Ocala 2035 Vision

Ocala 2035 Vision The purpose is to gain an understanding about how the community would like the City of Ocala to look and function in the future. www.ocala2035vision.org

The purpose of the Ocala 2035 Vision is to describe how the community wants the City to look and function in the future. The visioning process evaluated and answered the following key questions regarding community
building in Ocala for the year 2035 and beyond:
• How do people move around the community?
• How are the streets designed, used, and connected?
• What is the relationship of buildings to

• What do the buildings, neighborhoods, commercial districts, and open spaces look like? The recommendations of the Ocala 2035 Vision will be used to establish priorities for future decision-making. The Ocala 2035 Vision provides a road map for the future, built upon community consensus to promote continued
support and implementation over time. To obtain diverse community feedback and encourage public participation, the City of Ocala invited key community members to participate on the “Community Form & Design Visioning Leadership Group”. The Leadership
Group was a diverse group of citizens, responsible for actively encouraging other citizens to actively participate in the visioning process. It evaluated all public comments and feedback received during public meetings and
prepared the final Ocala 2035 Vision Plan recommendations and implementation strategies for presentation to the City of Ocala City Council. The Ocala 2035 Vision represents a composite of ideas generated by the Leadership Group and the public through public meetings, workshops, and a two-day design conference. It reflects broad views from the community of
how Ocala will be viewed in the future regarding its physical character and function. The following vision principles describe what “Ocala Is” to be in the year 2035 and beyond:
…a community of natural and man-made beauty
…a community of neighborhoods
…a vibrant hub of residential, retail, office, governmental, cultural, and entertainment activity
…the County Seat, a vitally active center for regional employment in Marion County
…a city with viable mobility options for all citizens and visitors
…a city that welcomes residents and visitors through attractive gateways that invite people to experience our dynamic and friendly community
The Ocala 2035 Vision Implementation Strategies provide action plans and recommendations to support and achieve the Vision. Implementation strategies include the following:
1. Adopt the Ocala 2035 Vision by resolution and as a component of the Ocala Comprehensive Plan
2. Evaluate and prioritize all Planning and Capital Improvement Projects to support implementation of the Ocala 2035 Vision.
3. Initiate Comprehensive Plan Amendments to be consistent with the Ocala 2035 Vision.
4. Continue Leadership Group participation as champions of the Vision.
5. Use the Ocala 2035 Vision to guide the development review process

What types of shops and/or restaurants would you like to see in downtown??

What types of shops and/or restaurants would you like to see in downtown??


As a continuation of the Ocala 2035 Vision, the West Ocala Community Plan is the city’s first specific planning area study.

There is currently a Business Revitalization & Accessibility Grant Program for any businesses in the West Ocala Community or CRA. Each property is eligible for up to $15,000 in 75:25 matching funds to be used for property improvements. A maximum of $50,000 is available in the current program. The application can be found at the link below and is due on July 10th!


Meeting of the minds on some exciting things happening Ocala!

Meeting of the minds on some exciting things happening Ocala!

The 2035 Leadership Group discussing the Gibbs Downtown retail study and the West Ocala redevelopment project- love seei...

The 2035 Leadership Group discussing the Gibbs Downtown retail study and the West Ocala redevelopment project- love seeing what our community could look like!

Do you want a parking garage  downtown? Or do you think the funds should be used for something else? Check out this surv...

Do you want a parking garage downtown? Or do you think the funds should be used for something else? Check out this survey and come to the stakeholders meeting to discuss the options!

Happy Thanksgiving Ocala!

Happy Thanksgiving Ocala!

Vote today!!

Vote today!!


2035 leadership committee meeting! How do you feel about some of the changes being made downtown?


Leadership group meeting on form based code!


The second step in the City's Wayfinding Program (creating branding, logo and signage for Ocala) has begun and the following meetings are open to the public to show options that were developed from the meeting in Feb. All are open to the public!

