To honor Bob, the success of the new film and the star-studded reunion later this month at Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, please enjoy "The Million Dollar Bash" from 2001 all this month on Paul Metsa's "Wall of Power TV"!
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎
Helmi Harrington & Tracey Gibbons were wonderful guides through "The World of Accordions" located in Superior , WI. Our favorite Holiday Special is our treat to You! Happy Holidays!
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎
The great new book "Blood in the Tracks" from Paul Metsa and Rick Shefchik has been widely praised for its accuracy in capturing the Minneapolis sessions for Bob Dylan's classic LP "Blood on the Tracks". The "Blood Brothers" finally got their recognition after more than 40 years and our history-making 4 part special captured the afternoon! Join us on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV" and get the inside scoop from the guys who Lived it!!
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎
WPTV - Guitar Godz
To start our Third season, we went on the road to catch a quick interview with pro guitarists David Grissom and Greg Koch! The result was a deep dive into guitar mechanics, epic stories and Music History! For the next 2 weeks on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV"...Guitar WILL Be Spoken Here!
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎
Metsa Live
A GREAT live performance and interview with Paul Metsa, from November 2022, the next 3 weekends on Wall of Power TV! Watch the show in the Twin Ports every Friday and Saturday at 10:30 pm on PACT TV Cable Channel 180 and in the Twin Cities on MCN6, streaming live on Roku and at 8PM Saturdays. We'll Save Ya a Seat! 😎
Louie Kemp
Besties with Bobby D in his teens, went on to Production Manage the historic "Rolling Thunder Revue" and wrote a pretty cool book about his fascinating life! Join us on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV" as we sit down with special guest, Louis Kemp, in an exclusive interview from August 2019! Watch the show in the Twin Ports every Friday and Saturday at 10:30 pm on PACT TV Cable Channel 180 and in the Twin Cities on MCN6, streaming live on Roku and at 8PM Saturdays. We'll Save Ya a Seat! 😎
Historic Trio
It's always nice when you can revisit the Mpls. music scene with those who were there, researched it, made it Happen or All THREE.
Our guests the next 2 weeks are the multi-talented Gregg Inhofer (who played keys on "Blood on the Tracks") and historian and Metsa co-author Rick Shefchik. Metsa rounds out the trio and we truly captured a great conversation with cameras on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV"! Join us!
Watch the show in the Twin Ports every Friday and Saturday at 10:30 pm on PACT TV Cable Channel 180 and in the Twin Cities on MCN6, streaming live on Roku and at 8PM Saturdays. We'll Save Ya a Seat! 😎
Chris Mulkey
We were SO fortunate to get the multi-talented actor and musician Chris Mulkey in the studio for a full hour back in 2018! You'll hear lots of stories from two old friends the next 2 weekends on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV" Watch the show in the Twin Ports every Friday and Saturday at 10:30 pm on PACT TV Cable Channel 180 and in the Twin Cities on MCN6, streaming live on Roku and at 8PM Saturdays. We'll Save Ya a Seat! 😎
Aldo Moroni
In November of 2019, a longtime friend and NE Mpls compatriot of Paul Metsa's had some bad news to share and they sat down for a conversation with cameras. The following September, the world lost the brilliant, brave and funny Aldo Moroni, a world renowned sculpture artist and visionary. The next two weeks on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV" we bring you history, laughs and courage.
Watch the show in the Twin Ports every Friday and Saturday at 10:30 pm on PACT TV Cable Channel 180 and in the Twin Cities on MCN6, streaming live on Roku and at 8PM Saturdays. We'll Save Ya a Seat! 😎
Remembering producer, sound engineer, manager, record store owner and all-around great guy Terry Katzman this weekend on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV"! A pioneer of the TC Music Scene, Terry worked with The Replacements, Husker Du, The Suicide Commandos and The Suburbs just to name a few. We had a wonderful conversation with him in November of 2017 and he passed away two years later at the age of 64. We are so fortunate to bring you this "living" document of his fascinating story.
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎
This weekend you'll meet the very "Forrest Gump"-like New Yorker Frank Beacham! Paul sat down with Frank at the famed Kettle-o-Fish for a fascinating chat about Music history, political history and just being in the right place at the right time. Join us this weekend on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV"!
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎
Wptv - Alejandro
Right before a gig at the Dakota in 2019, we caught up with Tex Mex legend Alejandro Escovedo. Sit in as two old friends recall their musical history together! This weekend on "Paul Metsa's Wall of Power TV"!
Watch Classic episodes on MCN6, streaming on Roku and at Saturday Nights at 8PM. In the Twin Ports, we're on Cable Channel 180, PACT TV, Friday and Saturday Nights at 10:30PM. We'll Save ya a Seat! 😎