Each Spring, the front yard at Little Owl sprouts a kaleidoscope of vibrant color. In order: Trillium, Oregon Grape (Mahonia), Calypso Orchid, Dogwood.
The volcanic peaks get all the attention out here, but the stuff beneath the tree canopy is every bit as breathtaking.
That’s a good thing to keep in mind this summer. As you might know, Mt. Rainier National Park is soon introducing a timed-entry system to mitigate overcrowding. That’s nothing to get too anxious about if you’re considering a visit this way. The stuff surrounding the park is just as magnificent—and much less traveled—if you know where to go.
Stay with us, we’ll make sure you get there!
This is a Little Owl "after and before." You'll wanna watch the whole reel to see how far this space has come from its depressing origins.
As the owners and hosts, it's hard for us to see any of the magic in our spaces. On the wrong day, walking up to one of our cabins nearly induces panic attacks. We know these spaces too well to see much else but a lengthy punchlist of physical needs and wish list items.
It's helpful to look back at the Zillow listing photos, especially for the OG Little Owl. This is where we cut our teeth in basic home improvement. We didn't exactly nail it on the first try, and a lot of the stuff we were proud of in 2016 became straight-up embarrassing as our skills leveled up.
If you're among the thousands of guests who have stayed here since 2015, you might not recognize this space today. Out with IKEA, in with Modernica, Herman Miller, BluDot, and all new kitchen appliances, just for starters. We're constantly nipping/tucking/reconstructing this space, and there are still plenty of improvements in the pipeline [sigh].
If you’re staying at our Marmot, Chickaree or Pika cabins, you best expect a few trespassers.