Sicily Connect

Sicily Connect Helping you discover the culture, heritage, and beauty of Sicily. Offering boutique travel services. Formerly Alimentaire Wholesome Breads, of Tarboro, NC.

Now helping you discover Sicily!


Our hometown in Sicily. Che bella città! If you're planning a trip to Sicily this year (or any year) please don't miss the grand beauty of here and the many other interior wonders of this stunning island.

We just installed a new oven in the house and it has us reflecting back to a recent, but very different time in our live...

We just installed a new oven in the house and it has us reflecting back to a recent, but very different time in our lives, albeit one that was forged in the same surrender to longing and search for meaningful purpose that has fueled the decisions we’ve made throughout most of our lives.

Our particular, small rural bakery in our particular, small rural town of eastern North Carolina was a dream come true for us, and it, more than any other pursuit, outside perhaps of moving to Sicily, taught us things about ourselves and the world around us we might never have fully realized.

It was, we can say now looking back, the necessary step to a lifetime of working that gave us the confidence to close it—as bizarre as that may sound—and move to Sicily.

Imagine, so much potential in a loaf of bread.

Maybe that’s why they say judge a restaurant by the bread and their coffee. Competence is in the simplicity of it.

Some Day in Sicily

Hi there! If you follow our other account, The Revelate (now Some Day in Sicily), you may have noticed we’ve made some c...

Hi there! If you follow our other account, The Revelate (now Some Day in Sicily), you may have noticed we’ve made some changes to our social media platforms, , starting with our handle. While The Revelate mirrored well the longing, purpose and place we’ve been publishing on our newsletter, Franca and I both felt we could do more to share with you how a couple of unfinished, aspiring, middle-aged adults managed to upend their lives without killing one another and move halfway around the world.

We left America, hoping to find our place in the world, and while what we have found here in Sicily has been all of that and more, it pales in comparison to the discovery we are finding in one another.

For sure it’s been a hell of an experience, one we thought it would be good to share with other expats, or parents and partners, or others just trying to live the kind of life they’ve always wanted, and maybe in so doing, help anyone who might be wondering how such a crazy, worthwhile, unpredictable endeavor would play out in their own corners of the globe, even if only in their imagination.

As they say, there is nothing wrong with dreaming.

“Throw off the bowlines,” Mark Twain wrote. “Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Onward, travelers!


July represents the 80th anniversary of The Battle of Sicily in the Second World War. Embedded with troops during the Allied invasion was the famed "Father of Photojournalism" (and hater of war, by the way), Robert Capa, and though my video hardly does justice to his work, I hope it captures the fear, senselessness and ruin brought about by conflict. For sure, it's something to think about as we all go about celebrating this month—or choosing not to—our own perspective of Independence and what it may or may not mean to others. Our world is not a one-size-fits-all and war is proof that those who see it that way bring out the very worst in humankind.

Read more about Operation Husky and hear the story of one special someone who experienced it first hand.


Summer has arrived finally in after a very wet and chilly spring (at least here in the mountains), and while we both enjoy the sun and heat and the occasional dip in the pool, one of us seems especially suited for the life of an otter. Can you guess which one?

with Steven Lee Gilbert


Sicily is full of human wonder. Ancient artifacts, historical relics, enchanting stone villages and other marvels of human engineering on both land and sea. But one of the most pleasant discoveries found here is access to nature. The landscape is rich, wild, and incredibly varied, with hilly plains, towering stone mountains, and a coastline of incredible, jaw-dropping beauty.

One of our favorite outdoor places to visit is Lo Zingaro Natural Reserve (The Gypsy in Italian) located in the Province of Trapani, just outside of the San Vito Lo Capo. It is locally revered for its stunning beauty, but also for the inspiring story of the community coming together to protect it.

Click the here to read more at Steven Lee Gilbert

Do you have Sicilian roots or are you connected to Sicily through marriage? Whatever the situation, we can help you unco...

Do you have Sicilian roots or are you connected to Sicily through marriage? Whatever the situation, we can help you uncover the places where your ancestors lived and worked. We’ll tailor a tour specifically suited to the discovery of your place of origin, complete with as much detail as you desire. We can design your tour based on your interests and your budget. No minimum participation required.

Longing for a slower, deeper, more worthwhile immersion into the people, culture, and cuisine of the largest island in t...

