Who cares about a Total Eclipse? I do... lets plan 2026 with a cruise during the Total eclipse In Ibiza Spain 100% totality, or while cruising around Iceland, 98% totality. Plus you are cruising on a Virgin Cruise line ship. What a great place to see the Eclipse.
August 5 2026 to August 20, 2026. From Portsmouth UK, to Dublin, Glasgow Scotland Isle of Lewis Scotland, 4 stops in Iceland, Edinburgh and back to Portsmouth. Prices from $10402 for Sea View cabin for 2 people. More details to come. This will sell out very quickly so message me fast! [email protected] https://www.virginvoyages.com/book/voyage-planner/pre-checkout?agencyId=409&agentId=40918&bookingChannel=FMLINK&cabins=1¤cy=USD¤cyCode=USD&fromDate=2026-08-01&packageCode=15NWDF&priceType=perCabin&sailors=2&selectedPackages=15NWDF&selectedRegionsIds=EUROPE&shipCode=VL&sortType=date&toDate=2026-08-10&voyageId=VL26080515NWDF