Biblical Study Tours

Biblical Study Tours Imagine walking where Jesus walked, hearing His words anew, seeing the illustrations from everyday l

Seek the True Bread of Life!Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sa...

Seek the True Bread of Life!

Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. Matthew 16:6-7

Jesus Christ was talking about a very important matter to His disciples in the opening scripture, but they were too distracted by arguing about the bread they had forgotten to take with them! This too is common in today’s fellowship and church services that offer food. While the pastor is preaching, people’s minds are wandering off thinking about the snack!

Beloved, God already knows our human needs for food, clothing, shelter, and all other things before we even ask. But He wants us to come to Him for Who He is (John 6:26)! He longs for our deep connection and fellowship and wants our ears to be attentive to His Words!

Be a seeker of the True Bread (John 6:35)!

Prayer point:
Lord Jesus, as I seek You first and give all my attention to You, I thank You for making me more sensitive to Your voice and Your words.

I don’t have to worry about anything else in my life because You already know it. I am confident that all these things will just follow as I seek You first and truly enjoy a wonderful relationship with You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Dont Miss Out! Sign Up for our weekly eNews and stay in the know.

The Blumhagen Report - Sunday, July 30, 2023   It's almost Good Bye July, As July comes to a close, it's time to reflect on what we've accomplished and where we can improve, individually and collectiv


Jesus Is Calling. .


Happy Mindset Monday y’all!

You Are Invited
Just Pray is:
A 10 minute FREE Prayer Call
This and Every Monday Morning at 7 AM (ET)

Access Code - 658049 #

Replay Conference Call #
Access Code: 658049 #

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Dont Miss Another Nothing ... Sign Up for our Weekly eNews-letter

The Blumhagen Report July 23, 2023 July Is Always A Good Time for a Check-Up Bernadine Blumhagen (Jon's Mom) July 20, 1932 - January 13, 2012 Losing someone you love is NEVER easy, and yet it is neces

Wise People Plan, So Let Us Help You “Get YOUR House In Order” Contact us TODAY to schedule a complimentary “Munch & Lea...

Wise People Plan, So Let Us Help You

“Get YOUR House In Order”
Contact us TODAY to schedule a complimentary “Munch & Learn”
w/ The Program Lady @
featuring 5 Wishes & More

… “This is what the Lord says:
Set your affairs in order, for you are going to die. … .””

Consider This:
1. Who Will Make Decisions If You Can’t?
2. What Kind of Medical Treatment Do You Want or Not Want?
3. How Comfortable Do You Want to Be?
4. How Do You Want to be Treated?
5. What Do You Want Your Loved Ones to Know?

To Learn More About 5 Wishes,
Visit: https:FiveWishes’org

To schedule your complimentary
“Munch & Learn” w/ The Program Lady
contact us: @

“A wise person thinks a lot about death, while a fool thinks only about having a good time.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭7‬:‭4‬

Walk wisely every day. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the d...

Walk wisely every day.

See then that ye walk circumspectly,
not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16 KJV

When the Bible says that the days are evil, it means that deception is rampant and that no one is heeding the truths and standards of God anymore!

Take a look at our generation today—wrong is being called right, and truth is exchanged for what is false, and it is accepted by all!

Children are confused regarding sexuality, marriages are being reformed according to men’s laws, and the world is rejecting the knowledge of God and its moral principles!

Beloved, history repeats itself, and the things that have happened in the believers’ lives in the past are happening today in a modern version!

The Apostle Paul’s words are still relevant; he said to live wisely in these evil days and take every opportunity to shine the light of Christ! More than anything, strengthen your inner man and your relationship with God and walk in obedience to His voice.

Your life is a lamp and a light to someone who is not reading the Bible! Let the Living Word in you shine and glorify Christ!

You are His hope of glory! Praise be to God!

Prayer point:
My Lord and my God, the King of all kings, no matter what is going on with the world, You remain the same!

You sit enthroned at the highest, and You watch over all the people! Your eyes are on those who seek You, walk according to Your will and Your ways, trust in You, and depend on You with their lives.

I pray not just for myself but for all the believers to walk as wise and not as fools as we obey Your voice in Jesus’ name. Amen!


Jesus Is Calling. What will YOUR response be?

You Are Invited to

Just Pray is:
A 10 minute FREE Prayer Call
This and Every Monday Morning at 7 AM (ET)

Access Code - 658049 #

Replay Conference Call #
Access Code: 658049 #

Deaf are welcome, and can join through VRI (Video Relay Interpreter)

Got Courage??? Free-Share / Please Share -

Got Courage???
Free-Share / Please Share -

The Blumhagen Report 7/16/2023   UNLEASH YOUR INNER COURAGE TODAY! STRENGTH, COURAGE and WISDOM Do you feel limited by your fears? Do you want to live life to the fullest, but often find yourself over


Happy Mindset Monday
Pray … You Are Invited
A 10 minute FREE Prayer Call
This and Every Monday Morning at 7 AM (ET)

Access Code - 658049 #

Replay Conference Call #
Access Code: 658049 #

Deaf are welcome, and can join through VRI (Video Relay Interpreter)

OOPS! I forgot, then I remembered.