Longing for a slower, deeper, more worthwhile immersion into the people, culture, and cuisine of the largest island in the Mediterranean? Then look no further. Our mission at Sicily Connect is to curate experiences which foster a less hurried, more authentic connection to the raw, wild splendor that has made Sicily an island for the ages. One that restores a more meaningful mindset of adventure, feels more restful to the traveler, respectful of the locals, kinder to the planet and easier on the pocketbook.

Let us help you plan your next adventure.
Now booking for late 2023 and all of 2024.

Here's a preview of this September's Western Landscapes adventure:
Think Sicily is all volcano? Maybe at one point it was, but not anymore. Join us on this 10 day tour of the western landscape—including a day trip to the small island of Favignana—where the only shadows cast are yours as you soak in the wondrous sites, sounds and flavors of ancient temples, enchanting seaside villages, secluded beaches and some of the best wines found anywhere in the world. This is the landscape of Sicily: rich, wild, varied, a jaw-dropping and awe-inspiring excursion into a world unlike any other. You will leave having truly discovered what Goethe meant when he wrote about the island: “To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.”

Offering small, immersive tours of Sicily, Italy that connect travelers to the people, culture, and cuisine of the largest island in the Mediterranean in a manner more restful on them, respectful of the locals, kinder to the planet, and easier on the wallet.

You've seen the White Lotus, been enamored with the toursity ads popping up on your google searches or social media, or ...

You've seen the White Lotus, been enamored with the toursity ads popping up on your google searches or social media, or you've just been following us for a while and are now experiencing your own longing for an escape to Sicily, let us help. Our 2024 Tour Schedule is live online, so please check it out, share it with friends and family, and then book yourself what is certain to be a live-changing trip to Sicily. You won't be disappointed, we're living proof.

Still not sure where you're going this year? We've got one more tour scheduled for September. Check them all out at the link below.

Offering small, immersive tours of Sicily, Italy that connect travelers to the people, culture, and cuisine of the largest island in the Mediterranean in a manner more restful on them, respectful of the locals, kinder to the planet, and easier on the wallet.

The Casazza of Nicosia is a traveling sacred representation that made Nicosia  famous throughout Sicily in the late 1800...

The Casazza of Nicosia is a traveling sacred representation that made Nicosia famous throughout Sicily in the late 1800s.
The Casazze are figurative traveling representations, with characters in period costume divided into groups symbolizing episodes from the Old and New Testaments. They originated in Genova around 1260. In Sicily they spread in the 16th century thanks to the close trade relations between Genova and Palermo. Among the various Casazze, the one in Nicosia, was probably the grandest. By the end of the nineteenth century, La Casazza di Nicosia, consisting of 35 scenes, was performed on Holy Thursday, and lasted about 12 hours with the participation of more than 3,000 people.

The Casazza was then transcribed in the dialogues and scenes by the Apostolic Protonotary of the church of San Nicolò Don Santo De Luca, and later in a book edited by Giovanni D'Urso and Salvatore Lo Pinzino: La Casazza di Nicosia. The event was revived and has taken place in the streets of Nicosia since 2016. Nicosians are incredibly proud to present the Casazza every year, with scenes, usually 3 per year, rotating from year to year. Their boundless love for their town and for their cultural heritage is evidenced in the way the entire event is carried out.

This very cool series highlights the beauty that is Sicily! It's truly delightful!

This very cool series highlights the beauty that is Sicily! It's truly delightful!

First Episode in my Series "Sicily By Ape." The journey to circumnavigate Sicily with my 40 year old Italian 3 wheeled truck starts in Cianciana where I live...

What age are you in your head? New Post at The Revelate. Please visit, subscribe and share. This silly guy needs your lo...

What age are you in your head? New Post at The Revelate. Please visit, subscribe and share. This silly guy needs your love and support 😄

Trying to better understand and appreciate the current version of yourself? Start by asking the question: What age are you in your head? I did and my answer, while it might not entirely surprise you, will, cast some light on why I yam what I yam.

As the crow flies, distances may be short, but the travel is long.

As the crow flies, distances may be short, but the travel is long.

It’s easy to find fault in the way the hinterland of Sicily is disconnected from the rest of the island. Driving conditions aren’t always ideal, with many hairpin turns, switchbacks, and even jaunts through what are probably private pastures or farmland. I’ve had many conversations with people...

