Hmong Tour

Hmong Tour Professional tour organizer, rental cars of all kinds, hotels and restaurants in Vietnam.

Peb Hmoob txais tos:
- LWM QHOV ZOO NKAUJ Peb muaj: Coj neeg ncig, tos thiab xa neeg, pab nrhiav tsev so, pab qhia tej yam peb pau, pab nrhiav tsheb, yuav pib tsheb nqaj, pab yuav pib dav hlau, muag khoom Hmoob thiab pab xa khoom.


Taug choj iav

๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ฐNCIG THOOB QAUM TEB 16 HNUB๐Ÿ”ฐ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ธHanoi- Halong Bay โ€“ Nghia Lo โ€“ Mu Cang Chai โ€“ Tan Uyen โ€“ Sin Suoi Ho โ€“ Sapa - Hanoi๐Ÿ”ธ โœ…Hn...

๐Ÿ”ธHanoi- Halong Bay โ€“ Nghia Lo โ€“ Mu Cang Chai โ€“ Tan Uyen โ€“ Sin Suoi Ho โ€“ Sapa - Hanoi๐Ÿ”ธ

โœ…Hnub 1: Hanoi โ€“ Halong Bay (noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Thaum 8 teev tag kis sawv kev ntawm Hanoi mus rau Halong Bay. Halong Bay yog ib lub hiav txwv, ib qho ntawm xya qhov zoo nkauj tshaj ntiajteb no. Mus txog Hai Duong nres so me ntsis mus ntxiv. Mus txog Halong Bay li 12:30 teev tav su. Sawv daws nce mus saum nkoj cov nkoj loj muaj chaw pw. Mus txog saum nkoj ces mus muab chav pw thiab nqa hnab mus rau tom nyias chav tag ces los noj sus.
Noj sus tag mus caij nkag qhov tsua thiab mus nquam coj me nyuam nkoj me me. Rov los txog saum nkoj los da dej thiab so tos noj hmo thaum 7 teev tsaus ntuj.
Noj hmo tag muaj nuv ntses thiab hu karaoke saum nkoj. Pw saum nkoj chaw zoo ib yam pw tom hotel.

โœ…Hnub 2: Halong Bay โ€“ Cat Ba (noj tshais noj su thiab hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Sawv thaum 7 teev thiab noj tshais thaum 7:30 sawv ntxov. Yog leej twg xav thaij duab thaum hnub tuaj mas sawv
ntxov zog. Noj tshais tag mus saib zos yug ntses thiab rov los saum nkoj li 9 teev sawv ntxov thiab tshem hnab txhua yam tawm hauv chav los sab nraud. Hloov dua lub nkoj me thiab mus rau lub pov txwv Cat Bat, caij nkoj mus tawm mus caij tsheb kauj vab mus saib ib lub zos los yog nce tsheb mus taug kev nkag ib lub hav zoov thiab mam mus rau tom Hotel, muaj ob yam rau koj xaiv, mus txog ntawm hotel li 12 teev thiab mus noj sus tod. Noj sus tag mus saib pov txwv liab, yog saib pov txwv liab ua ntej lawm ces mus taug ntug hiav txwv ua si thiab mus da dej yog lub caij sov.

โœ…Hnub 3: Halong Bay โ€“ Hanoi (noj tshais noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Sawv kev nce tsheb thaum 7t30 nce tsheb los rau tom chaw nce nkoj thiab los rau Halong Bay. Sawv daws nyob saum nkoj so ua si thiab caij nkoj mus ncig hiav txwv txog 11:30 noj sus. Noj sus tag tawm tim ntug thiab nce tsheb rov los Hanoi thaum li 5 teev tsaus ntuj. Rov los ntawm chaw pw thiab mus noj hmo thaum 6t30, noj hmo tag leej twg xav mus ncig li cas los nyob ntawm nyias.

