Clean City Programs
We will be cleaning tomorrow Sunday October 18th as listed on flyer below. Register on our website and "Become a part of something special...."®️
The fight against COVID-19, from CCGRP RVA LLC Companies, Richmond VA.
United we shall stand as we defeat COVID-19!
#blkbusdriver #blkbusdriverkev #thecrossleycolemangroup #hbcuedtours #cccommunitysponsorsrva #rightdirectionyouthnetworkrva #success #education #victorytravelinc #ontheroadagain #doingbigthings #rickjohnson #rickyjfoundation #rickyjohnsonandfriends #hbcu #hbcuedtp
We are giving back where it counts.... our inner-city youth and their future in education!
•off the cuff collection•
•off the cuff collection•
The journey continues.... OH365, CCGRP RVA LLC and Victory Travel Inc..... coming this summer 2019 our 5 day HBCU tour (Virginia, North Carolina and Atlanta GA)
Like us here on Facebook:
•The Crossley & Coleman Group RVA LLC Companies
•Victory Travel Inc
For more information:
•inbox us on either page or email us,
[email protected]
[email protected]
• the essence of beauty•
Next appearance will be in the fashion show "off the cuff collection" by Douglas Says Fashion designer of Jersey City NJ and Sponsored by CCGRP RVA LLC Companies
Never standing still.... Coming to you from the four corners of the globe....
•The Crossley & Coleman Group RVA LLC Companies
"The Success Of A Man Never Stands Still And Wait"
"Building An Empire One Company At A Time"
Blkbusdriver Kev, owner of The Crossley & Coleman Group RVA LLC Companies ( CCGRP RVA LLC)
"The Success Of A Man Never Stands Still"
Our History 365
Our History 365
(O)ur (H)istory 365 a look into our inaugural tour on January 21, 2019 in Richmond Va, commencing at 10:15a to 3:00p
I am excited to announce the launch of our newest venture OH 365.
In collaboration with The Crossley & Coleman Group and Victory Travel (O)ur (H)istory 365 tours & seminars will explore the rich and often untold history of African Americans across the Nation.
On January 21, 2019 we will officially launch and offer a “free” tour of the epicenter of the U.S. slave trade Richmond, Virginia.
Join us hear the stories discover or rediscover some unknown facts about Virginia’s Capital. Walk the Slave Trail and then relax in comfort aboard our luxurious, 56 passenger top of the line, Prevost motor coach. You will also have the opportunity to hear all about our upcoming heritage tours and events and visit some of the city’s hidden gems.
In addition, we will be available to schedule private bus trips & events for groups to visit historical locations and hidden gems of the African American experience. Our tours are for anyone who truly has a desire to share and learn our history 365.
Reserve your seat today!