Monday, April 23, 2012
Public Meetings
City Hall, City Council Chambers (2nd Floor)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm or 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
City Council Workshop
City Hall, City Council Chambers (2nd Floor)
11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Public Meeting
City Hall, City Council Chambers (2nd Floor)
151 S.E. Osceola Avenue
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm


Don't forget the Wayfinding Program public meetings this week:
Monday, Feb 27 Hall council chambers 3:00-4:30pm
Monday, Feb 27 @ IHMC 6:00-7:30 pm
Tuesday, Feb 28 @ City Hall council chambers 9:00-10:30am

The Wayfinding Program is working with the City to create a unified and consistent image and identity for the City.


2035 meeting! What would you pick as a slogan for Ocala?


Ocala 2035 leadership meeting. Discussing the proposed future land use changes

Visioning group looks at how Ocala should look in 25 years | Ocala.com

Here is a great article about the presentation to city council on tues. Check it out and let us know how you feel!

The Ocala Vision 2035 Leadership Group presented to the City Council on Tuesday its vision of how the residents of Ocala would like the city to look in 25 years. That vision stresses the desire to connect people using all modes of transportation, to create specific areas for high- and low-intensity ...

Ocala 2035 Vision Video

Check out this video from the leadership committee that Todd Rudnianyn helped put together!

The purpose of the Ocala 2035 Vision project is to develop a long term vision for the community's physical characteristics. The Visioning process will express the community's desired future through visual and functional elements of urban form and design.


Today the Ocala 2035 Leadership Group presents the Vision to the City Council during a workshop today! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the process!


Today is the last Ocala 2035 leadership meeting before we present the vision to City Council... very exciting!

Editorial: Of the people, by the people | Ocala.com

Check out this editorial about Ocala 2035... come to the City Wide Design Conference on the 6 and 7 and have your opinion heard!!!

The city is trying to put together a plan for what Ocala should look like in 25 years through the Ocala 2035 Vision initiative. The city's planning team, the blue-ribbon Citizen Leadership Group and urban planning consultants VHB MillerSellen are all coordinating to draw the community an outline of ...

Ocala 2035 Vision - Home

CITY OF OCALA 2035 VISION CITY WIDE DESIGN CONFERENCE—AUGUST 6 & 7 Come and participate in planning for the future of YOUR City on August 6 and 7, 2010 at the College of Central Florida, Ewers Century Center, 3001 SW College Road. Friday, August 6 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday, August 7 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please come for all or part of any session. Free Lunch will be provided on Friday. This is an opportunity to participate in interactive design sessions with the City and its Citizen Leadership Group and Urban Planning Consultants. Conference is free. Please call Peggy Cash at 629-8287 to register if you’re having lunch on Friday

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Emerging Leaders of Ocala will welcome the City of Ocala at their lunch and learn today from 11:30-1:00 at United Way of Marion County. Hoping to learn what will keep and attract Young Professionals to Marion County. What is your opinion?

Visioning plan looks at future of parks | Ocala.com

Article on the Parks & Recs Visioning meeting. Read it and post what you want more of in Ocala at your parks.

By 2035 there should be more walking, biking and fitness trails in the city of Ocala's park system, if the people's wishes are honored. There might be a few splash parks and a skate park or two, as well.


All are invited!!!! Tonight there will be a public discussion of ideas and opportunities concerning the City of Ocala Recreation and Parks Master Plan.The Workshop will be held at the Ocala Golf Club Banquet Room or MUNI( 3130 E. Silver Springs Boulevard). Visit www.ocalavision.org to learn more. Its very important to have YOUR input on this plan.


Heard from some high school kids about things they wanted to see in Ocala and these were some of their responses: more things for teenagers to do so that so many don't get into trouble, more sidewalks so that people don't get hit and more street lamps for safety. Pretty great suggestions... can you beat those?


Leadership Group


City-Wide Kickoff Workshop


Ocala, FL




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