Since 1960, members of the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI Worldwide) have been training and developing the best divers in the world. As the dive industry’s leading Not-For-Profit training agency, NAUI Worldwide devotes its resources to providing you with a thorough educational experience at ALL levels of training, leaving you with the skill and confidence to provide a life-time of fun, excitement and adventure at any certification level. Divers are members of a special community, where they can meet new people and share the knowledge they gain. Scuba will reveal new sites and new experiences, an up-close and personal encounter with marine life. NAUI's training is rooted in the premise of “Would I allow this person to teach or dive with someone I love?” Your trust and safety (just like our loved ones) take priority at every level of training.
Northeast Alabama Scuba and Outdoor Adventures utilizes NAUI Certifications with individual training that is tailored to meet your needs and busy schedules. You will receive around 35 to 40 hours of academic and watermanship training. Simply contact us and sign up for the online academic portion and complete at your pace. You will complete the watermanship training at a local pool or your own private pool if preferred. Once you have completed the required training, you will preform 4 checkout dives with your instructor to complete the certification process.
Scuba diving not your thing? Through our network of affiliates we offer training in Rock Climbing, Repelling Paddle-boarding, Kayaking and other outdoors activities. Our certified guides and Instructors can get you started today.