Check this out Y'all and let us know what you think?
Black people: We must gain a clear and accurate understanding of our plight and condition. Because if our understandings are flawed then all remedies that stems from those misunderstandings will also be flawed.
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance. It’s false knowledge; because a person that is ignorant might continue to seek for the truth. But a person with false knowledge, believing it’s true, stops searching for the truth therefore the false knowledge mentally enslaves him. If you believe that Black people are suffering from a slave syndrome, you’re holding on to false mental enslaving knowledge.
The letter was written by Dr. Kwabena Ashanti in 1970. That’s why it appears so accurate. Ashanti, who lives in Durham, NC, is the true author behind the Willie Lynch letter. The letter purported to be a verbatim account of a speech delivered by Willie Lynch to an audience gathered on the bank of the James River in Virginia in 1712 regarding the management of slaves. Lynch, a slave owner, tells other slave masters that he had discovered the secret to controlling black slaves by setting them against one another.
Dr. Ashanti states that he wrote the letter in 1970 as a way to present his theory related to the current division inherent in the Black community. The document was then acquired by white oppressive forces who then propagated it into Black communities. They weaponized the letter into a propaganda literature against African Americans. This is because believing that the letter is true doesn’t benefit Black people; it instead negatively effects Black people.
Here’s why and how:
According to the U.S. military doctrine on psychological warfare: The most effective way to subdue and control a targeted population without actually fighting them is to manipulate them to perceive that their core problems lies within themselves. When people are made to believe that their core problem is an internalized one this shifts their collective aggressions and frustrations away from their enemies and redirects inwards against themselves. This is what’s actually being done to Black people that accepts the Willie Lynch letter as being true. When Black people believes that the Willie Lynch letter is true this benefits the system of white supremacy.
I’m trying to free your mind, but I can only show you the door, you’re the one that has to walk through it.
“Those that know must teach.” - African Proverb.
The following is the truth of our plight and condition:
During the 1960’s African American’s unified Black protests against the U.S. systems of institutionalized white racism was unprecedented. African Americans confronted it on all fronts. It was confronted through civil disobedient tactic, militant means, non violent protest, and with Black lawyers pleading for equality within America’s highest Supreme Court. African Americans unified protest still remains unrivaled by any other group in U.S. history. In the face of the unprecedented unified Black protest, FBI director J. Edger Hoover said that the unification of the American Negro was the greatest threat against the nation. To remedy what was then called the “Negro Problem” in 1967 President Lyndon Johnson put together a committee called the Kerner Commission. Their assignment was to study the Negro problem, find the cause of the problem, and then develop a solution. The Kerner Commission then hired white social scientists to thoroughly study Black people to learn of our strengths and weaknesses - with the objective of then attacking our greatest strength and exploiting our greatest weakness.
In 1968, those white social scientists determined that our greatest strength was Black unity and that our greatest weakness was that we’ve been stripped of our true identity and culture. They therefore now uses media propaganda campaigns to attack Black unity unrelenting and to negatively steer Black culture - thus exploiting us being stripped of our true identity and culture.
Don’t dispute facts you don’t understand for lies you’ve been misled to believe. This is absolutely the truth.
The following is the true reason why many Black people are now self loathing, perceive themselves as being their own worst enemies, and reveres Caucasians - in spite of such a brutal history to the contrary.
The white media’s unrelenting negative depictions of Black people— that amplifies the negative to the point that it distort reality-- is much more than just bias media reporting. It is actually a Black Racially Demoralizing Divide and Conquer psychological warfare campaign.
Demoralizing Divide and Conquer is the method of maintaining control over a targeted population through constant and unrelenting demoralization in order to create self hate and division between them. It is a well proven tactic that because whenever the oppressed are made self loathing they’re much easier to control.
White people controls all Black mainstream media images, statistics, and societal narratives. Therefore Black people interpret themselves from contents provided from white people. This in fact literally means that white people owns Black people’s interpretation of themselves. This also means that negatively controlling what Black people believes about themselves collectively is very easy for the white society.
