Terrific review on Amazon Kindle for Alessia Brio's friends-to-lovers le***an romance "Double Decker"
After reading Double Decker, one word came to mind: WOW. It is not terribly long, but I had originally thought that I would read it in two sittings, but after the Skittles reference early in the story, I was had at "Kiss". Where the story was witty, I laughed. Where it was naughty, I flushed. When the twist in the story was noticed, I was...surprised. I put the last sentence in that way because I was surprised that Ms. Brio had totally surprised me. Usually, I can see pretty much where a story is going a few pages into it, if not sooner. It's not that I'm a neurosurgeon on predicting the fine nuances in a story, it's just seems to me that most stories are somewhat formulistic in nature. In Double Decker, Ms. Brio threw me such a curve ball, that I did not even notice it until the damage was done on my powers of observation. I was so surprised that I literally read back within the story to see if there really was a turn in the tide of the way I was originally thinking, or if I had read things incorrectly, but boom, the proof that she had tripped me up was right there in black and white. I was totally blindsided. I had to laugh. When an author is able to totally befuddle me with a story, I am truly and thoroughly intrigued and abundantly pleased. The only thing that I can say that might be an itty bitty bit critical is that the ending might have been better elaborated upon futurewise for the two main characters -- just a tad, a very very small tad. A tad so small that a big deal should not be made about it because the ending was good. It will suffice in my book. I'm just saying this about the ending to note that if I had a wish, then maybe a little elaboration could be made here, but then do we really want a good story to end most times? Ms Brio writes with a sort of naughty intelligent wit that I found hookafying. I know "hookafying"? Yes, hookafying. Ms. Brio, you have another fan. I tip my hat to you, ma'am.
Tess is determined to win the big karaoke contest at the Double Decker and the heart of the woman organizing it. Will her evening end on a high note? (19,140 words)