Lately, I have been observing in those around me and also within myself 'ripples of awakenings.' These are multiple eye-openers that begin shifting your perception in big ways. Not only do they shift your perception but they also make it quite easy to drop old habits, move away from that that doesn't serve goodness, and create more liberation, the kind you've been waiting for.
Now- with that said- I had a conversation with a friend the other night and we came to the conclusion that while these awakenings are giving aid to movement.... the choice is yours. Only YOU can chose what you do with your new found awareness.
And what you do with your awakening is your greatest step forward. Let it propel you- don't stop for one minute to second guess that step forward you just took, there's no time for that. Just use your other leg to make another step in forward direction. And breathe at each.
We spoke about the voice, the one that comes in and tells you to look backwards and feel bad. The one that tries to corrupt you and take away your progress, "eat this junk food, smoke that cigarette, have that drink, stay in bed all day, don't go to that event your friends are throwing, you don't need nature today." Whatever THAT voice tells you.... it's not your inner child, it doesn't care about your wellness or your best life. That's a voice you can surely ignore.
YOU make the choice to follow through on your awakening. So go to nature, eat the healthy food that WILL fuel you for a sweeter existence, see your friends, CONNECT. Despite that silly voice that truly, if you notice, has no real power over you. It needs you to actually get the things it wants. It's just a voice. But YOU, you don't need IT to do anything ;) You have the hands and the body to follow through. The power is yours, my friend. So.... your awakening then...is yours to do everything good you wish to.
All that is needed to make that forward progress you're hoping for-is for you to know that NO voice inside your head is more
powerful than YOU.
Happy awakening, dear Ones