Sex and Happiness

Sex and Happiness This page is the portal to Your personal S*x & Happiness. It is a place to rediscover your true self!

It’s perfectly normal to wish for 5 minutes of alone time. Feeling angry or frustrated simply means you're human, alive,...

It’s perfectly normal to wish for 5 minutes of alone time. Feeling angry or frustrated simply means you're human, alive, and experiencing life.

Rather than beating yourself up try sitting with and acknowledging these emotions. Welcome them, observe them, embrace them, and finally 🌬️ release them with an exhale.

These thoughts will dissipate just as quickly as they appear.

The more you practice this, the more natural it will become.

✨ Ready to embrace your full emotional spectrum? Follow me for more insights on embracing your emotions and living a fulfilling life. ✨


Who says turning 50 means giving up on s*x and happiness?

As we age, our bodies and minds still crave dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins just as much as we did in adolescence. Life does not decline as we get older and aging is not about slowing down.

Discover how to reignite your passion and happiness in my book, S*x & Happiness: It Gets Better with Age. Dive into this and more by grabbing your copy today. 📚💖


Nothing can keep you down for long when you have a higher purpose. Every challenge becomes a new pathway to reconnect wi...

Nothing can keep you down for long when you have a higher purpose. Every challenge becomes a new pathway to reconnect with your vision. 🌟

Reflect on your passions and what truly drives you. What gives you a reason to wake up and a reason to WANT to wake up every day?

Remember, it may not come to you immediately, and it may not connect with your day job. That’s okay! Your higher purpose is unique to you. It’s about finding YOUR place in the vision, whatever that may be.

It doesn’t have to be grandiose either. You just have to find a way to contribute to something outside of yourself.

Ready to embrace your higher purpose and transform your life? Join us for one of our Extraordinary Lovers' Retreats or Events and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and connected existence.

📚💖 Learn more and start your journey today by visiting:

I talk so much about having a higher purpose because it's a tool to help you lift yourself out of the circular thoughts ...

I talk so much about having a higher purpose because it's a tool to help you lift yourself out of the circular thoughts and negative self-talk. It's all too easy to get lost in our minds but when you really commit to it, you're no longer plagued by feelings of being aimless or useless.

It stops you from feeling so alone.

Having a higher purpose enriches your life. ✨

Ready to discover yours? Dive deeper into this concept with my book, S*x & Happiness: It Gets Better with Age.

Click the link in my bio to get your copy today! 📚

Most people define themselves by what they’ve done, who they’ve been, and how others see them. But what if there’s somet...

Most people define themselves by what they’ve done, who they’ve been, and how others see them. But what if there’s something bigger? What if there's a higher purpose for you, something greater than yourself? 🌟

For some of you, even reading this makes your stomach hurt. It might feel too religious, too self-important, or too intimidating—or even a mixture of all three.

Here’s the truth: embracing your higher purpose is essential. Embracing your higher purpose is not just for your own fulfillment but for the world as well.🌍.

What is your higher purpose? Let me know in the comments below.

Btw… I’m very picky about what I suggest to my amazing community (YOU!)… because I’ve had some BAAAAAD reactions from pr...

Btw… I’m very picky about what I suggest to my amazing community (YOU!)… because I’ve had some BAAAAAD reactions from products designed to “help.” So, when I find something that truly works, I get excited to share it with you!

Since releasing my book on s*x and aging, I've been thinking a lot about the products that can truly enhance your s*x life. One of my absolute favorites is GoLove CBD Naturals Intimate Serum. Now, it’s not technically a l**e, but that’s what it’s used for—and it’s fantastic.

Let’s face it, s*x can feel uncomfortable. Like many of us S*x Educators, Dr. Sadie Allison —the brilliant mind behind this serum —kept hearing from her clients that physical discomfort during s*x was a common obstacle.

Dr. Sadie set out to create something that could make a real difference. Her familiarity with the natural remedy of CBD led her to develop this serum, which we love because it doesn’t get you 😵‍💫 and still maintains the properties of easing tension, promoting relaxation, and reducing inflammation.

This serum is designed to reduce discomfort from painful conditions, relax your muscles, ease anxiety, deeply hydrate, and soothe your skin—bringing comfort exactly where you need it most.

Michael and I use it ourselves, and it’s our favorite product!