This psychologically warfare system is deplored like a massive media marketing campaign that constantly subjects Black people to receiving only the fraudulent worst narratives about themselves. Within this system fraudulent black racially demoralizing propaganda is pumped unrelentingly into the unsuspecting minds of Black populations--without being challenged or counterbalanced by an equal amount Black positive racially affirming information. It conveys the subliminal message that Black people are there own worst enemy, and therefore needs whites to govern over their lives. Moreover, that Black people should admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This system is extremely effective because when Black people are repetitively presented these noted narratives from trusted white media sources it can be very difficult to resist it's implied propaganda programming. Especially when the propaganda is being told daily and so unrelentingly. Its weapon is the demoralizing message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the Black population in terms of their behavior.
With time, being unable to refute the constant negative information about themselves, many Black people eventually comes to accept them. The constant taunting of negative propaganda unconsciously influences how many within the Black population perceives themselves, creating division and self hatred among themselves. This system of also shifts Black collective aggressions away from the white oppressive society and redirects it inward against ourselves. This condition prevents us from unifying against them. This system works by tapping into the immense power that shame has upon the human mind. Those Black people that do not critically think and question the validity of all information that they receive about themselves from white sources are the ones that becomes self loathing and mentally enslaved --while never noticing their mental chains. This is all possible because people are like computers, all you have to do is keep giving them certain information every so often and you can persuade an entire generation towards an implied objective. It doesn't matter if the information presented is untrue most Black people will act upon it because they have all been given the same misinformation about themselves.
This is not some feeble minded premise nor is it some silly conspiracy theory. It’s the truth that they hide from you. Media social engineering is a real covert very well-crafted system of control that allows the white ruling class to control the masses and targeted populations. Oppressors always secretly socializes the minds of the oppressed to think in ways that ensures that they never unify and seek retribution against their oppressors. This has been a consistent fact throughout western history and it’s especially true now in regards to African people globally living under white dominance and oppression. This psychological warfare system provides white societies with a more proficient method for controlling Black populations. For unlike the past blatant racist systems that Black people were easily able to identify and therefore develop counter strategies against, this system is not easily recognized nor comprehended by many of its Black victims.
This psychological warfare program works so well in fact that it not only makes Black people more compliant with white dominance over their lives, it in fact makes many even prefer it. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black people and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.
"The oppressed will always believe the - fraudulent- worse about themselves" --Franz Fanon
We African Americans did NOT make the N word ours. That’s a lie that was actually created by white propagandists. It’s believed by those of us that are ignorant. The true reason why millions of African Americans now self identify themselves as n!ggers is actually a true testament of the immense power of white negative media social engineering.
Most people naively believe that the media reflects our reality, but in truth it is more often we that imitate what we see and learn from the media. A group’s identity is greatly shaped by how they repeatedly see themselves depicted in the media. People often becomes those derogatory media depictions of themselves that they accept as being their reality. It’s a true science known as media social engineering.
Whoever controls a people’s media images controls their culture.
- Allen Ginsberg
Because the white society controls the media images of Black people this fact allows white social scientist and propaganda designers to negatively steer Black culture. Their ability to steer Black culture through media social engineering is immensely powerful. So much in fact, that if these white men wanted Black youths to start walking around everyday with a yellow Afro combs in their left rear pockets, all they would have to do is place that image in several rap music videos, movies and TV shows being depicted as very cool and trendy. In doing so our Black youths would then see the image, imitate it and then adopt the image as being of their own making-although it is in fact actually not. The style and behavior was actually learned from what they repetitively saw in the media. It was secretly created by white media social engineering scientist and propaganda designers.
