A Treat from Glendalough 💚🌿
#culturehoneytouring #celticwaypilgrimages #sacredireland #ireland #glendalough
Following the invitation...
#CultureHoneyTouring #culturehoney
#pilgrimageislife #kauai
26 seconds of deepening…#CultureHoneyTouring #celticwaypilgrimages #sacredireland #glendalough
Part of being on pilgrimage is finding welcoming spaces like this one at Glendalough Green 💚🌿 #CultureHoneyTouring #celticwaypilgrimages #ireland #sacredireland #glendalough
Come and journey with us! Iona, Scotland, Fall, 2023 or Spring 2024 or Sacred Ireland, Fall 2024!
This video was taken today and is from a favorite sacred place that we visit in Ireland at the mid-point of our pilgrimage.….
#culturehoneytouring #celticwaypilgrimages
#sacredireland #ionascotland
#celticchristianity #pilgrimage
🎥 Georgia Sanders
A cozy fire in a lovely Irish hotel…#CultureHoneyTouring #culturehoney #sacredireland #ireland #dublin
9 beautiful seconds of the River Boyne flowing underneath one of Ireland’s oldest bridges!
“The Old Bridge over the River Boyne in Trim, County Meath, has been, and continues to be a working bridge since 1393.
Crossing the River Boyne at Trim, County Meath, pause on The Old Bridge and take a look at this remarkable feat of engineering. This is one of Ireland's oldest complete and unaltered working bridges.” ~ DiscoverIreland.ie
#culturehoney #culturehoneymag
#travel #ireland #trimireland
#riverboyne #rivers #oldbridge
🎥 Georgia Sanders
Remembering the strength of the sea off of the North End beach on Iona after a major storm passed through just over a week ago!
#CultureHoneyTouring #celticwaypilgrimages
#scotland #ionascotland #iona
#pilgrimage #celticchristianity
🎥 Georgia Sanders
The ebb and flow of Life….
“Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you…”
🎥 Georgia Sanders
Departing tomorrow for this beautiful isle! Culture Honey Touring’s pilgrimage begins on the 28th - but we’ll be live-posting from the sea-side south of Glasgow this next week as well!
#culturehoneytouring 🍯#celticwaypilgrimages
#ionascotland #celticchristianity #wildsea
🎥 Georgia Sanders