โœ…Hnub 4: Hanoi โ€“ Nghia Lo (noj tshais, noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Nce tsheb thaum 8 teev tag kis mus rau Nghia Lo, mus txog pem lub dawm Thanh Son mus so ib pliag yuav mov raj los yog pob kws ci thiab pob kws hau tej (nyias noj nyias them) thiab mus saib thaij duab lub roob Tshuaj Yej zoo nkauj heev nyob rau ped. Mus ntxiv txog tom thu cuc tav li 11t30 so noj sus. Noj sus tag so ib pliag mus ntxiv rau pem Suoi Giang mus saib lub zos Hmoob uas lawv ib txwm cog cov tshuaj yej uas nrov nrov es tej tsob loj loj nyob rau tebchaws ntawd. Ncig qhov ntawd tag ces los rau Nghia Lo thiab los muab chaw so. Los ntawm Hotel thiab mus da dej kub so nyob rau ntawm no. Noj hmo thaum 7 teev.

โœ…Hnub 5: Nghia Lo โ€“ Mu Cang Chai โ€“ Tan Uyen (noj tshais, noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Nce tsheb 7t30 teev mus rau Mu Cang Chai lub zos uas liaj siav zoo nkauj tshaj lub caij no. Mus txog ntawm Tu Le mus nrhe saib lawv tuav mov nplej tshiab thiab leej twg xav noj los yuav. Saib nov tag mus ntxiv txog Khau Pha lub chaw uas cov liaj zoo nkauj tshaj plaws, mus nres ntawm no thaij duab, thaij duab tag mus ntxiv rau pem lub dawm Khau Pha lub chaw uas lawv ya kaus thiab mus nres thaij duab. Mus ntxiv kom txog rau Mu Cang Chai thiab mus noj sus. Noj sus tag mus saib lub o blub roob liaj zoo nkauj tshaj nyob rau pem no. Saib tag sawv kev mus kom txog rau Tan Uyen thiab mus pw ntawm no.
Noj hmo thaum 7 teev tsaus ntuj.

โœ…Hnub 6: Tan Uyen - Sin Suoi Ho (noj tshais, noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Noj tshais thaum 7 teev. 8teev 30 sawv kev mus saib lub zos Hmoob Sin Suoi Ho nyob rau Lai Chau, lub zos Hmoob uas luag cav zoo nkauj thiab peb cov Hmoob Mekas ib txhia nyiam tuaj saib. Thaum taug kev mus ke mus ken res thaij duab. Mus txog lub nroog Lai Chau mus noj mov rau lub nroog no. Noj sus tag mus ntxiv kom txog rau lub zos Hmoob thiab mus muab chaw so. Muab chaw so tag ces sawvdaws mus taug kev nrig zos Hmoob saib Hmoob tej liaj teb nyob ntawm no.
Mus muab chaw so tag thiab noj hmo thaum 7 teev 30.

โœ…Hnub 7: Sin Suoi Ho - Sapa (noj tshais, noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Sawv noj tshais tag 7t30 mus saib ob tug dej tsaws tsag kev hlub thiab dej tsaws tsag Plawv nyob rau lub zos no. Saib dej tsawg tsag tag los noj sus thaum 11 teev 30. Noj sus tag 1 teev sawv kev los rau Sapa. Mus txog Sapa tav li 5t30, muab chaw pw tag thiab mus noj hmo thaum 7 teev.

โœ…Hnub 8-9: Sapa (noj tshais, noj su thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Thaum 9 teev nce tsheb mus saib lub zos Hmoob Lao Chai, Tan Van. Caij tsheb taug kev mus txog ntawm qhov nkag rau hauv zos. Taug kev taw mus li 7km thiab tawm tom ncauj ke nce tsheb rov los rau Sapa. Los txog Sapa thaum tav su thiab noj sus. Noj sus tag los muab chaw pw.
Thaum 3 teev hnub qaij mus ncig lub zos Hmoob Cat Cat. Caij tsheb mus txog ntawm ntug zos thiab taug kev taw li 4km. Mus siab Hmoob tsev thiab mus saib ib tus dej tsaws tsag nyob nram qab zos. Mus ntxiv tawm tom ncauj ke thiab nce tsheb rov los pem Sapa.Los txog li thaum 5 teev. Los txog mus so da dej thiab 7 teev mus noj hmo.

Hnub 2 ntawm Sapa mus caij pob tawb nce pem roob tav su los noj sus, noj sus tag mus ncig saib dej tsaws tsag kev hlub. Rov los so noj hmo thaum 7 teev.

