Massage Therapy Success Academy

Massage Therapy Success Academy See more clients. Get better results. Receive more referrals. Success strategies & inspiration for Massage Therapists wanting to create more abundance.

I have met countless therapists in the massage groups who are barely scraping by financially. Many feel like they are being exploited by their employers. Others feel suffocated by an overall lack of freedom. I've also witnessed the other side. I've seen, first hand, what it takes to succeed in our industry. It requires mental toughness, a lot of hustle, and the ability to think outside the box. Un

fortunately, most of our education (including our continuing education!) is designed to keep people IN the box! Unfortunately, most of the advice I see in the groups will keep therapists mentally soft! Unfortunately, I have consistently witnessed "veteran therapists" advise against, or even admonish newer therapists for having a lot of hustle! With so much misinformation out there, it's no wonder we have such terrible numbers (median income, burn out rate, therapists having to work multiple jobs etc) as a profession! I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to help people out of pain for a career, and am very grateful to be making an excellent living doing it. I have a wonderful life, and I owe it to our industry. This academy is my effort to give back. My goals are to share secrets, shortcuts and winning strategies I have discovered, and to help you boost yourself to a level of success that you might've thought you could never get to. Let my experience guide you, and spare you from experiencing some of the pains I went through to get where I am. Let me help you OUT OF the box they've shoved you in. This academy is my life's work; I hope it contributes massively to your success, and it will help you create the life you have always wanted!

ANSWER: You don't. Instead, you fix your mentality and understand that YOUR CLIENT is paying you for the time they are i...

ANSWER: You don't.

Instead, you fix your mentality and understand that YOUR CLIENT is paying you for the time they are in session.

If you care about keeping them as a client, then you do what they need done, not whatever you feel like doing.

You learn more techniques,figure out how to be more thorough with that area, and become an absolute expert at treating it. (Often this will mean you'll need to work adjacent or related areas, but that's obviously different than a full body)

Or, you can mentally check out and plan your day, daydream or fantasize about what you'll do when you're off work lol.

But you don't take a client who is telling you what they need and try to change their mind...

That is a fast way to lose them, and is also a disservice to the massage industry because they'll lose trust in the rest of us.

The fact that this mentality exists in our industry is the very reason I (and others) have been able to make such a good living off of site-specific work.

On second thought, ignore my advice above and send these clients to us instead 😉

NEVER FORGET.We continued to hustle. We dealt with the criticism, condemnation and social ostricization from our so-call...


We continued to hustle.

We dealt with the criticism, condemnation and social ostricization from our so-called leaders and peers.

While all those bums were voluntarily letting their practices fall apart, and demanding that we do the same... we continued to struggle through.

And today, with almost every massage forum inundated with "how do I hire" questions, and "I'm booked for three months out" posts on a daily basis... our point has finally been proven...

The ones who stuck to their conviction, ate all the criticisms, and WORKED are the ones who are now PROSPERING beyond belief!

Welcome to the Winner's Circle 😉

Always remember what we had to go through to get here.

As the years go by, I'm seeing this nonsense more and more in our profession. If we want to do better in our businesses,...

As the years go by, I'm seeing this nonsense more and more in our profession.

If we want to do better in our businesses, we have to learn actual business skills.

There is a lot to be said for knowing your audience. You can learn all the fancy modalities you want... but sometimes, t...

There is a lot to be said for knowing your audience.

You can learn all the fancy modalities you want... but sometimes, the basics have a stronger appeal LOL


A new client asked our prices on a phone call.

Her response after I told her... "omg that's terribly expensive!"

Me: "Actually that's not even close to expensive. The average in omaha is x, and our work is way above average. How did you find us?"

Client: "Google search."

Me: "did you see our reviews?"

Client: "yes that's why I called."

Me: "see what I mean?"

Client: "yes let's set it up."

In business, YOU set the tone.

They called YOU.


I just got done doing a consultation and it inspired me to share a piece of advice...

It is perfectly ok for you to carve out 5-10 minutes of a first-time appt to do an intake consultation... ESPECIALLY if that client is there for pain relief.

Trust me, they won't care, and it will make the likelihood of them rebooking WAY more probable.

That's all!

I swear the things I see in our industry when it comes to "business advice..."To succeed in practice, you really only ne...

I swear the things I see in our industry when it comes to "business advice..."

To succeed in practice, you really only need two things.

1) A reliable method of getting new clients into your office, and

2) A proven system that takes new clients and turns them into multi-session regulars.

That's it.

If you DON'T have both of these in place... then reach out and I'm happy to help!

In business, there are two main ways to create freedom for yourself....1) Build something that extends beyond just you. ...

In business, there are two main ways to create freedom for yourself....

1) Build something that extends beyond just you. That means hiring, training, and leading.

2) Create a valuable enough service to charge an incredibly high amount. That means raising your rates, utilizing enhancements, and/or selling high ticket programs that focus on a desired outcome.

Regardless of which road you choose, there are a few skills that are absolutely paramount.

