In all the locks, mules, the metal vehicles attached to the ship, and with ship movement along the locks. The whole system is fascinating with drops and inclines. This video shows how far we actually went down in the last lock.
At the last locks in the Panama Canal, there was a viewing area for locals. It was strange, but kind of cool. We were told later that the building is an IMAX theater.
Current sea day situation is a thunderstorm. We are on the way to Ocho Rios Jamaica.
Well, our chariot has arrived for our journey. We will be exploring London, then a cruise through Europe. Follow our journey here.
So, these little guys are pretty agile. WE ARE ON THE SECOND FLOOR!!! We have seen them climbing the stairs twice, but this little guy was on our veranda. It literally had to climb the side of the building to get there.
This is the drive into the resort. The blind hill is crazy
This is the view from Point Udall
Welcome to our new home for the next 14 days. We can go outside and move around the building, but we have to wear masks when we do. It seems we will be well cared for. This whole process is very surreal. At least now maybe, we won't be watching our life on national television.