โœ…Hnub 16: Sapa โ€“ Hanoi (noj tshais, noj su)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
Noj tshais tag nce tsheb los rau Hanoi. Los Hanoi los li 5 -6 teev mam los txog Hanoi kwv lam li 3 teev pm. Xaus 10 hnub mus ncig ua si.
CEEB TOOM: Yog leej twg xav pw cov hotel kom zoo tshaj ces xaiv tau, tiamsis yuav tau ntxiv nyiaj rau yog tias lub hotel kim dua. Xav xaiv nkoj los losib yam.
Tej yam uas koom nrog:
- Mov noj, ib hnub 3 pluag, cov chaw noj mov zoo thiab huv siab.
- Chaw pw zoo tsim nyog thiabhuv si.
- Tsheb yog cov tshiab thiab zoo.
- Pib nkag qhov rooj
- Nqi ua ntawv ncig ciam teb.
- Nqi caij nkoj.
- Muaj tus coj kev thiab pes lus nrog.
Tej yam tsis koom nrog:
- Dej haus, npias, cawv thiab tej yam uas yog dej.
- Hu xov tooj tham xov tooj
- Ntxhua khaub ncaws
- Yog ib leeg pw ib chav yuav tau them single.
๐Ÿ›ƒ Contract us:
๐ŸขAdd: 107 Nguyen Kha Trac, Cau Giay, Hanoi
โ˜Ž๏ธ Phone:+84973963283
WhatsApp: +84973963383
Email: [email protected]

๐Ÿ”ฐHANOI โ€“ SAPA โ€“ HALONG BAY โ€“ DA NANG๐Ÿ”ฐ๐Ÿ”ธSijhawm ncig 7 hnub 6 hmo๐Ÿ”ธ โœ…Hnub 1: Hanoi โ€“ Sapa โ€“ Cat Cat (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo)....

๐Ÿ”ธSijhawm ncig 7 hnub 6 hmo๐Ÿ”ธ

โœ…Hnub 1: Hanoi โ€“ Sapa โ€“ Cat Cat (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo).โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’

Tag kis sawv 7am ntawm Hanoi thiab noj tshais tag nce tsheb sawv mus rau Sapa. Mus noj su rau Sapa, noj su tag mus muab chaw so, Muab chaw so tag mus ncig lub zos Hmoob Cat Cat. Caij tsheb mus txog ntawm ntug zos nqis tsheb mus ko taw li 3km kev taw. Mus nkhaus rov los rau nram ze kwj ha thiab tsheb tuaj nrad tos rov los noj hmo thaum 7 teev. Tom qab noj hmo tag leej twg xav ncig khw ub no nyias mus nyias.

โœ…Hnub 2: Fansipan โ€“ Dej Tsaws Tsag Kev Hlub (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo).โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿ‘œ

Sawv noj tshais 7:00 thiab tawm chaw pw. 8:00 sawv kev mus saib Roob Fanxipan, lub roob siab tshaj ntawm Indochina. Saib no tag ces rov los mus noj su thaum 12:00 rau Sapa. Noj su tag ces los mus rau Ha Noi. Los txog Hanoi tav li 5 teev tsaus ntuj.

โœ…Hnub 3: Hanoi โ€“ Halong Bay (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo)โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿ‘œ

Thaum 8 teev tag kis sawv kev ntawm Hanoi mus rau Halong Bay. Halong Bay yog ib lub hiav txwv, ib qho ntawm xya qhov zoo nkauj tshaj ntiajteb no. Mus txog Hai Duong nres so me ntsis mus ntxiv. Mus txog Halong Bay li 12:30 teev tav su. Sawv daws nce mus saum nkoj cov nkoj loj muaj chaw pw. Mus txog saum nkoj ces mus muab chav pw thiab nqa hnab mus rau tom nyias chav tag ces los noj sus.Noj sus tag mus caij nkag qhov tsua thiab mus nquam coj me nyuam nkoj me me. Rov los txog saum nkoj los da dej thiab so tos noj hmo thaum 7 teev tsaus ntuj. Noj hmo tag muaj nuv ntses thiab hu karaoke saum nkoj.

