If there is one thing I hate more than anything is someone who will prey on a Minor... Amber Ryder Harmsen, Jason Jay Harmsen, Jason Harmsen (ALL THE SAME PERSON) has this to say/do... There is a LOT more than this, including possession of child explicit material, sexually roleplaying with 14-16 year olds, dating minors, and more... I have the evidence if you need. I will happily send any and all so that something can be done. If someone is able to assist it would be very much appreciated. He goes on to try to disguise his preying as "Religious" discussions and when he got caught he threatens to kill himself... I want to get this to the proper authorities. Already made a police report in my town, but that is not enough, they said they likely wont be able to do anything as he is in another state... If anyone can help, again reach out to me ASAP! He was preying on three 15 year old boys in my gaming clan...All children need to be kept safe.
Welcome to the Original Triple X Clan's (xXx) YouTube Channel. We are the first, and only xXx clan, that started in 1998 playing Old Unreal. Some of us, the ...