Happy Holidays 2024!
This has been an absolutely amazing year. So happy to be back in the air and so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. I appreciate you and wish you a safe and wonderful holiday.
Celebrating freedom on the beach from the Chart House in Redondo Beach CA! Love fireworks! #Skywaytohighway
I needed to get my airport fix! Anyone fly out of this airfield or vicinity? #azpilots
Mud party at Burningman today and tomorrow! All welcome!
A yearly highlight from AirVenture is the night fireworks airshow. Despite a couple of glitches, the show was stunning as always and the migration to SOS for music and dancing was massive! Who else was there?
#skychick #skywaytohighway #EAA #airshow #fireworks #AirVenture #aviation
Check out the new Honda booth with an entire lifestyle presentation. Cars motorcycles, ATVs, jets outboard motors generators, everything is here. Stop by…you’ll love it.
#skychick #skywaytohighway #eaa #airventure #OSH23 #honda #hondagenerator #hondacars #hondamarine
⏰ Only 2 days left!! Don't miss my seminar on "SkyChick's 2023 Top Gear Picks for Air Camping and General Camping" this Friday. Learn from my experience and pick the best gear for your camping needs. See you there!
🔗 Check out the link below for more details!
#skychick #skywaytohighway #airventureseminar #campinggear #aircamping #eaa
Week number two of the Skyway to Highway Journey included the July 4th Parade in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. Fireworks tonight…WhooHoo!
Does anyone recognize the woman in the blue dress with the divas banner? Hint… She is married to a renowned aviator and is a pilot herself.
#skychick #skywaytohighway #4thofJuly #independenceday #parade #Idaho #coeurdalene
At Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, AZ and right now is the film festival. The name of the film is Why We Roam. Sounds pretty good. www.overlandexpo.com
Even the Blue Angels couldn’t wait to get near the Planetags booth, lol. Join us at booth N97, back of building A, And check out our newest Planetags!
#planetags #sunnfun #SNF23 #avgeek #aviation #airplane
Ramona Cox (SkyChick) provides insider tips for Planetags at SunNFun. #snf23, #sunnfun, #airshow, @motoart, #planetags