โœ…Hnub 4: Halong Bay โ€“ Hanoi (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo).๐Ÿงณโœ”๏ธ

Sawv thaum 7 teev thiab noj tshais thaum 7:30 sawv ntxov. Yog leej twg xav thaij duab thaum hnub tuaj mas sawv ntxov zog. Noj tshais tag mus saib zos yug ntses thiab rov los saum nkoj li 9 teev sawv ntxov thiab tshem hnab txhua yam tawm hauv chav los sab nraud. Sawv daws nyob saum nkoj so ua si thiab caij nkoj mus ncig hiav txwv txog 11:30 noj sus. Noj sus tag tawm tim ntug thiab nce tsheb rov los Hanoi thaum li 5 teev tsaus ntuj. Rov los ntawm chaw pw thiab mus noj hmo thaum 6t30, noj hmo tag leej twg xav mus ncig li cas los nyob ntawm nyias.
Noj hmo tag 7teev caij tsheb mus rau tim tshav dav hlau thiab ya mus rau Da Nang, mus txog Da Nang li 10 teev tsaus ntuj thiab mus muab chaw pw ntawm Hotel.
(pib dav hlau nyias them nyias)

โœ…Hnub 5: Da Nang โ€“ Ba Na Hills (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo).โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿงณ

Thaum 7 teev noj tshais, noj tshais tag mus saib lub roob Ba Na Hills, mus ntawm Da Nang rau ntawm Ba Na Hills siv sijhawm li 1 teev. Mus txog ntawd mus caij pob tawb nce mus saud thiab mus ncig ua si saud. Yog ib qho chaw zoo nkauj nyob siab li 1500m. Ncig ua si saum no txog 3 teev hnub qaij ces nqis los mus rau Da Nang. Txog Da Nang li 4 teev 30 tsaus ntuj. Rov los rau ntawm Hotel ces yog sijhawm leej twg yuav mus twg los mus. Mus da dej nram beach los yog mus ncig nyob ntawm nyias. Los noj hmo thaum 6teev 30.

โœ…Hnub 6: Da Nang โ€“ My Son โ€“ Hoi An (Noj: Tshais, su, hmo).๐ŸŽ’โœ”๏ธ

Thaum 7 teev sawv noj tshais thiab noj tshais tag 8 teev nce tsheb mus saib lub tiaj My Son uas muaj cov tsev teev hawm Champa qub qub muaj hnub nyoog ib yam li lub Angkot nyob rau Campudia lawm. Mus li 3 teev mam txog. Mus siab qhov ntawd tag rov los rau Hoi An. Los txog Hoi An tav li 12 teev thiab los noj sus. Noj sus tag mus caij nkoj pob tawb nyob ntawm hav maj phaub. Caij nkoj tag los rau tim tshav dav hlau los rau Hanoi.
Los txog Hanoi li 10 teev tsaus ntuj, los muab chaw pw thiab xaus 7 hnub ua si.
(pib dav hlau nyias them nyias)
Yog leej twg xav pw cov hotel kom zoo tshaj ces xaiv tau, tiamsis yuav tau ntxiv nyiaj rau yog tias lub hotel kim dua. Xav xaiv nkoj los los ib yam.
Tej yam uas koom nrog:
- Mov noj, ib hnub 3 pluag, cov chaw noj mov zoo thiab huv siab
- Chaw pw zoo tsim nyog thiab huv si
- Tsheb yog cov tshiab thiab zoo
- Pib nkag qhov rooj
- Nqi caij nkoj
- Muaj tus coj kev thiab pes lus nrog

Tej yam tsis koom nrog:
- Dej haus, npias, cawv thiab tej yam uas yog dej.
- Hu xov tooj tham xov tooj
- Ntxhua khaub ncaws
- Yog ib leeg pw ib chav yuav tau them single.
- Nqi dav hlau
๐Ÿ›ƒ Contract us:
๐ŸขAdd: 109 Nguyen Kha Trac, Cau Giay, Hanoi
โ˜Ž๏ธ Phone:+84973963283
WhatsApp: +84973963383
Email: [email protected]

๐Ÿ”ฐBA BE โ€“ CAO BANG FOUR DAYS THREE NIGHTS๐Ÿ”ฐโ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”-โœ…Day 1: Hanoi โ€“ Ba Be (Lunch and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸงณEarly in the morning...

