Spring schedule starts May 6th!
We have decided to start charging $2/bag on the boat! This will go into effect on Monday, May 6th. *first bag/ trip is free*. Feel free to consolidate your groceries to reduce your cost. If you plan to have the crew help load and unload your bags, we do ask that you don’t OVERload your bags. Our crew members are strong but they probably don’t want to be lugging a ton of extremely heavy bags.
As you all are probably aware, our commuter pass price increases on May 6th as well. For anyone that has not purchased their tickets at the discounted rate and would like to do so, you can mail a check to our PO Box and we will mail them to you or hold them until you can pick them up. Alternatively, you can purchase them right on the boat. We aren’t currently able to process payments over the phone, sorry!
We hope you all have a wonderful week. ☀️
Our mailing address:
PO Box 33
Great Cranberry Isles
ME 04625