I am sharing this from another group. I added a couple tweaks. Feel free to add to the list in the comments.
Download the “Carnival Hub” app before your cruise. Before the cruise it is a countdown clock. During your cruise it shows the daily schedule (same as the Fun Times), menus, and a map of the ship and account summary. On a few of the newer or updated ships, you can also see and purchase your Pixel photos. The Carnival Hub is free to use on your cruise. For a $5 per cruise fee you can also use the Carnival Hub app to chat (text message) with other cruisers who are onboard with you.
Don't over pack. Lots of sites have packing lists and a list of everything that somebody has ever found useful on a cruise. You won't use everything. Gift shops are expensive on the ship.
If you find you need something that you don’t have, post on your individual Facebook group page. Chances are good that one of them has what you need. Common needs include over the counter medications and wine keys (corkscrews.)
Each cabin has a single 110V outlet by the desk. The larger suites and newer ships have more outlets & USB ports Many cruisers bring an extension cord to charge their electronics. Do not bring one with a surge protector – these are not allowed. I bring a charging station, it’s small, has 6 charging ports and takes up less place. I can charge 6 different devices at the same time.
Check in time is enforced, if you arrive before your time you may have to wait outside the terminal
The safety briefing (muster drill) is mandatory by international law. Now easier than ever as you just check in at muster station and a crew member scans your sail and sign card card. You then watch as crew member demonstrates how to put on life jacket. Done! ✔️
It takes a while for Carnival to deliver 8,000 to 10,000 pieces of luggage, so be patient. Some luggage does not arrive until dinner time. Pack anything you want or need the first day in your carry-on – swim suits, medication, etc. The dress code in the dining rooms and specialty restaurants is casual on the first night because some people will not have received their luggage before dinner.
😎 Store your empty suitcases under the bed.
The ironing rooms/laundry rooms are very busy the afternoon of the first cruise elegant evening – usually the first sea day. Save time standing in line for one of the few guest irons onboard by doing any ironing on embarkation day. They are located on the odd numbered stateroom/cabin side.
There are a lot of activities on the ship, especially on sea days. Don't try to do everything - too hectic. Pace yourself, you’ll get there.
You will be on a ship with ~3500 guests - so there will be lines at certain times - for example noon for lunch on the Lido deck. Avoiding peak times by 20-30 minutes usually results in much shorter lines.
You can tell how many days a guest has cruised by the color of their Sail and Sign card. Blue - first cruise. Red - 2nd cruise to 24 days. Gold - 25-74 days. Platinum - 75-199 days. Diamond (white) 200+ days. Many experienced cruisers are happy to answer questions and give advice or answering questions.
There is a map of the ship in the elevator lobbies that is oriented to the ship. For example, the bow (front) of the map points to the bow of the ship.
A cruise is a great opportunity for making friends, some can last a lifetime!!!
The towel animals take over the lido deck early one morning on every cruise – usually 1 or 2 days before the end of the cruise. Often impressive, this is a favorite picture opportunity for many.
Have fun. Try something new. What happens on a ship stays on the ship - unless a video goes viral.
Internet access on the cruise ships is much better than in the past, but will be slower than you are used to on land. My experience is the speed of the internet varies from good to horrible based on how many other guests are sharing the limited bandwidth. Speed is best early in the morning – before 10 AM. Internet speed is also good on port days until about an hour before departure. Internet speed is often very slow in the evenings and just after reboarding in ports when lots of guests are posting pictures and videos. There is a discount for purchasing Internet access before the cruise. Wi-Fi to use the Carnival Hub app and a few Carnival sites is free.
International roaming fees for using your cell phone on-board are very expensive. Put your phone in airplane mode and turn on wi-fi to use the Carnival Hub app. Check with your individual carrier to see what you plan covers.
Always stay on ship time, which may be different from the local port time. If you use your cell phone be careful that it does not connect to the local cell service and switch to local time. The ship will sail without you if you are late – and getting to the next port is at your expense. (Carnival will wait if one of their shore excursions is late.)
Follow Carnival's instructions for debarkation (leaving the ship at the end of the cruise). They do this every week and know how to move people smoothly. Remember that you cannot see what is happening in the terminal and Carnival will let you relax on the ship rather than stand in a long line for Customs in the terminal.
An easy way (and the only way) to get around a long line for Customs is to use a porter. They work for tips and have an express line to Customs.
Keep your hands washed, use Purell dispensers located throughout the ship!!!
Bring small bills for ports if you plan on shopping at the local stands. They might not be able to break a large bill and you certainly don’t want someone walking off with a $100.00 of your money hoping to get change back.
Before you board it might be a good idea on embarkation day, to take a photograph with your phone of one of your luggage tags, showing your deck and cabin number. Then, set that photo as the "lock screen" photo on your phone. This will do two things... 1. If you accidentally walk off and leave your phone somewhere, as soon as someone looks, they'll know exactly which cabin it needs to go to. 2. If you got the Cheers! program and accidentally walk off and leave your BRAIN sitting somewhere, a quick look at your phone will tell you which cabin YOU need to go to
Put a copy of your luggage tag inside of each suitcase and carry on- if the tag comes off, they will unzip and and know which cabin it belongs to.
Warning-cruising is addictive, welcome to the club!!