If you’re curious to try it, use my code “s*xandhappiness” for 15% off. You can grab it through my affiliate link here:*xandhappiness

*xandaging **ra *xandhappiness *xualempowerment

Dive into the intimate practice of Latihan for Two, where deep connection and love flourish. Experience the profound jou...

Dive into the intimate practice of Latihan for Two, where deep connection and love flourish.

Experience the profound journey of becoming one with your partner and embracing the moment. It's about creating a sacred space, moving naturally, and surrendering completely to the flow of energy between you.

1️⃣ Commit to Time Together. Arrange to meet your partner regularly for extended and uninterrupted periods.
2️⃣ Embrace the Intensity. Understand and accept ahead of time that the energy can get intense, and not always pleasantly so.
3️⃣ Begin with Meditation. "Start by meditating or sitting quietly together. Slow your breathing. (Notice the contrast between your breathing now and when you start making love.)
4️⃣ Create an opening Ritual. Prepare your space and honor each other. Worship your partner and let your partner worship you. Perhaps face each other naked and put flowers at their feet, feed each other pieces of chocolate, or offer each other bits of wine.
5️⃣ Become Divine. Worship brings the energy into focus. Now the man becomes a god and the woman becomes a goddess. Your ‘flawed’ humanity is irrelevant; you are just pure energy. Only in this moment should you begin making love.
6️⃣ Move Naturally. Move only when the impulse to move moves you. Let go of the need and expectation for what impulse moves your partner. Just be present in the now. When thoughts come in, tell them to come back later and sink into your body again and again.
7️⃣ Be in the Moment. Close your eyes and relax. There is nothing to do, nowhere to go You are free to simply be. Move slowly, touching each other’s bodies like a musical instrument. Let go of the mind and just go back to the body.
8️⃣ Surrender Completely. Surrender to whatever is taking place. Feel the energy and let it have its movement. You can be as wild or as gentle as you give yourself permission to be.

Just like a flower, this practice blossoms in the right environment with the attention and care you bring. 🌸

Remember to save this post for later and follow for more posts like these in the future.


S*x energy is life energy, and it runs the world. Your stance can’t change that—it just is. S*x energy and life energy a...

S*x energy is life energy, and it runs the world.

Your stance can’t change that—it just is. S*x energy and life energy are synonymous terms. When you see flowers blooming, birds singing, or trees bearing fruit, the phenomenon is s*xual. It's all about pollinating and reproducing.

💫 It’s a s*xual dance. 💫

The quicker you come to peace with this notion and where you fit into this cosmic picture, the more you embrace what Ta**ra is all about.

For those of you curious and wanting to enhance your journey, head to my website for valuable tools and resources.

*xenergy **ra

This looks interesting.

This looks interesting.

The REAGAN Movie arrives in theaters August 30th. Tickets on sale now.

I recently joined the Cartwheels and Banana Peels podcast with the hilarious Jaycie Cormac - Storytelling Rebel - Host o...

I recently joined the Cartwheels and Banana Peels podcast with the hilarious Jaycie Cormac - Storytelling Rebel - Host of Cartwheels and Banana Peels.

I don't like to take life too seriously, and this was such a treat to share some laughs and embrace the fun side of things. 🤣 Life is about welcoming the unexpected and finding joy in every twist and turn.

Tune in to this episode for some laugh-out-loud stories and maybe even learn a thing or two.

Watch it on YouTube:
Listen to it on Spotify:
Or head over to Apple Podcasts:

Holding space for the woman in your life means standing tall and strong in the face of her rage and grief. You are not r...

Holding space for the woman in your life means standing tall and strong in the face of her rage and grief.

You are not required to provide the answers or to yield to her moods.

Help her by staying true to yourself (a Shiva quality), simply holding the space, breathing, and maintaining your own witness.

Share how you hold space for your partner in the comments.

Eventually, you will discover that you can give pleasure to yourself. Take time to actively choose the little things lik...

Eventually, you will discover that you can give pleasure to yourself. Take time to actively choose the little things like the color of your lipstick and the earrings you’ll wear today.

Start small, and soon it will become easier to choose the big things. Pause a few times every day and ask, “Is this really what I want?” You might be surprised by the answer.

Remember: Wherever you drop the pebble in, ripples will spread.

