How to read, understand the commission a broker is charging you! It’s up to you to decide if the deal you’re getting is good or not. Brokers in our opinion, take all the profit out of the trip. Reduced funds makes captains cut back on the throttles and keeps you from getting the best your captain has to offer.
Trip price is $1350. The due now is $324. That is a whopping 24% commission. If you base the commission on the $1,471.50, that’s a 22% commission. The service fee is just another added cost for you the consumer. This booking website for example used to call it a tax until they got exposed. Now it’s called a fee. Either way, it’s costing you the consumer more money and possibly a good fishing experience.
Solution- Book direct with the boat that doesn’t force you to use a broker. This way, you will get the trip you expect!