“I really needed this.” I remember saying those words the day I caught this fish. I saw someone else say it in a fishing video a few days ago and so I’ve been ruminating on this idea for a few suns. The desire for a “big” fish stands entirely separate from our desires for many fish or a specific fish. It’s funny, because even though we’re all aware that bigger trout are generally smarter and harder to catch, there’s something about connecting with one that truly feels like Mother Earth has given you a gift. Certainly catching a bunch or targeting that one trout in that one run behind that one rock reaffirms our skills enourmously, right? Maybe knowing that sometimes we can drift the perfect cast over the heads of young ones as easily as we could Old Bess, leaves us with a sense of randomness to the size of any one fish. Or as papa Maclean says, “we are all truly blessed, but some of us more than others.”
So why do those words escape our lips? “I really needed that!” Does the accomplishment make us feel uniquely singled out for a day of special treatment courtesy of mother natures divine spirit? What a beautiful thought sitting below a declaration that’s as base as it is an intimate revealing that life’s been tough. Ultimately, it’s simple… a big win makes the woe’s of the world a little more tolerable. At least for the moment. Let us allow our Devine moments to last persistently. We are so quick to feel burdened. Let us fight to stay light.
Gratitude and grace. - T.S.
8:00 tonight. Tune in for a quick update on the Esopus and other stuffs.
The Esopus is Wild #endangeredspecies This sparsely spotted brown is, to me, a rare variety of #wild brown trout that I occasionally catch on the Esopus. With a few exceptions, I only catch them in one location on the river. And it seems to me, that the more stocked browns we put into the #Esopus the bigger the threat, not only to the wild #rainbowtrout we’re so desperately trying to protect, but also the unique strains of old stock #wildbrowntrout that live here too. Help us continue to tell @nysdec that the Esopus is a wild fishery by tagging old and new photos with their name and #theesopusiswild
Why the Esopus? This is why. Wild rainbow trout. #deepbluehue
Yesterday’s best. Caught on Tony Cocozza’s Iso Spundun dry. Available at the shop. Size 12.