โœ…Day 1: Hanoi โ€“ Ba Be (Lunch and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿงณ
Early in the morning we will leave Hanoi to Ba Be. In Thai Nhuyen, we will stop for a short
break. We will arrive in Ba Be around 1:00 pm. We will check in at Homestay Hotel and then eat
lunch. After lunch, we will go for boat riding on the Ba Be Lake. We will be back to the hotel at
around 5:00pm, take shower, relax, and dinner at 6:30pm.
๐Ÿ”ฐDay 2: Ba Be โ€“ Cao Bang (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
7:00am - Breakfast
8:00am โ€“ Leaving for Cao Bang. We will eat lunch when weโ€™re in Cao Bang.
After lunch, we will visit Pac Bo Cave and the Le Nin River. It is a cave and a river named by Ho
Chi Minh. This place is an important event history for the Vietnamese people. It was a place
where Ho Chi Minh first lived after returning to Vietnam from abroad. We will be back to the
hotel by around 5:00pm. Dinner will be at 7:00pm.
โœ…Day 3: Cao Bang (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
7:00am โ€“ Breakfast
8:00am โ€“ We will visit and enjoy the site scenery of Ban Gioc Water Falls all day and be back to
the hotel at around 5:00pm. Dinner will be at 7:00pm.
โœ…Day 4: Cao Bang โ€“ Hanoi (Breakfast and lunch provided)โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿ‘œ
7:00am โ€“ Breakfast
9:00am โ€“ Leaving for Hanoi. We will have lunch on our way back in Bac Kan and be in Hanoi by
5:30pm. We will send you back to your hotel and end our tour.
This price included:
โ€ข 3 meals per day
โ€ข A clean hotel room
โ€ข A New and clean car/van
โ€ข Exhibit door or entrance tickets
โ€ข Travel and document fees within the country
โ€ข Ticket for boat riding
โ€ข A tour guide
The followings are not included:
Drinks - beer, alcohol, and other soft drinks
A phone and phone calls
Hotel - Two people per room. If you need a single room, you may pay for it.
๐Ÿ›ƒ Contract us:
๐ŸขAdd: 109 Nguyen Kha Trac, Cau Giay, Hanoi
โ˜Ž๏ธ Phone:+84973963283
WhatsApp: +84973963383
Email: [email protected]

๐Ÿ”ธHA GIANG 5 DAY 4 NIGTH๐Ÿ”ธ ๐Ÿ”ฐDay 1: Hanoi โ€“ Ha Giang โ€“ Quan Ba (Lunch and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’- 7:00am, we will pick you up ...


๐Ÿ”ฐDay 1: Hanoi โ€“ Ha Giang โ€“ Quan Ba (Lunch and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŽ’
- 7:00am, we will pick you up at your hotel and leave for Ha Giang. We will eat lunch in Bac Quan. We will take a short break in downtown Ha Giang before continue to Quan Ba. We will arrive in Quan Ba around 5:00pm, check in to our hotel, rest, and eat dinner at 7:00pm

๐Ÿ”ฐDay 2: Quan Ba โ€“ Yen Minh โ€“ D**g Van (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŒค๏ธ
-7:00am we will get ready to Quan Ba, pass Yen Minh to D**g Van. We will walk to visit Paoโ€™s Residence, the Vangโ€™s Garden and have lunch. We will visit the Lung Cuโ€™s Flag at the border of China and Vietnam and then go to D**g Van City. We will arrive in the City of D**g Van around 5:30, check in to our hotel, rest, and have dinner at 7:00pm.

๐Ÿ”ฐDay 3: D**g Van โ€“ Meo Vac (breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿงณ
-7:00am eat breakfast
-9:00am Leaving for Meo Vac, on our way we will stop and walk to take pictures at Ma Li Leng site seeing. It is a very beautiful and fabulous site seeing in the wintertime. We will arrive in Meo Vac around noon. After lunch, we will check in to our hotel, then take a 3km walk to a mountaintop looking down to the city. We will be back to the hotel at 6:00pm, take showers and have
-dinner at 7:00pm.

