🚜 Farmers, get ready for Plant 2025!🌽
Smart choices today = big harvests tomorrow. Agrilead has the tools to help your Corn and Soybean Seed Grow & Flow this season.
The future of farming is innovation, and it starts with your seed strategy. We’re introducing a Dry Custom Blended Seed Treatment designed to protect your seed, enhance emergence, and eliminate the need for hopper box treatments to be done in the field.
🔬 Stronger disease resistance with EPA registered Bio-Fungicide
🌱 Enhanced Seed flow & Plantability
🌾 Reasonable Cost, Realistic Performance Expectations with proven Return on Investment
#Plant2025 #GrowAndFlow #FarmersFirst #SeedTreatment #Agronomy #Corn #Soybeans
Come on out for the Ranch Rodeo happening now and the Josh Meloy Concert kicking off with Seth Henry Morris opening at 9:00pm!
#russellcountyfair #supportlocal #community
Check out this video of Jeff explaining and showing how Residuce is going to work to break down crop residue quicker, making drilling easier and nutrient uptake more efficient.
More information on Residuce Complete - https://www.douglasplanthealth.com/terratrove/residuce-complete/
#dphbiologicals #biologicals #agriculture
DPH Biologicals Residuce on Cover Crop
We are out in the field today checking out how DPH’s residuce product is working on our cover crop. Stay tuned for a more detailed update!
IMPRESS - Seed Treatment Additive for Cereals
As defined by the American Seed Trade Association… Dust – treated seed: Fine particulate matter contained in or easily dislodged from treated seed. It consists or both the naturally occurring Untreated Seed Dust as well as components of the Seed Treatment. Treated seed typically contains less dust than untreated seed.
This issue has been initially driven by concerns associated with the decline of the honey bee population because of active ingredient dust-off of insecticide products, but it is also a very important issue for worker protection.
Many different variables factor into the amount of dust-off coming off treated seed: Crop Seed Type, Level of Pre-Treat Seed Cleaning and Conditioning, and Treatment Formulation & Additives.
IMPRESS is a Non-Pesticide Additive for use with Seed Treatment Insecticides, Fungicides, & Growth Enhancing Products on Cereals including Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Triticale.
IMPRESS – Reduces Dust-off --> Keep More Product on the Seed & Maximize Opportunity for Treatment Performance.
IMPRESS – Stewardship --> More Treatment on the Seed means a Safer workplace & Environmental Respect.
IMPRESS – Added Value --> Improved Distribution & Adherence of Treatment = Higher Value Treated Seed & Product offering to Growers.
PIZAZZ | Patent-Pending Seed Shine & Flow Aid
Pizazz is a powdered seed shine and flow aid seed treatment that is designed to enhance treated seed appearance while improving ambient dust, seed flow and plant-ability. Learn more about Pizazz in this product video; For seed that FLOWS, SHOWS, SHINES, AND PLANTS BETTER!
NEW Patent Pending PIZAZZ Seed Shine & Flow Aid
PIZAZZ is a new dry seed coating technology designed to deliver shine and improved flow to treated seed with minimal fugitive dust when handling and applying the product.
Even better, compared to leading dry powder “shine” products, seeds treated with PIZAZZ have more consistent coverage with better seed flow.
PIZAZZ is formulated with bio-friendly components that are safe to use with inoculants and other biological seed treatment products.
NOVO Seed Care Prescription Management System
What is NOVO?
Watch this brief introduction video below to learn more about the NOVO Seed Care Prescription Management System!