A couple of the biggest ones are branding and client communication that reinforces that brand.

Once you know how to consistently acquire new clients who are in line with your mission (marketing) and can reliably convert them into frequent regulars (rebooking)... the sky is the limit.

Fly high, my friend!

Success is being able to live life how you want.For me that means being home when my daughter gets off daycare, and taki...

Success is being able to live life how you want.

For me that means being home when my daughter gets off daycare, and taking her outside to explore.

She loves walking around looking for sticks and rocks... and I love seeing the wonder in her eyes as she learns to see the world!

As I reflect back on my careeer...I went from struggling to find clients, To struggling to stay busy enough,To strugglin...

As I reflect back on my careeer...

I went from struggling to find clients,

To struggling to stay busy enough,

To struggling to fit everybody in,

To struggling to find good therapists,

To struggling to fill their schedules,

To struggling to keep up with all the phone calls, emails, and texts,

To struggling to get other massage therapists to understand the importance of learning BUSINESS SKILLS,

To struggling to manage and expand two separate businesses.

Whatever you're struggling with right now, know that you will find the strength and resourcefulness to overcome it.

And one day, it will seem like a distant memory because you'll be struggling to achieve something even greater.

You got this.

Two Possible Scenarios...1) you get done with a first-time session. The client steps out, and you now have to go into yo...

Two Possible Scenarios...

1) you get done with a first-time session. The client steps out, and you now have to go into your current rebooking process...

For most therapists, this includes going over your findings, possibly making a recommendation, and asking them if they'd like to rebook.

Now consider a second situation...

2) you get done with a first-time session. The client steps out and immediately asks "that was awesome... when is your next available?"

This happens because they ALREADY KNOW what you've found, that it's in their best interest to rebook, and when they need to come back.

I'll take the second scenario any day, and it's what happens at our clinic EVERY SINGLE DAY.


As much as I'd like to say it's because of my amazing skills... it's not.

It happens because we aren't trying to cram a bunch of information into a 5 minute segment at the end of the massage, with a client who is massage-drunk and only thinking about paying and driving home.

Instead, we are educating them on the need to return from the minute they walk in the door, until the end of their session.

Think about this,

If you want to persuade somebody to do something, would you rather have 5 minutes to do that... or a FULL HOUR?

The answer is obvious, yet SO FEW in our industry are structuring their first sessions to make this possible.

Start working toward the rebook from the very beginning of the session, and you'll see a massive increase in not only the percentage of clients who rebook on the spot... but also in how FREQUENTLY they come back!

A side gig can be sustained through skill and word of mouth alone...

But a BUSINESS requires a system that consistently and reliably turns new clients into repeat customers.

Message to MALE MASSAGE THERAPISTSStop whiningRecently I've been seeing some complaining from men in our industry, whini...


Stop whining

Recently I've been seeing some complaining from men in our industry, whining about how women have it "so much easier" when it comes to filling their books.

They blame s*xism. They blame the public. They blame receptionists.

But you know who they don't blame (and who REALLY deserves the blame?)


That's right. If you're not where you want to be in your career, you have only yourself to blame.

Somewhere along the line, you've bought into the weak mentality that there are reasons outside of your control that are limiting your success.

I'm sorry to tell you, but that is a load of bs.

Are there clients who prefer to see women? Yes. But there are also people who prefer to see MEN. Hell, there are still people out there that refuse to see women doctors!

So, if things aren't going your way right now, look within.

Who are you targeting in your marketing? Are they likely to want to see men, or at least have no preference?

Next is the biggest factor...

Do you believe the pervasive mindset that men will have it harder?

If you BELIEVE the odds are stacked against you, then your subconscious will LOOK for things that back up that belief. You know what that leads to?

A defeated mindset, and worst of all EXCUSES. Once you start externally excusing your failures, it is almost impossible to do anything about them because the real cause eludes you.

Did that lady not want to book with you because you're a man, or because your voice sounds like a creep? Have you ever practiced your phone voice?

Was that client uneasy during the massage and not rebook because you are a man, or because you don't know what to say to educate them on WHY they need to rebook? Have you ever learned anything about sales or rebooking? Have you had your delivery critiqued, or AT LEAST practiced it?

There are at least a dozen reasons you're not winning, and none of them are your s*x.

Drop the excuses, and work on improving your self.

We see one question all the time on the groups..."What CEs should I take?"Naturally, it is followed by a storm of differ...

We see one question all the time on the groups...

"What CEs should I take?"

Naturally, it is followed by a storm of different modality and technique class recommendations.

I noticed this trend nearly 5 years ago when I first started participating in the massage forums, and it immediately struck me as a major problem in our industry.

There was such a focus on learning what to do once somebody was on their table, but virtually zero when it came to getting people on their table or how to get them to come back for more sessions.

Those two skills... acquiring clients and gaining repeat business are literally the lifeblood to ANY business!

So over the years, I've done my best to educate our industry in these two key components... hoping that I could help even a handful of therapists be more successful and build sustainable businesses.

