Don Jordan speaks to Singing Hills Friends
An update on how the Corona Virus has affected our ministry
Recap #4. Trailhead Camp 2018
Music by Hillsong “Touch The Sky”
Recap #3: Harvest. Continue to thank God for all he is doing at camp!
Our Recap video from staff training a couple weeks ago!
Had a great weekend with Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston!
Trailhead Camp 2017 Epic Cardboard Battle
You are missing something in your next retreat...
Singing Hills' playground is getting an extreme makeover in just a couple of weeks! You, your group, or your church can be "part of it" by donating "part of it!" Please consider making a donation to help us build a new playground! You may indicate an item you wish your gift to go towards, or you may donate to our general donation fund, The Tower Fund. Help us reach out goal! Thank you for your generosity!
Interview with Rev. John Barnes
Singing Hills had the pleasure of interviewing one of our summer camp directors, Reverend John Barnes from Stateline Baptist Church in Portsmouth, NH. Rev. Barnes has been bringing the New England Baptist Teen Camp (a compilation of multiple Baptist Churches from all over New England) to Singing Hills for the last 5 years. Over these last 5 years, the camp has grown, and even the need to begin a Junior Camp arose a few years ago! We are thankful for what God is doing in this ministry, and we are so incredibly blessed to be a part of it. Thank you!
The Tower Fund!
At Singing Hills, our mission to reach the Church of New England is made possible through guests and donors like you. Listen to a message from Executive Director, Don Jordan, introducing our newest fundraising campaign. Watch our short video to hear how you can help!
Singing Hills Holiday Donations
Serving the church of New England since 1972, your donations make our ministry here at Singing Hills possible. Consider making a donation this holiday season to help us continue in our ministry. Between now an Christmas, your gift will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous matching gift up to $10,000. Visit us online at to donate. You may also make donations over the phone or by sending in a check. Thank you for your generosity. God bless.
Southern New England Church of God Youth Camp | Some Slip n Slide action from today!!