I wanted to take a moment to check in. I am most hopeful you and your loved ones are safe and making it through this extremely tough time. With the year quickly coming to an end, I must say I was very hopeful things would be in a better state then they are right now. I know our industry and all associated with it are struggling and yearning for things to be as we once knew them. I am not sure if that will ever be the case but we need to pull together and rise up to be heard and demand that the music industry be reintroduced to the world. I do not think for a minute that our government (regardless of political party), realizes the millions of lives closing our industry and keeping it closed has affected in a very negative manner. Not to mention the millions that derive pleasure from the music industry in their every day lives.
I have kept in close contact with our clients and other entities that service and support the music industry and all are very concerned and hopeful to get back to life as we knew it or at least as close as possible. So many folks I know have lost all they have worked so hard and long for. They were turned down for PPP Loans, Small Business Disaster Loans and other types of support that could have helped them through these uncompromising times. Lives lost, jobs lost, careers ruined, homes lost, families broken into pieces and the list goes on. My heart goes out to all that were negatively impacted by this pandemic. I am sure we can all agree we never, ever, imagined something of this magnitude could come upon us and our industry and cause the level of destruction that it has.
I am not even certain why I am writing this and sending it out but I do know I have had enough and I MEAN ENOUGH. If we want a chance at things returning to “normal” we as a community and industry need to be heard. We need to make clear that this cannot continue and explain the magnitude of devastation , in detail, that this shut down has caused and continues to cause.
There is no doubt tours will start again but when??? How much longer can many of us endure no income? No stability?
I appreciate you taking the time to read this correspondence. Since COVID-19 has reared its ugly head The Brink Transportation has taken many measures to combat and manage it. We continue to fight, fight hard to protect the future of our company and the valued client base we have worked so hard to establish. This pandemic has knocked all of us off of our feet in one way or another. I am hopeful to be able to work with our clients and fellow associates in the music industry to do whatever The Brink and I can do to help be heard and jump start the touring industry.
I am optimistic that we will be working together again in the near future!!!
In the meantime, please do not forget The Brink Transportation as we haven’t forgotten you or the value you have brought and will again bring to our organization.
Stay safe and fight this fight. We MUST get our beloved industry back and if there is anything we can offer please do not hesitate to reach out. If you have any suggestions, thoughts or feedback I am wide open to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Jody Brink, President
The Brink Transportation Inc.
409 N. Pacific Coast Hwy #625
Redondo Beach CA 90277
[email protected]
Website http://thebrinktransportation.com
Providing a transportation experience that offers; Luxury, Consistency and Personalized Service. 310.540.8093