I asked my husband the other day if he no longer thinks I’m crazy or if he’s just finally gone crazy with me? He response was cautious and delicate, and not worded well at all. He told me he really doesn’t care anymore, and that he’s kinda given up. Haha here’s the thing with words. That’s not at all what he meant. What he meant was that he doesn’t worry like he used to. When I said spoke cautiously and delicately, it was because he was making sure I wasn’t going to be offended And that I completely understood what he meant. Worrying if we are doing right by our children. Worrying if we are working hard enough, if he was providing enough. Worrying that my wild ideas would fail and some how he’d have to be strong enough to put a broken me back together. He (well we) have done so much growing up together. We have been winging it since day one. Let’s have a lot of kids I said, and so we did. Let’s travel the world and let the kids manage themselves I said, and so we did. Let’s build a homestead and live off that land I said, and so we did. It hasn’t been easy for him, but he is amazing in the way he handles this life with me. Here’s to a terrific life partner and dad. Who may actually have just gone crazy like me. Happy Fathers day McKay, you’re one hell of a guy!
Also, back story on these photos. The guys at the sanctuary tasked him with helping bring the feed for the elephants. Elephants are a lot like puppies when they see a treat and come storming. Except elephants are much larger than puppies and the boss was not expecting a herd of elephants to come running at him. Once they got close enough he sorta chucked the corn husks and speed right on out of there. So good. @ Elephant Jungle Sanctuary Chiang Mai