The good news... after an entire year of hard times, and a ton of therapists I've interacted with over the years are not only still in business, but are absolutely KILLING IT! I'm seeing people on my friends list and in my group reporting having some of the best months they've ever had, and it is super inspiring.

The bad news... I've seen a lot of mts who never invested in business skills have to close their businesses or leave the industry altogether over the past year.

Worse, I'm STILL seeing this awful trend of focusing more on techniques in the massage community as a whole.

It's like watching lambs line up for the slaughter. Because when hard times hit, as we've just seen, it will be BUSINESS SKILLS that get you through them.

When the pool of people actively searching for massage therapists gets smaller... it will be the ones who know how to actively acquire clients who survive.

When people are cutting back... it will be the mts who know how to SELL clients on rebooking that are able to succeed.

Your skills on the table might get you through in good times, but your business skills will get you through the bad ones.

Countertops are in!Now, to add some COLOR...

Countertops are in!

Now, to add some COLOR...


Do you have any choices you've made recently you are proud of?

Any big choices coming up soon?


Brainstorming ways I can GAMIFY my business to further increase my therapist's engagement, job satisfaction, and performance...

If you're unfamiliar with the term, it basically means incorporating reward systems that are found in video games into your business culture.

I was reading an article about video game addiction (no comment on WHY lol) and a particular line stood out to me:

"Video games do an excellent job at giving the player A REASON to continue to play."

Why did that hit me so hard? Because I've had therapists who were fully booked, and were making good money with me, but they STILL faded off and became unhappy enough to start asking "what's next?"

I wasn't giving them "a reason to keep playing."

We're all kind of like that; we don't want to feel like we've topped out. Human beings yearn to achieve MORE.

And that's certainly not just relating to earning more money. It expands into so many territories. There are a ton of areas that you can gamify...

Boss recognition.
Peer recognition.
Skill development.
Visceral reminders of purpose.
Helping a larger number of ppl.
Money rewards.

I'm currently working on a plan to implement at least two of these for our upcoming Q1 meeting.

Do you do anything like this for yourself or your staff?


UPDATE on my newest therapist...

3 weeks in, and she had to expand her availability because she is BOOKED!

I'm so proud of her!

I'm also proud of myself because my interviewing/onboarding/training process is getting more and more refined.

combined with hands-on technique training for the win!


One of the most liberating things to say to a new client during the initial appointment...

"I don't know."

Often, people in pain tell us their entire situation about every little thing wrong with their body.

Naturally, they want answers.

But I've found that what they want even more is HONESTY.

So for example, when a client is asking me exactly what is wrong with a pain in their wrist, knee, or some joint-related condition... I have no qualms about telling them I'm a neuromuscular specialist and don't know what is causing their joint pain.

Luckily, that's usually their secondary concern, and the primary is one of The Big Three (back, neck or hips)

When you don't know about something, but are dead-on certain about another, it actually ADDS credibility to you knowing about the primary thing.

So don't be afraid to tell them!


Who ever knew that picking out toilet paper holders and paper towel dispensers was hard???

Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Opinions on this piece I'm considering for my massage clinic?At first I saw a woman relaxing and an abstract mountain sc...

Opinions on this piece I'm considering for my massage clinic?

At first I saw a woman relaxing and an abstract mountain scene.

But after looking for a while, I'm not so sure...


Getting there...Can't wait for the paint!

Getting there...

Can't wait for the paint!

All of the drawers and cabinets cleaned out.Ready for a totally new look!

All of the drawers and cabinets cleaned out.

Ready for a totally new look!


My new therapist and I decided yesterday that she will start TODAY...

And we were already able to fill her first day in under 24 hours!

I'm so excited and can't wait to follow up with her clients to see how it went!

(Cross your fingers for 3/3 rebooked please!)


I'm about to do a consultation on one of my FAVORITE topics...

How to structure an interview for potential therapists!

There is so much strategy that goes into asking the right questions and making sure the interview flows more like a conversation than an interview.

We will also be discussing the process of getting a therapist trained and I can't wait!


What is the most embarrassing or dumb thing you did as a new massage therapist? 🥴

Mine is down below...


What are the three things that define a PERFECT MASSAGE (as a client) for you?


A Massage Therapist asked...

"When hiring other therapists, how do I get clients to want to see them and not just me?"

I've heard this one a lot over the years, and even lived through it myself (several times)

The answer... tighten up your schedule and learn to sell them on seeing your other therapist/s.

Even if it's just for one session.

90% of them will be happy and some will even PREFER your other therapist (watch your ego... it's a GOOD THING 😉😁)

If you are on the fence about hiring, and this is the thing holding you back, listen to me...


Sometimes it seems like the whole world is stacked against you. But it can change in the blink of an eye!

Sometimes it seems like the whole world is stacked against you.

But it can change in the blink of an eye!

Must.. Stay.. Positive..must... stay... positive...MUST. STAY. POSITIVE!

Must.. Stay.. Positive..

must... stay... positive...



1308 Lambert Drive
Papillion, NE


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