To the Gal who doesn’t even know what to ask for this Christmas, who feels like it won’t even make a difference anyway.
You are a Beautiful, loved creation. Spend some time reading about the Strong, Loving, Forgiving Father who desires a relationship with you in every moment of your day. You could start at the beginning; Genesis has some serious family drama that will make yours seem mild. You could pick Luke or John, accounts of God on earth, how He lived, what He did for you. If that all seems daunting, pick Psalm or Proverbs and just read one chapter, todays date perhaps to make it easy.
If you can’t come up with a perfect Christmas list, that’s okay too. No one’s life was ever altered by a Christmas gift, well except for that first one. It changed my life pretty significantly.
Nope, black leggings or a new shirt or just a pattern that makes you smile won’t change your life much, but it might change your mood, and sometimes that can make a rather significant difference.