๐Ÿ”ฐDay 4: Meo Vac โ€“ Ha Giang (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided)โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿ‘œ
-7:00am eat breakfast
-8:00am Leaving for Ha Giang. We will take time taking pictures as we travel and eat lunch in Yen Minh. We will stop and take pictures at a site seeing before we arrive in Ha Giang around
-5:30pm to check in our hotel and have dinner at 7:00pm.

๐Ÿ”ฐDay 5: Ha Giang โ€“ Hanoi (Breafast and lunch provided)โœ”๏ธ๐ŸŒณ
-8:00am Leaving Ha Giang to Hanoi. We will eat lunch in Tuyen Quang City, stop and visit the Yellow River before going to Hanoi. This is the River, which Hmong often use to teach someone โ€œIf you havenโ€™t seen the Yellow River, youโ€™ll never settle downโ€. We will arrive in Hanoi around 5:00pm. This is time for us to say โ€œgoodbyeโ€ and end our tour.
This price included:๐ŸŽ’๐Ÿ‘œ
-3 meals per day
-A clean hotel room
-A New and clean car/van
-Exhibit door or entrance tickets
-Travel and document fees within the country
-Ticket for boat riding
-A tour guide
-The followings are not included:
-Drinks - beer, alcohol, and other soft drinks
-A phone and phone calls
-Hotel - Two people per room. If you need a single room, you may pay for it
๐Ÿ›ƒ Contract us:
๐ŸขAdd: 109 Nguyen Kha Trac, Cau Giay, Hanoi
โ˜Ž๏ธ Phone:+84973963283
WhatsApp: +84973963383
Email: [email protected]

๐Ÿ”ธHA NOI โ€“ DA NANG 12 HNUB 11 HMO๐Ÿ”ธ ๐Ÿ”ธ๐˜ฟ๐™– ๐™‰๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ โ€“ ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ž ๐˜ผ๐™ฃ โ€“ ๐™ˆ๐™ฎ ๐™Ž๐™ค๐™ฃ โ€“ ๐™ƒ๐™ช๐™š โ€“ ๐™Œ๐™ช๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™๐™ง๐™ž โ€“ ๐™Œ๐™ช๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐˜ฝ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ โ€“ ๐™‰๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ ๐˜ฝ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ โ€“ ๐™ƒ๐™–๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™ฎ โ€“๐™ƒ๐™–...

๐Ÿ”ธHA NOI โ€“ DA NANG 12 HNUB 11 HMO๐Ÿ”ธ
๐Ÿ”ธ๐˜ฟ๐™– ๐™‰๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ โ€“ ๐™ƒ๐™ค๐™ž ๐˜ผ๐™ฃ โ€“ ๐™ˆ๐™ฎ ๐™Ž๐™ค๐™ฃ โ€“ ๐™ƒ๐™ช๐™š โ€“ ๐™Œ๐™ช๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™๐™ง๐™ž โ€“ ๐™Œ๐™ช๐™–๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐˜ฝ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ โ€“ ๐™‰๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ ๐˜ฝ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ โ€“ ๐™ƒ๐™–๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐˜ฝ๐™–๐™ฎ โ€“
๐™ƒ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ž - ๐™Ž๐™–๐™ฅ๐™– โœ”๏ธ๐Ÿ”ธ

โœ…Hnub 0: Airport โ€“ Hoi Anโœˆ๏ธโœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 1: Hoi An โ€“ My Son โ€“ Hoi An (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 2: Hoi An โ€“ Ba Na Hills โ€“ Da Nang (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 3: Da Nang โ€“ Hue (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 4: Hue โ€“ Quang Binh (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 5. Quang Binh โ€“ Ninh Binh (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 6. Ninh Binh (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 7: Ninh Binh โ€“ Halong Bay (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 8: Halong Bay โ€“ Hanoi (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 9: Hanoi โ€“ Sapa (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 10: Sapa (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 11: Sapa โ€“ Hanoi (noj tshais, noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
โœ…Hnub 12: Hanoi โ€“ Airport (noj sus, thiab noj hmo)โœ”๏ธ
๐Ÿ›ƒ Contract us:
๐ŸขAdd: 107 Nguyen Kha Trac, Cau Giay, Hanoi
โ˜Ž๏ธ Phone:+84973963283
WhatsApp: +84973963383
Email: [email protected]

๐Ÿ›ณ๏ธ JADE SAILS HA LONG - LAN HA ๐Ÿ›ณ๏ธ              ________________๐Ÿ›๏ธ Jadesail is a day-trip bay yacht with modern design, a...

