‘Fin-nomenal’ Monday with 5 fin whales (seen on all trips), 1 humpback whale, and 1 minke whale garnished by a dolphin trifecta (commons, bottlenose and risso’s dolphins)!
Taken aboard @eastmeetswest_whale_watching with Capt. Nick
Vertical lunge feeding humpback whale yesterday exercising his/her innate prowess to inhale every anchovy in the ocean.
Don’t miss out - the amount of anchovy that has flooded our local waters in the last 48 hours is astounding. It looks very promising for upcoming trips!
Taken aboard @eastmeetswest_whale_watching with Capt. Nick
Never Have I Ever, until NOW!
Our beloved Patches, is a master of keeping us yearning for more. Often teasing boats with temporary wake surf sessions, or fleeting bow ride interactions. Never have we seen Patches be acrobatic or go aerial in a boat’s wake.
Taken aboard @eastmeetswest_whale_watching with Capt. Nick
We love going exploring this time of year when our gray whale migration may have a void. Time, patience, and persistence rewarded our guests this afternoon when Capt. Nick found the treasure at the end of the rainbow 16.5 miles offshore. Game on!
Preview of our sunset whale watch last night with Capt. Nick. These curious gray whales chose to approach us on their own accord. They showed off for over 20 minutes, engines off. Once in a lifetime encounter. Such temperament is usually only seen in their breeding grounds.
3 trips - 17 gray whales including a pod of 4, and 3 different pods of 3 today!
Our Northbound gray whale migration is flowing with lots of whales including this pod of 4 Capt. Nick found in the morning off of N Laguna Beach aboard @eastmeetswest_whale_watching .
What ensued was nothing short of a once in a lifetime encounter. This is what happens when you mix 4 whales, dolphins, socialization and hormones simultaneously.
Not just 1 male reproductive organ, but 2, nicknamed ‘pink floyd.’ The intensity of mating whales while socializing with dolphins right next to our boat was fierce and elegant. A day we will never forget.
Cruising the wild side!
Thank you Jaime, Kathy, Austin, Travis, and Brandon for joining @eastmeetswest_whale_watching with Capt. Nick for a remarkable birthday soaking!
This family loves the thrill of the exploration, the anticipation of the unknown, and appreciates all that our wild creatures have to reveal.
There is no formula in regards to what we will see, when and where we will encounter them, nor how it will behave. If there was, excitement value would plunder.
Explore. Appreciate. Find your awe.
Video credit @jaime.gardner 🙏
Happy 7th birthday Nicholas! Capt. Nick aboard @eastmeetswest_whale_watching stopped on a footprint marking the surface, after waiting 3 minutes, this gray whale breached 4x for us!
What an incredible day on the water yesterday with Capt. Nick - sunny skies, flat calm seas, snow capped mountains on the horizon, and gray whales cruising the beaches!
1 turns into 2 turns into 3. 3 giant fin whales devouring anchovies with thousands of dolphins. Don’t miss out guys, our Fall program of Humpback whales and Fin whales is here. Never know how long it will last. Call/text Capt. Nick (949) 201-5650 or click on link in bio to book.
Fall is our favorite time of year as water temperatures drop, biomasses of anchovies concentrate, and humpback whales close behind. Let’s go find some humpback whales!
Sunday was epic with humpback whales on all 3 trips aboard @eastmeetswest_whale_watching . We were all alone making long runs offshore far beyond the range of other’s abilities, and we were rewarded by our diligence and willingness to explore.