Oranges are in season in Sicily! They are delicious and abundant! Try out some of these salad recipes. I bet you'll love...

Oranges are in season in Sicily! They are delicious and abundant! Try out some of these salad recipes. I bet you'll love them! We sure do.

The oranges in Sicily are out of this world! Since the end of November, we’ve been greedily gobbling up these deliciously juicy and sweet fruits in a variety of ways.

Our inaugural tour is in May. Hurry and reserve your spot! Only 6 spots left! Deadline is fast approaching! For more inf...

Our inaugural tour is in May. Hurry and reserve your spot! Only 6 spots left! Deadline is fast approaching! For more information, contact us, or visit our website. Just capture the QR code with your camera!

Come join us on the inaugural tour! May 3 - 10!

Come join us on the inaugural tour! May 3 - 10!

Connecting you to Sicily through travel, culture, food, wine, heritage and much much more.


This week, in honor of election season, I present Noam Chomsky's ten principles of wealth and power and my own personal, special spin on how they might be leading to the death of the middle class and the utter destruction of democracy.

Read on at The Revelate.

📸 by Mike Goad from Pixabay

Have you ever woken up one day entirely and utterly exasperated by your surrender to a life you didn’t sign up for, shap...

Have you ever woken up one day entirely and utterly exasperated by your surrender to a life you didn’t sign up for, shaped by a society with which you disagree?

You’re not alone. Everyone has at one point or another in their life confronted a moment in time when they felt the life they’d imagined slipping through their fingers and found in its place the promise that a less miserable, more meaningful life was just not possible.

This week at The Revelate I share the ten steps we took to turn that feeling into rebellious way of living that eventually brought us to Sicily. You can read more at the link in our bio, but you can be sure it didn’t start there, but years before, with quitting a job.

The global population turns 8 billion people this November and with that many mouths to feed there’s no question we need...

The global population turns 8 billion people this November and with that many mouths to feed there’s no question we need to do and provide better, especially as it relates to food. Kilometer Zero, a program started by the Slow Food Movement, is one such way with the potential to not only feed but reshape the world.

📸 Image by stokpic from Pixabay

We hope you’ll continue to support the things we both love in our lives, food and writing by signing up for our newslett...

We hope you’ll continue to support the things we both love in our lives, food and writing by signing up for our newsletter, The Revelate!

You’ll be supporting not only Independent publishing but our passion for bringing people together for common causes.

Follow the link to learn more of this special offer to friends of the bakery!

Love to you all!

Uncovering proof you can cut through the bu****it we're taught about life and live longer, better, with less, wherever you are. 📸 is philosophy

We began the blog, Without Envy, years ago to share our journey of raising a child with Type One Diabetes to live life t...

We began the blog, Without Envy, years ago to share our journey of raising a child with Type One Diabetes to live life to the fullest. We had no idea just how far the idea would take us.

Hi, we're Steve and Franca . That's us up there, behind the counter of the bread bakery we opened a few years ago in a small town in Eastern North Carolina. It was a big deal at the time, for us anyway—I guess for others, too—and maybe it still is something to brag about. After all, we were both in our early 50s, switching careers, to pursue food of all things, in an area known more for industrial fast food than that made from scratch of real, mostly local, ingredients.

Plus, we had never owned a business before. And we were doing it as a couple—meaning no one was working outside of the business to earn a living in case it crashed and burned. Which it did not. On paper anyway. To family, acquaintances, potential lenders, and many others however, our bakery must’ve looked like one of those endeavors normal people our age would have considered and moved past with a shrug and sigh: Too late, missed my chance.

We're not normal people. So we uprooted ourselves and our family to this little rural community with huge intentions. I won't go into them now—you can read more about it at the link provided—because none of those things really matter anymore. This newsletter is not really about what happened then or what could've been. It's about now, and what comes next.

It’s about living longer, better, with less, wherever you are because life, as we’ve all just seen, can deteriorate rather quickly into madness, chaos and misery if we hold too tight to the way things are or could have been. Whether it’s meaningful work, enough money, great s*x, or the adventure of a lifetime. We risk losing ourselves in the pursuit of a thing, which may or may not be obtainable any longer, instead of finding ourselves alive and well in the purpose.

Engaged with life. Content with intention. Filled with bliss.

Read more of this story at

This cannot be real.

This cannot be real.


Raleigh, NC


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