on 50 years in business!
Next week, we're headed to Fernwood Grange for Greeters hosted by Gibson Auction Services. Tag your business besties, bring your smiles, and let’s keep building a stronger community together.
Thank you to Victory Home Loans for hosting our last Greeters of 2024! It was a wonderful way to close out the year.
We can’t wait to kick off 2025 with all of you at J’s Restaurant on January 3rd for our first Greeters of the new year.
Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season and a happy New Year!
@yourfavoriteloanconsultant @yourvictoryteam @jsrestaurant.newberg
Huge thanks to PCC Newberg Center for hosting Greeters on this beautiful fall morning! We gained valuable insights into the fantastic resources available through the Small Business Development Center, perfect for supporting our local businesses.
Next week, we’ll be gathering at the iconic Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum! Join us to learn more about its rich history and incredible organization. We hope to see you there! @evergreenmuseum #cvcc #greeters #Networking #communitystrong #chehalemvalleychamber
Big thanks to Cascade Hasson Sotheby's for hosting this morning's Greeters on such a blustery fall day! 🍂 It was a wonderful morning learning more about the rich history of Sotheby's and celebrating their new office here in Newberg. We’re excited to have you in our community!
Next week, we’ll be at PCC Newberg Center – we can't wait to see you all there! #Community #Newberg #ChamberEvents #communitystrong #networking #greeters
New artwork has been installed! Join us this Friday, November 1 for Artwalk with John & Maida Cummings. With light refreshments and wine by @duckpondcellars, you don't want to miss it!
Huge thank you to Chehalem Valley Dance Academy for hosting Greeters this morning! The incredible support they provide to local non-profits through their annual Nutcracker fundraiser is pretty amazing. Keep an eye out for their upcoming performances, and make sure to grab your tickets quickly!
Next week, we’re excited to gather at the recently opened Cascade Hasson Sotheby’s Realty office in Newberg. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
@iheartcvdamac #ChehalemValley #SupportLocal #NutcrackerFundraiser #CommunityImpact #ChehalemValleyDanceAcademy #ShopLocal #NewbergEvents #Greeters #ChamberCommunity #SeeYouThere #CascadeHassonSothebys
Big thanks to Allegra for a fun and welcoming Greeters at their incredible print shop this morning! Thanks for showing us some of those amazing machines in action. Be sure to reach out to Allegra for any of your printing needs.
Next week, we’re heading to Chehalem Valley Dance Academy, where we’ll learn more about this local dance studio and their annual Nutcracker fundraiser, which supports local non-profits, including A Family Place. We hope to see you there!
@allegra.newberg @iheartcvda @familyplacerelief #SupportLocal #ChehalemValleyChamber #AllegraPrinting #Greeters #CommunityStrong #NutcrackerFundraiser #AFamilyPlace #ChehalemValleyDanceAcademy
Big thanks to Resonate Health Spa for hosting a wonderful Chamber After Hours event! With such a relaxing and warm atmosphere, it was the perfect spot to catch up and connect with everyone. We appreciate your hospitality and dedication to creating a welcoming space for the community.
Looking forward to the next Chamber After Hours in November, hosted by the Allison Inn & Spa! Mark your calendars and join us for another great evening of networking and community.
@resonatehealthspa @allisoninnspa #ChamberAfterHours #SupportLocal #ChehalemValleyChamber #Newberg #ChehalemValley