OOPS! I forgot, then I remembered.

The Blumhagen Report - 7/2/2023   Oops! I Forgot, Then I Remembered!   Click Here to learn more Style By Color Christian Image Consulting Remembered It Just in Time! So last week I was in Tampa with


. To answer,


The Maker of Heaven and Earth is
mindful of you! Imagine that!

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?
And the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:4

Few people in the world truly know their value and worth because they don’t seek the truth in the Bible. The Scripture says that God is mindful of us. He thinks about us and cares for us.

The Maker of the universe, the Creator of all creation, is thinking about us out of all the things He has made!

If people knew that Heavenly Father cares enough to mind and think of them, nobody would need to feel lonely, abandoned, unloved, and uncared for. Truly, the Word of God is so vital that without knowledge of such, we will perish (Hosea 4:6)!

Beloved, you know the wonderful truth and the precious promises of God in your life because you are His child. You know that in all things you do, the Father is looking at you with radiant and compassionate eyes because He is mindful of you and cares about you.

Beloved, how about sharing this marvelous truth with a broken soul today? Perhaps the Holy Spirit will lead someone to you today so that you may share the Father's heart with them.

Bless you, and bless God!

Prayer point:
Heavenly Father, such knowledge is too great for me that You are mindful of someone like me! Thank You for being so caring and kind toward me! You even visit me and have made me a dwelling place of Your Spirit!

Who am I to deserve so much love?

I pray that I can share Your love with the brokenhearted today and bring back Your lost sons and daughters in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Happy Father's Day ... we celebrate you today because ...

Happy Father's Day ... we celebrate you today because ...

Let's Celebrate Fathers that Father and Pray for ...   Donate Here     Happy Father's Day we're praying both with and for you because father-ing God's way, is NOT for the faint. Any Questions?



No more tears and pain.And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorr...

No more tears and pain.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4 (KJV)

God promises us through His Word that there will be no heartaches, pains, sorrows, or crying one day. He will wipe away all our tears, and the former things in our lives shall pass away.

Everything in this life is short and temporary. What we suffer now – for the sake of Christ and the Gospel and as God’s children – is nothing compared to the glory that will soon be revealed (Romans 8:18).

Beloved, no matter how hard life may be for you right now, how painful all those heartaches may become, and how many countless tears fall on your pillow every night, find hope in this truth—that God shall wipe away all tears from your eyes.

Don’t ever give up doing good.

Continue to follow Christ because He is worthy. Heavenly Father is so proud of you!

Prayer point:

Abba Father, I thank You that someday You will wipe away all the tears, pain, and sorrows of my life. While I experience them now for the sake of Christ and His righteousness, I don’t have to dwell on these temporary events of life. I fix my eyes on Jesus Christ and look forward to the day when all former things shall pass away in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Jesus Is Calling. to Answer.


Your light is meant to shine.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16 (KJV)

Do you sometimes find yourself holding back from doing good deeds or showing kindness for some reason? It is true—some people around you can be intimidated when you take initiative, show concern, or voice what you think is right or wrong with the intent of seeking what’s best for everyone. Well, there may be a few like this, but there are far more people who are looking forward to kindness, genuineness, sincerity, and courage from you.

Beloved, lights are meant to shine in dark places so that others can see. Don’t allow a few people to hinder you from doing what the Holy Spirit is whispering to your heart. The truth is that you are called to shine your light before men so that they will see the goodness of God in you, and this glorifies the Father. You are a light in this world, so shine!

Prayer point:
Lord Jesus, thank You for being the light of my life. As You commanded that I be salt and light in this world, I don’t have to hold myself back from shining Your light. I want people to witness Your goodness and glorify Abba Father through my deeds.

Thank You for setting the example for me to follow so that I may continue Your work here on earth and win souls back to Your heart in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Jesus Is Calling. Answer.


Living in LOVE is Living in God!

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16 (KJV)

One of the greatest realities of living the new life in Christ is unlimited living in the presence of God! The Maker of Heaven and Earth, the One Who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-seeing, is living inside you! And many people in this world are living unaware of this reality because they choose to wallow in hate, bitterness, and the lies of the world rather than savor the Truth of God and His Word.

Beloved, as you walk in love today, may you touch a soul as God dwells in you.

You are His vessel of love, and wherever you go, in Christ Jesus you have the opportunity to touch a life, save a soul, encourage a broken heart, and set free a tormented soul (Luke 4:18-19).

As you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you today, know that your Heavenly Father is watching over you from above with a big smile on His face.

Prayer Point:
Heavenly Father, as I choose to walk in love today, thank You for Your presence in me.

You are there wherever I go, never leaving me or forsaking me. I choose to shine the light of Christ today with the help of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Jesus Is Calling. Answer …


Jesus Is Calling. and Answer.


On this Memorial Day 2023
Jesus Is Calling Us to
Will You Answer?

It’s all about your
So, You Are Invited
To a 10 minute FREE Prayer Call
This and Every Monday Morning at 7 AM (ET)

Access Code - 658049 #

If you miss it. The
Replay Conference Call # is:
Access Code: 658049 #

Deaf are welcome, and can join through VRI (Video Relay Interpreter)

Do YOU Need More Power???