How do you add small pleasures to your day? Share your favorite rituals in the comments below.


This hurts... How I feel in life most of the time...

This hurts... How I feel in life most of the time...

Men and women are not from different planets—we’re all living on the same one, navigating this journey of life together....

Men and women are not from different planets—we’re all living on the same one, navigating this journey of life together. Yet, when it comes to communication, we often feel worlds apart. 🌍

Each of us has a deep, universal need for love, and at the same time, a natural instinct to shield that need. This vulnerability is something we all share, regardless of how strong or independent we may seem.

Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to fall into the same familiar patterns, promising ourselves that THIS time will be different. We vow that THIS relationship will break the cycle 🔄 that we’ll leave behind the arguments and past hurts and that we’ll let go of grudges.

But here’s the truth: men and women often approach intimacy with such different needs and fears that we end up at cross-purposes. Working through these differences isn’t easy—it’s a tall order requiring more than just good intentions.

In my book S*x & Happiness: The Ta***ic Laws of Intimacy, I share practical steps to improve communication gaps and build deeper connections. Learn how to enhance your relationship dynamics and grab a copy for yourself:


🔥 Ignite the Passion in Your Relationship! 🔥Join us for The Extraordinary Lovers Relationship Rescue, a powerful webinar...

🔥 Ignite the Passion in Your Relationship! 🔥
Join us for The Extraordinary Lovers Relationship Rescue, a powerful webinar hosted by the incredible duo, Laurie Handlers & Michael Gibson.

Dive deep into the 3Rs: Resentment, Resistance, and Revenge, and discover the tools to transform your relationship. This is your chance to reignite the flame and build a stronger, more loving connection. 💖

👉 Don't miss out! Register now and take the first step toward a happier, healthier relationship! REGISTER NOW!
Link in the comments...


Set aside at least 30 uninterrupted minutes and create a safe space for yourself to move freely. Put on some ethereal, drift-worthy music that gets you drunk on the melody and stand blindfolded.

There are no prescribed steps– just let the music be your guide. Open up to whatever arises and allow yourself to simply flow. 🌬️

This practice, known as Ta***ic Latihan, helps you embrace the mystery and spontaneity of life. The more you engage in it, the deeper your connection with your inner self and the world around you becomes. Be sure to save this for later and come back to it whenever you're ready.

Witnessing and becoming aware of yourself is the first step to realizing that you are not your mind, body, or emotions. ...

Witnessing and becoming aware of yourself is the first step to realizing that you are not your mind, body, or emotions. Interrupting your autopilot distances your fictional story from your authentic one. 🌟

Your authenticity manifests and allows true intimacy in your life. When you are open to awareness, you uncover the unintentional patterns running your life. From there, you can choose to act from a place of authenticity rather than a place of patterned responses, allowing true intimacy to manifest in your life. 💞

You can loosen the shackles digging into your wrists and start living free – free from constraints, free from limitations, and free from the imaginary barriers that have been holding you back.
It’s a journey worth traveling on and your first step is to witness.
How do you practice awareness in your daily life? Share your experiences in the comments below!


Are you ready to transform your relationship and reignite the passion? Michael and I invite you to our immersive webinar...

Are you ready to transform your relationship and reignite the passion?

Michael and I invite you to our immersive webinar created to help couples uncover the hidden forces putting strain on their relationships.

This is for couples who find themselves:
🗣️ Struggling with communication
💞 Experiencing intimacy issues
⚔️ Facing lingering conflicts
🤝 Wanting to reconnect and rebuild trust

This webinar is designed to make our transformative teachings accessible to everyone.

Key topics:
Resentment: Uncover how resentments from the past stack up to break your connection.
Resistance: Understand how resistance builds barriers and creates pressure that drives couples apart.
Revenge: Discover how unresolved issues feed negative energy leading up to revenge.
Return to Love: Explore how to recognize these patterns and start the journey back to passion in your relationship

So, if insights into understanding the root causes of conflict pique your interest, then mark your calendars for August 3rd and register for our event. Visit us at to hold your spot.


When your boundaries are crossed, whether by others or by yourself, anger is the first emotion to rise and defend them. Once you become familiar with your boundaries, it becomes easier to assert them.