Because we African Americans were stripped of our true identity and culture during the enslavement of our ancestors we’re therefore more susceptible to negative media social engineering. When these white social engineering scientists creates trends and customs for Black youths to imitate they deliberately create those that gets our Black youths acting and dressing as caricatures that reinforces resentment and anti black prejudicial perceptions. Moreover, those images that reinforces many negative and racist stereotypes about Black people. Black youths becomes the caricatures of the derogatory images and stereotypes they accept.
Some African Americans insist that sagging started with slavery. This is untrue. if it had the style would’ve been prevalent throughout the many years that followed slavery. It was not! The style didn’t exist on a national scale until the early 1990’s Furthermore, if slaves were sagging this would’ve severely reduce their productivity. Because a slave couldn’t pick much cotton while holding up his pants. The white enslavers would also never allow a slave to sagg because this creates the possibility of their wives and daughters seeing the Africans larger p***s. So when you critically think and observe all the facts as they were it becomes clear that sagging did not come from slavery.
The Sagging phenomenon is not the result of the prison industry — where most prisons have a heavily enforced dress code requiring prisoners to wear velco belts. Furthermore if men engaged in homosexual behavior while incarcerated most do not return to their communities and families flaunting that fact. Most will conceal any customs or behaviors association with the practice. When you’re ignorant nonsense makes perfect sense. Furthermore, that prison to the street theory is not how national trends are created. For something to thing to become a trend requires concerted efforts of media marketing. The style of sagging It was deliberately achieved by white negative media social engineering of the African American culture.
The sagging style was placed in movies and music videos being depicted as cool and trendy and then millions of Black youths merely imitated their style.
The true reason why many African Americans now self identify themselves as N!ggers, glorifies pimps, call their women bi***es, and sag their pants is because we do not control our own media images. Those who controls a people’s media images literally controls their culture. Because our media images are controlled by the white society this fact allows white oppressive forces to covertly negatively steer our culture. This isn’t some feeble minded attempt at scapegoating that wrongly blames white people in order to absolve ourselves of our own responsibilities. It’s the absolute truth.
A group’s identity is shaped by how they see themselves repeatedly depicted within the media. People often becomes those derogatory media depictions of themselves that they accept as being their reality. It’s a true hidden science known as media social engineering. They’re waging a covert war against African Americans that most don’t understand. Because we African Americans were stripped of our true identity and culture- during the enslavement of our ancestors- we’re therefore more susceptible to media social engineering.
White social engineering scientist took the word of "n " a words once deemed deeply offensive by millions of African Americans, and not only desensitized many to the word, but in fact manipulated millions to now perceive the word as a term of endearment. The n terminology was originally indoctrinated into the African American culture many decades ago long before the hip hop music industry was even created. It was originally done so by using the movie industry. Most people think that movies are made for nothing more than entertainment. That never was the case. The greatest social messages are promoted through movies. Social norms promoted through films can influence the way of thinking and the “cognitive map” of the populated audience. In a normal conversation when using logic and facts your guard is naturally up. But when your watching a movie there's no debate, your guard is down, the sensor part of your brain is not in action, it isn’t saying yes I agree with this, or I disagree with that like you would in a debate or a conversation. You’re actually in an alpha state being completely downloaded with ideas and images. This programming system was used to convinced millions of Black movie watchers, during the late 60's and early 70's,that they were ni***rs.
Up until the mid 1960's the word n was viewed unfavorably by most African Americans. That era's generation of African Americans had experienced dehumanizing segregation, and many also had great grand parents that were born during slavery. Therefore, they knew intimately well the brutality and degradation that often accompanied the ugly taunts of the word n!gger. Therefore, the usage of the word was most often forbidden within many African American homes. It was deemed as being a profoundly offensive word. The usage of the word n became more accepted among African Americans during the late 60's and early 70's as the popularity of Blaxploitation films grew.
Blaxploitation is a term coined in the early 1970s to refer to black films that were aimed at black audiences. Featuring African-American actors in lead roles, the films frequently depicted stereotypical characterization and glorification of violence. It was that era's Black exploitation films that first taught African American youths on a national level that it was a cool and trendy term of endearment to call themselves n . In those films, written, directed, and produced by white people, Black actors were hired to shuck and jive and to repeatedly called themselves n . This n indoctrinating process was repeated and reinforced countless times in many times within many Blaxploitation films.
