The Paris Theater
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Hello, Paris Theater fans!
A little update from the owner as a lot of you have asked why the movies have played as long as they have.
To book a movie, you have to have a clean balance with that particular film studio. Whether it's new movies, or old movies, if there is a balance they won't book it until your balance is zero. That's just how it goes.
No blame to them. They have to keep track of thousands of screens and play weeks across the globe. No easy feat I'm sure.
But, when times are tough for a small business, it can be hard to make that happen. In a perfect world, it would happen.
So, the first few weeks were contractually obligated to play these movies.
After that, we start looking at options.
"Is there a movie opening we want to get, or a movie we missed that we want to catch up on? How much is our balance due? How much is in our account? We also need to pay the electric bill, payroll, taxes, supplies, etc etc etc. Does it make sense to catch up a high balance for a movie that won't do the business that we are currently doing?" Or quite simply, "can we afford it?"
The theater business is a roller coaster. About of ups and downs. Mountains and Valleys. January is always a valley. It's tough to pay the big holiday bills when attendance drops off. Conversely, when big movies open, it's easier to pay the bills from the valley as they aren't as high.
Our film booker even mentioned on the phone yesterday, "well, at least these titles have held in well."
I also had a theater owner reach out to me yesterday. They had already dropped these titles for the January releases, and their comment was "you're doing better business than these movies are doing."
We, of course, want to rotate films on a quicker basis. But, the bills have to be paid in order to keep the titles coming and the lights on.
In short, the last couple of weeks have been more of a strategy. Let's get to 2/14, and open two big movies. And then business will start to climb that mountain again. March always does Jan/Feb combined. April - July are always very good months. So, things are looking up!
We would like to thank those of you who are still coming to these titles, especially if you've already seen them. And those of you stopping in to pick up popcorn for home. Our fans have always been amazing and supportive!
Today I worked on booking a big movie for 2/14. Monday I hope to be able to book another one for the same date. So, please stay tuned! We're almost out of the valley of January and a lot of fun is on its way!
Thank you for your time and understanding.
-Brent Barnhart
Paris Theater