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Jadesail is a day-trip bay yacht with modern design, a completely new form that is unique to tourists as well as Ha Long & Lan Ha yacht market with a capacity of 99 guests consisting of 2 floors of restaurants and 1 terrace โœ…

๐Ÿ“ค 8-hour program to visit Ha Long Bay โ€“ Lan Ha. ๐Ÿ›ƒ- Free to organize personal events such as birthday, proposal, wedding anniversary...
โœ”๏ธFruit juice welcomes customers to the cruise.
โœ”๏ธLunch on the boat with buffet
โœ”๏ธ Participate in swimming, kayaking, boating activities in a safe and quiet sea area.
โœ”๏ธTea and fruit party in the afternoon. - Cooking class
โœ”๏ธUse of the large whirlpool bath tank near the cruise.
โœ”๏ธDedicated English and Vietnamese teacher, professionally trained.
โœ”๏ธTicket to win sightseeing, tour insurance according to the program.
๐Ÿ›ƒ Contract us:
๐ŸขAdd: 109 Nguyen Kha Trac, Cau Giay, Hanoi
โ˜Ž๏ธ Phone:+84973963283
WhatsApp: +84973963383
Email: [email protected]

 : Sapa - Fansipan1. Muong Hoa flower garden 2. Fansipan cable car3. Fansipan mountain train4. Fansipan pagoda 5. Fansip...

: Sapa - Fansipan
1. Muong Hoa flower garden
2. Fansipan cable car
3. Fansipan mountain train
4. Fansipan pagoda
5. Fansipan summit

 : Sapa - Cat Cat village - Dragon Flying bridge.1. Cat Cat village 2. Dragon Flying bridge

: Sapa - Cat Cat village - Dragon Flying bridge.
1. Cat Cat village
2. Dragon Flying bridge

 : Hanoi - Sapa1. B**g Ban Xanh restaurant 2. China - Vietnam border

: Hanoi - Sapa
1. B**g Ban Xanh restaurant
2. China - Vietnam border

 : Ninh Binh - Hanoi1. Trang An 2. Bamboo boat ๐Ÿšค 3. Hoa Lu old capital

: Ninh Binh - Hanoi
1. Trang An
2. Bamboo boat ๐Ÿšค
3. Hoa Lu old capital

 -7: Hanoi - Halong Bay - Ninh Binh1. Visit and enjoy the beautiful Halong Bay2. Overnight on the boat 3. Hang Mua cave ...

-7: Hanoi - Halong Bay - Ninh Binh
1. Visit and enjoy the beautiful Halong Bay
2. Overnight on the boat
3. Hang Mua cave in Ninh Binh

 : Hoi An - Ba Na Hills - Hร  Noi1. Ba Na Hills 2. Golden Bridge 3. Dragon Bridge

: Hoi An - Ba Na Hills - Hร  Noi
1. Ba Na Hills
2. Golden Bridge
3. Dragon Bridge

 : Hoi An - My Son 1. My Son Sanctuary 2. Cam Thanh village with bamboo boat 3. Hoi An old quarter 4. Night market      ...

: Hoi An - My Son
1. My Son Sanctuary
2. Cam Thanh village with bamboo boat
3. Hoi An old quarter
4. Night market

 : Ho Chi Minh - Da Nang1. Landmark 81 Sky-view2. Ben Thanh market 3. Flying to Da Nang

: Ho Chi Minh - Da Nang
1. Landmark 81 Sky-view
2. Ben Thanh market
3. Flying to Da Nang


1001 Johnson Parkway Suite 17
Saint Paul, MN


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Peb muaj: Coj neeg ncig, tos thiab xa neeg, pab nrhiav tsev so, pab qhia tej yam peb paub, pab nrhiav tsheb, yuav pib tsheb nqaj, pab yuav pib dav hlau, muag khoom Hmoob thiab pab xa khoom.