Here's a list of just a few of those movies: The Black Klansman (1966), Black Like Me (1964) Black Lo**ta (1975), Black Mama White Mama (1973), Black Rage (1972), Scream Blacula Scream (1973), Shaft (1971), Shaft in Africa (1973), Shaft's Big Score (1972), Sheba, Baby (1975)etc...Within each of these films, produced by white movie studios, Black actors routinely called each other ni***rs. Some of these films also blatantly included the word n in its titles such as Boss N (1975), Run N Run (1974), and The Soul of N Charley (1973) etc...
Those Blacks exploitive films were well received by many African American audiences because they provided them with cinematic Black heroes on the silver screen in a portrayal unseen in most Hollywood pictures prior to that time. Therefore, African Americans flocked to the theaters in droves to see themselves being represented as heroes on the big screen. Many Black audiences, believing that those fictional movie characters were true, accurate representation of their group as a collective whole began imitating what they saw in the movies -this included self identifying themselves as N!ggers. Through this system millions of Black people were socially engineered to perceive themselves as being n .
Words put a spell upon your subconscious mind. We function based upon the words we assign to ourselves. This is why women that proclaims themselves as being bi***es often becomes stubbornly unreasonable. It's also why men that proclaim themselves as being thugs are more likely to engage in a fight than to avoid it. Words effects how we function. This is a psychological phenomenon that white social engineering scientist have thoroughly researched.
When we call others by negative words we dehumanize them which makes it easier to mistreat them. Case and Point:
During the Vietnam war to ease the American soldiers anxieties about torturing and killing the Vietnamese soldiers they were taught to refer to them as Chinx, G***s, and Kongs. This dehumanized them and made it easier to kill and torture them. This is also why men that refers to women as bi***es, and hoes have a higher tendency to mistreat them.
These noted factors are the reasons why white oppressive forces socially engineered millions of African Americans to self identify themselves as and call each other n . ( Through negative media social engineering ) White oppressive forces have placed an elaborate negative spell upon the subconscious minds of millions of African Americans with the word ni**er. The white prison industry is also filled with Black men that have been programmed to believe that they're real ni**as. White social engineering scientist deliberated programmed millions of Blacks people to believe that they're n to achieve this agenda.
DON’T BE FOOLED! If the oppressors were truly superior, they wouldn’t have to distort so many facts, spread so many lies, conceal so many truths, and work so hard to handicap those whom they claim are inferior. They exceed other groups only in the acts of massive exploitation and massive deception. They’ve used these two nefarious traits to gain their position of power and to create and to sustain the illusion of their racial superiority. This illusion aids them in maintaining their white social dominance. The truth is however the exact opposite from what so many have been manipulated to believe.
Those that know the truth must teach”.
- African Proverb.
Our common mistake, as Black people living under white dominance, is that we perceive ourselves as being fully citizens; however in reality nothing could be furthest from the truth. Although white governments publicly professes equality for all citizens, they're secretly unrelentingly committed towards the preservation of their nation's white dominance. This unrelenting commitment has always necessitated that impeding systems be secretly deployed against Black populations- as a means of preserving their white dominance. There’s also an immense fear of massive unified Black retribution that secretly exist amongst those white nations that have been brutally oppressive towards Black people throughout history. This immense fear necessitates that governments deploy manipulative tactics to prevents the Black masses from seeking retribution against the oppressive white society. In fact if the white society did not develop system to impede the advancement and to manipulate the minds of the Black masses it would then be diametrically apposing it’s own self interests. This is the hidden reality that most Black people are totally unaware of.
By Franklin Jones, The Black People’s Matrix.
To learn more visit my website at www.theblackpeoplematrix. Com.