Explore the Latest in Immersive Art at Chantal Westby’s Gallery
I am thrilled to share the fruits of my labor from the past two years with you! My website has been updated to feature an array of new immersive installations, cutting-edge video mapping, captivating 3D sculptures, and an exclusive section for purchasing my biography in both French and English.
Visit www.chantalwestby.com to:
Discover my latest collections
Experience our collaborative immersive shows with Lénaïc Mercier, a renowned Multimedia Artist
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The site is available in English, French, and Chinese. Don’t wait any longer—dive into a world of art and innovation today!
Voici également une bonne raison de mettre fin à l'achat des BIG SUV.
1) A : Le point de repère / l'océan est notre soutien de vie ! Nos océans sont en danger, et l'humanité ne survivra pas à leur dévastation.
2) À travers mes récentes œuvres d'art, je m'efforce de communiquer efficacement un sentiment d'urgence et d'attirer l'attention sur deux préoccupations cruciales qui mettent en péril notre existence, en utilisant pleinement mes capacités artistiques.
3) La carte de la bombe au carbone révèle qu'il existe actuellement 425 projets d'extraction de combustibles fossiles dans le monde qui produiront plus d'un gigatonne de CO2 (1 GtCO2) pendant leur fonctionnement.
4) Je souligne également que le problème de la pollution marine causée par les navires coulés devrait atteindre son paroxysme cette décennie, avec plus de 8 500 naufrages susceptibles de provoquer des fuites d'environ 6 milliards de gallons de pétrole. Il est impératif que nous ne négligions pas la dégradation en cours et sans précédent de nos océans.
5) Je voudrais également partager mes lectures récentes sur...
6) Une autre raison impérieuse d'arrêter la pêche à la traîne, au cas où des justifications supplémentaires seraient nécessaires : une étude publiée le 18 janvier 2024 dans la revue Frontiers in Marine Science révèle que cette activité de pêche contribue de manière significative à l'émission de quantités importantes de CO2.
7) Les insurgés houthis au Yémen ont visé le pétrolier britannique "Marlin Luanda" avec un missile, ce qui représente un risque important de catastrophe écologique. Les fuites potentielles de pétrole pourraient avoir des conséquences dévastatrices pour la mer Rouge. Pendant ce temps, les militants...
38''x 40'' ink on canvas and varnish.
Animated by Lénaïc Mercier - Multimedia Artist
1) Climate News reports over on BlueSky that at least 1 million Americans will need to relocate during 2024 to avoid flooding, wildfires, droughts, or other extreme weather. This figure may increase to 5 million during 2025 and 100 million by 2027. Just nine days into the year, massive storms, tornadoes, and floods have impacted the lives of millions of Americans. Maybe not yet to the point of forcing them to consider moving, but the writing is on the wall.
2) Last year, there were 28 disasters in the United States, with price tags of $1B each. Those numbers are only expected to increase in 2024 as global temperatures continue to rise, causing more extreme heatwaves, flooding, and more powerful extreme weather events.
3) Those disasters, tallied by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, include the wildfire on Maui in August; Hurricane Idalia, which hit Florida later that month; and Typhoon Mawar in Guam in late May. The list also includes four flooding events, two tornado outbreaks, a heat wave, and 17 severe weather and hail events.
4) The increase in billion-dollar disasters reflects two long-term shifts, according to NOAA. One is the growing frequency and severity of extreme weather events as temperatures rise. The other is continued development in vulnerable areas, such as coastlines and fire-prone areas. The financial toll has been enormous. Last year’s 28 billion-dollar events caused a combined total of at least $92.9 billion in damage, according to NOAA. www.nytimes.com/...
5) The financial toll has been enormous. Last year’s 28 billion-dollar events caused a combined total of at least $92.9 billion in damage, according to NOAA
6) Forbes Home reports that 64% of Americans moved this year due to climate change or weather, with over half experiencing unexpected relocations. Paradoxically, despite climate-related risks, p
A : Tipping Point / ocean is our life support! Our oceans are in agony, and humanity will not survive its devastation.
1. Through my latest artwork, I strive to effectively communicate a feeling of pressing importance and bring attention to two crucial concerns that jeopardize our existence, employing my artistic abilities to their utmost capacity.
