Paddle Board Tour
It was a beautiful afternoon paddling with a fun group. We saw so many birds of prey flying like ospreys and turkey vultures, as well as seeing a so many manatees, including a mom and baby. When we arrived at Bird Island, we saw so many birds like great white egrets, great blue herons, cormorants, anhingas, brown pelicans, tri colored herons, green herons, and white ibis. It was an amazing day!
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #local #smallbusiness #naturephotography #tourguidelife #paddleboarding #SUPtour #stpeteisawesome #onthejob #manatee #stpetesupportsher #localbusiness #museumofhistory #SUPstpete #funinthesun #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #manateesighting #StPete #Florida #brownpelican #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Preserve Bike Tour
It was a lovely morning for a bike ride through a gorgeous 245-acre preserve. Biking 3 miles through 5 eco systems and getting to meet some cute locals along the way. We saw baby alligators, 2 adult alligators swimming, box turtles, large mouth bass, ospreys, anhinga, and a roseate spoonbill in flight! At the Raptor Sanctuary, we saw Screech Owls, Great Horned Owls, Red Shoulder Hawk, Caracara, American Kestrel, and a Bald Eagle.
#StPete #Florida #stpetersburgbiketour #stpeteisawesome #doosamazingtours #tours #onthejob #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #bike #biketours #bikelife #nature #floridawildlife #local #healthylifestyle #stpetefl #pureflorida #local #localbusiness #supportlocalsmallbusiness #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Eco Segway Tour
Gorgeous morning to be viewing this beautiful city and then walking through the oldest living museum viewing 50,000 tropical plants and flowers with a wonderful couple. On our way back from Sunken Gardens, we come across a stingray and then a pod of dolphins hunting along the seawall!
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #ecosegwaytour #segwaytour #segways #segwaytours #floridawildlife #floridalife #pureflorida #nature #smallbusiness #tourguidelife #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #stpetesupportsher #theburg #flora #plants #koi #macaws #onthejob #stpeteisawesome #flamingos #local #ilovetheburg #StPete #Florida
Historic Segway Tour
It was a lovely afternoon to be viewing and learning about this beautiful city with a fun group. We went into the city and then cruised along the seawall where we saw dolphins jumping and a variety of local and migrating seabirds.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #historicsegwaytour #segwaytour #segways #segwaytours #floridawildlife #floridaliving #floridalife #smallbusiness #supportlocal #tourguidelife #localbusiness #onthejob #dolphins #stpetesupportsher #dali #plants #local #museumofhistory #stpetepier #florida #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #supportsmallbusiness #StPete #Florida #saintpetersburgcommunity
Paddle Board Tour
It was a perfect morning to be paddling with an amazing group. We saw so many birds of prey flying like ospreys and turkey vultures, as well as seeing so many manatees! When we arrived at Bird Island, we saw so many birds like great white egrets, great blue herons, cormorants, anhingas, brown pelicans, tri colored herons, green herons, and white ibis.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #local #smallbusiness #naturephotography #tourguidelife #paddleboarding #SUPtour #stpeteisawesome #onthejob #manatee #stpetesupportsher #localbusiness #museumofhistory #SUPstpete #funinthesun #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #manateesighting #StPete #Florida #brownpelican #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Paddle Board Tour
It was a perfect morning to be paddling with an amazing group. We saw so many birds of prey flying like ospreys and turkey vultures, as well as seeing so many manatees! When we arrived at Bird Island, we saw so many birds like great white egrets, great blue herons, cormorants, anhingas, brown pelicans, tri colored herons, green herons, and white ibis.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #local #smallbusiness #naturephotography #tourguidelife #paddleboarding #SUPtour #stpeteisawesome #onthejob #manatee #stpetesupportsher #localbusiness #museumofhistory #SUPstpete #funinthesun #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #manateesighting #StPete #Florida #brownpelican #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Paddle Board Tour
It was a perfect morning to be paddling with an amazing group. We saw so many birds of prey flying like ospreys and turkey vultures, as well as seeing so many manatees! When we arrived at Bird Island, we saw so many birds like great white egrets, great blue herons, cormorants, anhingas, brown pelicans, tri colored herons, green herons, and white ibis.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #local #smallbusiness #naturephotography #tourguidelife #paddleboarding #SUPtour #stpeteisawesome #onthejob #manatee #stpetesupportsher #localbusiness #museumofhistory #SUPstpete #funinthesun #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #manateesighting #StPete #Florida #brownpelican #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Paddle Board Tour
It was a beautiful morning paddling with the nicest family. We saw so many birds of prey as well as seeing 3 manatees hanging out. When we arrived at Bird Island, we saw so many birds nesting like great white egrets, great blue herons, cormorants, anhingas, brown pelicans, tri colored herons, green herons, and white ibis.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #local #smallbusiness #naturephotography #tourguidelife #paddleboarding #SUPtour #stpeteisawesome #onthejob #manatee #stpetesupportsher #localbusiness #museumofhistory #SUPstpete #funinthesun #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #manateesighting #StPete #Florida #brownpelican #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Paddle Board Tour
It was a beautiful morning paddling with the nicest family. We saw so many birds of prey as well as seeing 3 manatees hanging out. When we arrived at Bird Island, we saw so many birds nesting like great white egrets, great blue herons, cormorants, anhingas, brown pelicans, tri colored herons, green herons, and white ibis.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #local #smallbusiness #naturephotography #tourguidelife #paddleboarding #SUPtour #stpeteisawesome #onthejob #manatee #stpetesupportsher #localbusiness #museumofhistory #SUPstpete #funinthesun #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #manateesighting #StPete #Florida #brownpelican #saintpetersburgcommunity #womenownedbusiness
Eco Segway Tour
Gorgeous morning to be viewing this beautiful city and then walking through the oldest living museum viewing 50,000 tropical plants and flowers with a wonderful couple. We saw flamingos, macaws, parrots, laughing kookaburra, koi fish, red foot tortoises, and some box turtles. We also saw a variety of sea birds as we segwayed along the seawall.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #ecosegwaytour #segwaytour #segways #segwaytours #floridawildlife #floridalife #pureflorida #nature #smallbusiness #tourguidelife #localbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #stpetesupportsher #theburg #flora #plants #koi #macaws #onthejob #stpeteisawesome #flamingos #local #ilovetheburg #StPete #Florida
Historic Segway Tour
It was a beautiful morning to be viewing and learning about this beautiful city with a wonderful group. As we took a break along the seawall, we immediately saw 2 dolphins hunting along the seawall. We also saw so many local and migrating sea birds along the waterfront.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #historicsegwaytour #segwaytour #segways #segwaytours #floridawildlife #floridaliving #floridalife #smallbusiness #supportlocal #tourguidelife #localbusiness #onthejob #dolphins #stpetesupportsher #dali #plants #local #museumofhistory #stpetepier #florida #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #supportsmallbusiness #StPete #Florida #saintpetersburgcommunity
Historic Segway Tour
It was a beautiful morning to be viewing and learning about this beautiful city with a wonderful group. As we took a break along the seawall, we immediately saw 2 dolphins hunting along the seawall. We also saw so many local and migrating sea birds along the waterfront.
#doosamazingtours #downtownstpete #historicsegwaytour #segwaytour #segways #segwaytours #floridawildlife #floridaliving #floridalife #smallbusiness #supportlocal #tourguidelife #localbusiness #onthejob #dolphins #stpetesupportsher #dali #plants #local #museumofhistory #stpetepier #florida #ilovetheburg #ilovestpete #supportsmallbusiness #StPete #Florida #saintpetersburgcommunity