A beautiful Saturday afternoon in downtown St.Augustine.
Wedding day for Thomas and Alexis Schutt
Thomas & Alexis Schutt's wedding day, January 2nd 2021, St. Augustine, Florida.
We are enjoying the Nights of Lights in St. Augustine. We will be putting up our Christmas decorations (and a few more lights) next week.
Jason Ruths (St. Augustine Beach Radio 105.5Fm & Country 106.3Fm) and Joe Targove, listening to Caleb Mayberry's new song at JAM-OLOGY.
Robin and Mike @ Journey's End B & B supports Jam-ology Creative Music & Video Production Club in St. Augustine. www.jam-ology.com
Dog Rose Brewery entertaining the crowd.
Enjoyed a Wine Cruise with our guests. The cruise leaves from the Comachee Cove Marina which is a 12 minutes drive from the Inn.They charge $39.00 per person and provide white and red wine tastings and a a few hors d'ouevres.
We have just enjoyed a "Cruise-In", an event hosted by the St. Augustine Cruisers Car Club, held every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Latest images of our B & B in St. Augustine, Florida, U.S.A. Set video to HD to get best picture quality.
Undertaking siding restoration.The old girl is getting a little facelift, after having had a new roof fitted in Sept '18. Preparing the Inn for our wonderful guests in 2019.
Pre-Nights of the Lights Festivities on Aviles Street (oldest street in the Nation). (low resolution video - Click the HD option on the video time line)