2. THE CARBON BOMB MAP, There are currently 425 fossil fuel extraction projects around the world that will generate more than one gigatonne of CO₂ (1 GtCO₂) during their operation.
3. And I highlight the issue of MARINE POLLUTION CAUSED BY SUNKEN VESSELS is predicted to reach its highest level this decade, with over 8,500 shipwrecks at risk of leaking approximately 6 billion gallons of oil. It is imperative that we do not overlook the ongoing, unprecedented degradation of our oceans.
4. I would also like to share my recent readings about
5. Another compelling reason to cease bottom trawling, if any further justification is required, A study published on January 18, 2024, in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science reveals that this fishing activity significantly contributes to the emission of substantial quantities of CO2.
6. And the Houthi insurgents in Yemen targeted the UK oil tanker 'Marlin Luanda' using a missile, posing a significant risk of an ecological catastrophe. The potential oil spills would have devastating consequences for the Red Sea. Meanwhile, militants continue to repeatedly target oil tankers with missile attacks.
.In the end, we successfully executed the installation of LED illumination around our island to symbolize the escalating waters and the island's coastline as seen from Manhattan, New York, subsequent to Lenaic's completion of channel carving, an extensive, prolonged, and consistent undertaking.
This achievement was facilitated by the resourcefulness of the Lenaic mine.
Three extended, and more precisely, arduous hours were devoted to the occasion.
One can expect to witness a Manatthan art installation that is entirely submerged in water.
Stays tune
#newyorkcity #manatthan landscapeinterventions #naturelovers #environment #climate #environment #sustainability #climatechange #educates #education #socialmedia #channel #renewableenergy #nature #future #earth #globalwarming #climatecrisis #Philadelphiaatist #chantalwestby #art #makeadifference #climateactionnow
Studio Westby & Mercier
Transforming Minds Through Art: A Decisive Decade for Climate Change Action
In the realm of Westby & Mercier Studio, our commitment goes beyond mere creation; we envision a world where every brushstroke and canvas contributes to a collective awakening. Our mission is simple yet profound: to unveil the stark realities of climate change through the powerful language of art.
Imagine a world where every museum, gallery, school, university, and public space serves as a stage for our creations—a visual symphony resonating with the urgency of our times. Our artworks are not confined to frames; they are catalysts for change, meant to echo in embassies, private events, and scientific publications, igniting conversations that transcend boundaries.
"We must change the climate before it changes us." This decade is decisive.
These words encapsulate the ethos of our artistic journey. In the crucible of the present, we believe that climate change education should not merely be delivered; it should be felt, experienced, and internalized. Art becomes the bridge between facts and emotions, connecting the intellect and the soul.
Climate change education in, with, and through art is a potent force for awakening consciousness.
It's not just about data and statistics; it's about creating an emotional resonance that compels action. By seamlessly intertwining scientific rigor with artistic expression, we are unlocking a unique avenue to engage minds across diverse backgrounds. Our goal is to inspire not just awareness but advocacy—an unyielding commitment to shaping a sustainable future.
As guardians of this pivotal decade, we invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Through the prism of art, let us collectively forge a path towards a more sustainable and responsible existence.
Together, we can ensure that the message transcends borders, inspiring a movement that echoes in the hearts of individuals and reverberates through the corridors of
I wish you a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year full of many wonderful surprises!from lenaicmercier and I , with love . .
After three years of intense labor, Lenaic and I were able to realize our large-scale, one-immersion project of “Global Warming,” which is composed of 3 parts , forests, A&E, and silence.It’s hope to Us
For us, it represents hope to bring awareness to many people as possible .
Every effort is made to inform the public about the serious threat posed by climate change.
The melting of the North Pole is directly related to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide
What will happen if the North Pole melts?
When there’s less sea ice, animals that depend on it for survival must adapt or perish. Loss of ice and melting permafrost spells trouble for polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, snowy owls, reindeer, and many other species. As they are affected, so too are the other species that depend on them, in addition to people.
How many years until the North Pole melts?
Now, a study supported by observations from NASA and ESA satellites and a sophisticated climate model predicts that the first ice-free September will arrive between 2030 and 2050. And if greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are not reduced, by 2100 the Arctic region will be ice-free for almost half a year.