Anger doesn’t need to be the greeter; you don’t even need to invite it to the party. 🎉 It’s all about knowing and communicating your limits. 🗣️✨

Ready to master your boundaries? Download my free Master Your Boundaries Workbook today and start taking control of your life!

Reptile brain is the primitive part of you that ensures your survival. It doesn’t differentiate between small and big th...

Reptile brain is the primitive part of you that ensures your survival. It doesn’t differentiate between small and big threats, nor real and imaginary ones. Reptile brain wants to win at all costs, using every weapon in its arsenal and hiding the vulnerable side it doesn’t dare show.

It uses your past, your sadness, your failures, your partner’s failures, and even s*x or the rejection of s*x as a weapon.

If you're struggling with communication 🗣️, intimacy 💞, or lingering conflicts ⚔️, and find yourself fueling resentment, resistance, and revenge, reptile brain is the culprit. It destroys happiness and intimacy.

So, what do you do with it? Embrace it, of course. There’s no getting rid of your shadow after all. 🌘

Be sure to join us on August 3rd for a live Extraordinary Lovers Relationship Rescue webinar where we’ll uncover the hidden culprits known to creep into relationships, causing chaos and havoc along the way. Stay tuned for more details!

It's not necessary to die first before you go to heaven or to an afterlife filled with pleasure. It can be done here, on...

It's not necessary to die first before you go to heaven or to an afterlife filled with pleasure. It can be done here, on Earth 🌍, in the body 🧘, and during this lifetime ⏳.

Ta**ra is a spiritual practice of acceptance of all that is. Ta**ra’s beauty lies in its ability to rid all notions of “should” within us and just permit us to feel… to be. We can strip ourselves naked of all preconditioned thoughts and cycles running through our minds all while remaining completely clothed.

If you’re ready to experience this transformative journey and embrace the infinite within you, join me at some of my upcoming events. See what we have planned by heading here:

**ra **rateacher

Do you ever feel strain in your relationship, like it’s being pulled apart? Join Michael and me for an immersive webinar...

Do you ever feel strain in your relationship, like it’s being pulled apart?

Join Michael and me for an immersive webinar designed to uncover the hidden forces at play in relationships – what we like to call the 3Rs:

✨ Resentment: Discover how resentments eat away at your relationship, quietly taking one bite at a time and dwindling your connection.
✨ Resistance: Understand the ways resistance builds, putting you on either side of a barrier, creating pressure that further separates and drives couples apart.
✨ Revenge: Find out how couples turn resistance and resentment into revenge and plotting against each other, the silent assassin, and the most common ways relationships break down.

In this webinar, we’ll expose why couples fall out of love and share stories of how others have combated these issues. We’ll help you recognize the patterns in your own relationship that you may not even be aware of.

Whether you're struggling with communication, intimacy, or lingering issues, our Extraordinary Lovers Relationship Rescue offers a path to understanding what’s really going on in your relationship behind the scenes.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to transform your relationship and reignite the love and passion you deserve.

🗓️ Stay tuned for the registration link and take the first step towards a more fulfilling partnership!


I was looking at the members of this group and I want to communicate something to all of you. I haven't posted here in a long while.

But I'm moved to communicate now. This page is not about procuring S*x. Don't try to get S*x here!

This page is about love, relationships, intimacy and how S*x is the portal for healing our fear, shame and guilt.

If you are here for any other reason, you will be disappointed. This is educational and inspirational...serious stuff.

This isn't p**n.

So please be advised.

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mohammed Shabazahmed, Rutembz P Painz, Eduardo Macedo, Br...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mohammed Shabazahmed, Rutembz P Painz, Eduardo Macedo, Brian Pike, Ayesha Aktar, Yaya Boss, Aj Patricia, Yusuf Alhaji Bawa


Feel disconnected? Practice curiosity and wonder to make a big difference in your relationship. .


Feeling stuck in a dry, loveless relationship? Perhaps it's time to consider a break-up. Things may just get better.


With trust and respect, once crucial boundaries may no longer be needed. .


Ever questioned the notion "If you loved me, you'd know"? Rethink it. Communication, not assumption, is key in love relationships. Share your thoughts.


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Phoenix, AZ

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Monday 11am - 6pm
Tuesday 11am - 6pm
Wednesday 11am - 6pm
Thursday 11am - 6pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 3pm


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