Heather Holmberg, CEO/General Manager
Tipped Hat is developing reality show concepts, series pilots, screenplays with industry professionals and locates film financing for Tipped Hat's own projects and others. The Tipped Hat team have venture capital experience in start ups and real estate development. Heather Holmberg is a writer/producer with experience with the film, TV, theatre, improvisation
al comedy, stand up, public relations, finance and the high-end memorabilia businesses. Heather Holmberg also offers services as a 'dialog doctor' for producers, directors and writers interested in 'punching up' their scripts. Her background in improvisational comedy includes being a mainstage performer at the L.A. She wrote for the children's TV show, The Magic Door, and her stageplay, "Doogan's" featured James Galdofini prior to his role on "The Soprano's." She was an Associate Producer of the off-Broadway hit, "Only Kidding." Heather has appeared on numerous news programs and TV shows all over the world as an industry experience in the high-end memorabilia business including "Entertainment Tonight," BBC entertainment programs. Most recently, she appeared on "The Tyra Banks Show" discussing a popular women's issue. Here's what industry professionals have said about her work:
"A fun read." "You have a gift. The dialogue flies off the page." Oscar-winning director. "This is what people want." Top level executive on 100 episode hit series. "I encourage you to take this project out, it has a lot of strengths…namely, a great concept, dynamic characters and a well developed world." Major production studio executive. "I read hundreds of scripts. You have a gift for dialogue. Hollywood manager. "Heather can really show her stuff, as she can come up with sharp, poignant, and funny dialogue that is appropriate for the situation. Not many people have an ear for dialogue like she has. What is extremely important was how committed she was to the project once she made a commitment. Her mind was going day and night. There was no shortage of ideas, and her focus was intense. Working with her was a delight. Not only did we achieve good results, but we had a fun time doing it. I highly recommend her writing skills to any organization or individual, and know that her shining intelligence will bring much to the project" Hollywood Writer/Director