Do YOU Need More Power???

Happy Pentecost Sunday!   Donate Here   Happy Pentecost Sunday!!! So, What Is Pentecost Sunday? Pentecost is the annual Christian festival commemorating the descent of The Holy Spirit on the di


Do You Love His Name?

“Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee.”
Song of Solomon 1:3 (KJV)

The name of Jesus Christ is a name that will continue to reign forever. It is The Name of the Most High, The Great King Who created the whole universe.

God has highly exalted The Name of Jesus above all the names in heaven and earth (Philippians 2:9–11).

The good thing is that He has given The Name of Jesus to all who believe in Him so they can use His name.

Beloved, believers who use The Name can testify that it is more than a gift of an ointment (Mark 16:16-18).

By this name prayers are answered.
At the mention of His name, devils and demons flee, and sicknesses disappear when The Name is invoked.

Dear beloved, love The Name of Jesus Christ and use it to get solutions to your challenges. The Name is holy and loves holiness and obedience; therefore, keep yourself holy and The Name will continually work for you.

Hallelujah! Be Loving!

Prayer Point: My dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank You for giving us Your Name to use. Indeed, Your Name is more than an ointment. It is so powerful that when it is mentioned, prayers are answered, demons and devils flee and sicknesses disappear.

I love Your Name and will continually use it to get all the solutions I need. Amen!


This is an OLD picture, but my NEW FB Profile as of today 5/20/2023, because I got spammed again. Why they wanna be me? Just BeYou! I’m and you obviously don’t know my story.

Anyhews, The Table you see denotes a Summer Series of Conversational Sign Language Classes that I’ll be starting soon. Should I save you a seat at the table?

Text or Message me for details.


God Is Willing to Bless You!

“And therefore will the Lord wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you:
for the Lord is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him.” Isaiah 30:18 (KJV)

The Word of God is very transparent in the fact that God is willing to bless His children. He is waiting for the right time to bless you if you are His child (Genesis 18:10).

The question is, are you willing to wait on Him to be blessed? Waiting on the Lord is not easy, but the Word of God has given us the key to enabling us to do this.

Beloved, the key to God’s blessings is to keep praising Him while waiting. When you praise Him, He gives you the grace, through His mercy, to enjoy every moment of the waiting.

At the right time, He comes to judge and reward you for your patience and faith in Him (Hebrews 11:6). He is truly a gracious God; therefore, learn to celebrate Him, for He is ever-willing to bless you. Hallelujah! Be An Overcomer!

Prayer Point: My precious Father, thank You for Your Word of exhortation. Indeed, You are willing to bless me, so I have no cause to worry. Please give me the heart of patience to wait while You prepare the best for me in Jesus’ name. Amen!


Jesus Is Calling. Answer.


Happy Mindset Monday … Jesus Is Calling, and you are invited to

A 10 minute FREE Prayer Call
This and every Monday Morning at 7 AM (ET)

Access Code - 658049 #

Replay Conference Call #
Access Code: 658049 #

Deaf are welcome, and can join through VRI (Video Relay Interpreter)

I'll ALWAYS Love My Momma!!!

I'll ALWAYS Love My Momma!!!

Praying for your heart today ... Happy Mother's Day Here are a few of my favorite quotes IN-JOY!!   When your mother asks, 'Do you want a piece of advice?' It is a mere formality. It doesn't matter if


This post is for every woman / every mother / every father / every man / every child / every student out their struggling. Be nice to you, and
Don’t you dare give up!!!


Jesus Is Calling on this Fabulous Friday. Answer.


I came home from work and went to work. Exhausted but so happy I get to teach Deaf Culture & Sign Language amongst a few of God’s most precious Ambassadors.


Where Is Your Refuge?

“But let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because Thou defendest them: let them also that love Thy name be joyful in Thee.” Psalm 5:11 (KJV)

The safest place to take refuge is in Christ Jesus. He is the revelation of God in this dispensation. No human being has ever seen God, but He has revealed Himself in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God is pleased to have His fullness dwell in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9).

Dear beloved, those who take refuge in Jesus Christ will be glad; they will sing for joy, they are protected, and they rejoice (John 14:20). What could be better than this?

Hold on to Jesus Christ, trust in Him, and enjoy the many blessings He has in store for you. Hallelujah! Be Blessed!

Prayer Point: My dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for being a refuge for me. Indeed, I live in You, and You live in the Father; therefore, it is impossible for the enemy to get me.

I’m grateful for what You have done for me, and I will continue to rejoice in You. Amen!


On this Tip Tuesday, Jesus Is Calling. Answer.
And stop sweating all your mistakes.
God’s got you.
Lean into Him with total TRUST.


Happy Mindset Monday …

You Are Invited
A 10 minute FREE Prayer Call
Every Monday Morning at 7 AM (ET)

Access Code - 658049 #

Replay Conference Call #
Access Code: 658049 #

Deaf are welcome, and can join through VRI (Video Relay Interpreter)


595 West Church Street , #401
Orlando, FL


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