That’s a wrap on cobia season 2021! We had a great summer and thank you to everyone who fished with us! Already looking forward to next year! #releasethebigones
Found some videos from this summer on the go pro. I never get in the water but after catching 40 plus big red drum over the course of 2 hours and following them way out into the ocean the only way to cool off was to jump in! This was truly a “epic” day with some great friends!
Still catching nice speckled trout in January. Found a good class of fish between 18-22 inches. All released to be caught another day! #speckledtrout #privateerboats #releaseover20
Watch and see! @ryanramsey__ with the video of our solo trips! #howyougonnadothis? #goodtime #judgeyachts #missang #bayroamercharters #comeon #bookatrip
Not ready to let go of summer yet... #gaffshot #privateerboats #bayroamercharters #takeakidfishing #hookemindabooty @ryanramsey__
They got the meat hook today! Report coming! #towerboat #etec #privateerboats #cbcustomjigs #gaffshot #evinrude
Today we teamed up with the REEL DAWG and got it done! Here’s a video of the gaff shot on a pretty fish. Summer is winding down so if you want to get on the Cobia bite give us a call! Good class of fish out right now! #bayroamercharters #REELDAWG #comeoncomeon #dogandponyshow #allday