It’s that time of year again getting the chief ready for the water and starting work on our new boat SSTV Windward Flo 1977 Hunter 27 ft.
Saturday 10/07/23 10:00am an Air Bus 327 crash lands in the Delaware River on approach to Philadelphia International Airport, the EPEX drill begins Ship 484 had 10 scouts and 5 adults on the Philadelphia Fire Boat along with Adults on land. The Fire boat was to simulate the part of the aircraft stink the water, they were taken 2 at a time to shore as victims each by different authorities that patrol the river. as they came ashore another made up victim would take there place and lay on the ground awaiting treatment for there wounds.
The youth and adults really enjoyed the experience and brought up some very good points to be discussed in our next meeting.
Saturday 10/07/23 10:00am an Air Bus 327 crash lands in the Delaware River on approach to Philadelphia International Airport, the EPEX drill begins Ship 484 had 10 scouts and 5 adults on the Philadelphia Fire Boat along with Adults on land. The Fire boat was to simulate the part of the aircraft stink the water, they were taken 2 at a time to shore as victims each by different authorities that patrol the river. as they came ashore another made up victim would take there place and lay on the ground awaiting treatment for there wounds.
The youth and adults really enjoyed the experience and brought up some very good points to be discussed in our next meeting.
Rite of passage: Taking the bow watch for the roller coaster ride during rough surf.
New Member Elizabeth and soon to be new member Finn enjoying the wild ride in the cockpit with the Skipper Emeritus on the tiller.
The Boatswain enjoyed the ride!