Craving incredible flavors with stunning riverfront views? 🍹🌅 Pilot House on the Delta King is Sacramento’s premier spot for unforgettable dining. Book your table now and make your next meal one to remember!
#Pilothouse #DeltaKingDining #deltakingsac #oldsac #oldsacramentowaterfront #downtownsac #visitsacramento #sac365 #lifeinsacramento #cocktails #dinner #SacramentoWaterfront #SacramentoEats #RiverfrontDining #SacramentoCA #FoodieFavorites
⚾️ Big news, Sacramento! The Oakland A's are coming to town and we're ready to roll out the green and gold carpet for them. 🌟 Join us on the Delta King as we celebrate this exciting new chapter for our city's sports scene. Let's make some noise for the A's! 💚💛
#deltakingsac #oaklandathletics #sacramentoproud #baseballinsactown #visitsacramento #sac365 #oldsacwaterfront #oldsac #baseball #sacramento #sacramentoriver #lifeinsacramento #travelsacramento #historichotel #sacramentohistory #downtownsac #hotel #eatabddrink
Join us aboard the Delta King in Old Sacramento for delicious Irish cuisine and festive drinks before or after the St. Patrick’s Day parade!
#deltakingsac #oldsac #oldsacramentowaterfront #downtownsac #stpatricksday #corned #cornedbeef #irish #drinks #cocktails #food #parade #luckoftheirish #lucky #leprechaun
Hop aboard the Delta King this Easter for an
Egg-stravagant Easter Brunch Buffet!
For reservations call 916-444-8052.
#deltakingsac #oldsac #oldsacramentowaterfront #downtownsac #visitsacramento #sac365 #eastereggs #easter #eggs #eggsbenedict #brunch #mimosa #buffet #food #drinks
The Mark Twain Salon aboard the Delta King: Discover the limitless possibilities of our largest event space! For more information or to schedule a tour call 916-444-8052 or click the link in our bio to submit an online request.
#oldsacramentowaterfront #oldsac #deltakingsac #meeting #meetingroom #planner #downtownsac #visitsacramento #booknow #traveler #retreat #meetandgreet #gala #party #dance #celebration
Laissez les bons temps rouler! Join us at the Delta King for a Hurricane and some savory bites during the Mardi Gras Carnival this weekend in Old Sacramento!
#deltakingsac #oldsacramentowaterfront #oldsac #downtownsac #visitsacramento #mardigras #beads #hurricane #crawfish #parade #king #queen