Hebrew Nation Radio

Hebrew Nation Radio Hebrew Nation Radio is a gathering place for those who believe in and practice Biblical living and c

Hebrew Nation Radio is an outreach ministry to those who recognize that there is more to the word of YHWH than we've previously been taught. Lets get back to reading Scripture and finding what YHWH would have us do. It is our goal to provide the necessary basic materials to begin your journey to the ancient path.

We have a bookstore full of beginner as

well as more meaty materials to fit your needs. You can visit us at http://HebrewNationOnline.com and click on the store for online ordering, or call us between 11am and 6pm @ 503-967-3001.

Dare to stand out from the crowd. In today's world compliance seems to be the norm.  Know the "Truth" and the "Truth" wi...

Dare to stand out from the crowd. In today's world compliance seems to be the norm. Know the "Truth" and the "Truth" will set you free!


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Generations:  Like Father Like SonThis last weekend, I was privileged to sing for a household who were celebrating the l...

Generations: Like Father Like Son

This last weekend, I was privileged to sing for a household who were celebrating the life of their family patriarch;
a man who was husband, father, and grandfather. Besides the large crowd of spectators, the family generations had extended to over 50 people. It was amazing to witness the similarities of physical looks, characteristics, and mannerisms in this family. They were living generational examples for me as I started to relate my visiting experience to this week’s study, “Toldot”

Many times, we want to ignore the very DNA that passes from one generation to the next. But can we? Are we bound to repeat the tests given to our parents or grandparents? Is there something to be said about the uniqueness of family. Are we cursed by what our family did or did not do or are we given opportunities to enter into a testing ground?

I want to draw your attention to a Biblical place called Gerar. This was an area visited by both Abraham and Isaac in their journeys. Of course, neither of these men realized that there would be a generational repeat in this territory. But it happened.

Abraham traveled to Gerar after the destruction of S***m and sought to protect himself by telling Abimelech that Sarah was his sister. A few decades later after Abraham’s death, Isaac traveled to Gerar and repeats a similar pattern. He also is not forthright with Abimelech (The son of Abimelech I). Why does this happen and what are these two stories trying to tell us?

Let’s first look at the name of Gerar. At face value it means a lodging place. But at a closer look, we see that Gerar is spelled with the Hebrew letters: Gimmel, Dalet, Dalet. Gimmel represents a lifting up or pride, while the Dalet (repeated twice) means door or pathway to enter. Naturally, we need to ask, “What type of pride is being lifted up and what or whom is entering this door, not once, but twice?”

Looking closer, we see the verb form Garar, which means to drag way in a circular or repetitive motion. In the noun form, we see Gera which means cud or food that is dragged up to be chewed again and sent back down. Are you starting to see something in the land of Gerar? How often do we need to repeat something before we actually learn? Will Yahweh continue to repeat a test with us in order to “draw up” our attention?

Prophetically, Gerar can take on another form. In this place, we can visualize Yahweh speaking to future generations in regards to a giving up a bride to non-believers. Through the witness of Sarah and Rebekah, we see two kings (father and son) returning the brides to their husbands. Why? Did the brides through Yah’s almighty hand wake up a Gentile nation to cause respect and honor to the father and son of another Kingdom? Once the brides are returned, Israel is honored with gifts which seems to represent respect. As you study this week, compare these thoughts to Romans 9.

Here are some other thoughts. Both Abraham and Isaac experience jealous men stopping up their wells of water. But, after these two patriarchs agree to meet with Abimelech and come clean in their witness their wells are opened for “living water” springing forth once again. They are blessed and the surrounding land is blessed.

The similarities of Abraham and Isaac are amazing. Both produce a son that is a hunter or man of the flesh. Both produce another son that is a man of laugher or tent – representing a spirit of truth. In each case, the son(s) of flesh bought grief to the family, while the sons of the spirit bring forth life. Both travel to Gerar--a lodging place found in their travels, where cud is dragged back up to be repeated again. Both have their brides restored to them. Both learn to give witness. And both learn to trust in the ways of YHWH.

Though for me, the story of Abraham and Isaac has a bigger meaning. For in these stories, we see a secular nation who comes to terms with the ambassadors of Yah’s Kingdom. They see, hear, and seek to make an alignment with The Kingdom. In this case, the repeat is for the nation of the gentiles and not just for Israel. (Romans 9)
Where are you in your journey? Where are your generations? What is being repeated in your life or family that needs attention? I believe Yah, will restore those who call on His Name. I believe Yah tests or disciplines those He loves. In doing so, we find reasons to call out to Him. I also believe that Yah is concerned about those who have not found Him yet, but realize that a Creator must be present and are willing to listen to His voice.

“Because He loves me, says Yahweh, I will rescue him, for he acknowledges my Name.
He will call on me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.”
Ps. 91:14, 15

Be Blessed this Sabbath,

Whether you were abroad, stayed at home, or celebrated at a retreat or park, Hebrew Nation Radio Online hopes that your ...

Whether you were abroad, stayed at home, or celebrated at a retreat or park, Hebrew Nation Radio Online hopes that your Sukkot was a blessing. We look forward to when we will all celebrate the Feast of Booths with Messiah.

How did your Yom Teruah announcement go?  We would love to know about it.  Mid-valley Fellowship gathered with many fami...

How did your Yom Teruah announcement go? We would love to know about it. Mid-valley Fellowship gathered with many families, friends, and "newbies" to blow their shofars, give testimony, and shouts of joy. It was a wonderful day!

The King is coming soon and tomorrow we enter the 10 days of Awe to prepare for the Day of Atonement. We just want to bless you and encourage you. Thank you for listening to Hebrew Nation Radio Online!

I used to think that the Apostle Paul was confused when he wrote his New Testament letters.  But, Galations a Torah-base...

I used to think that the Apostle Paul was confused when he wrote his New Testament letters. But, Galations a Torah-based, verse by verse commentary, written by Avi Ben Mordechai, changed my mind. If you don't have it--get it! Go to Hebrew Nation Radio Online then look up their marketplace. It is amazing.

Was Moses the first person to download data from the cloud onto a tablet?  Yeshua said, "For if you believed Moses, you ...

Was Moses the first person to download data from the cloud onto a tablet? Yeshua said, "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for Moses wrote of Me." John 5:46

Yep, government is "a horse with no brain" maybe it's time to let it go?  The kingdom of YHWH is coming soon!

Yep, government is "a horse with no brain" maybe it's time to let it go? The kingdom of YHWH is coming soon!

Need a Light? Beha’alotcha  “In Your Going Up”  Numbers 8:1--12:16, Zech 2:10-4:7, I Cor. 10:6-13What does the Old Testa...

Need a Light?
Beha’alotcha “In Your Going Up”
Numbers 8:1--12:16, Zech 2:10-4:7, I Cor. 10:6-13

What does the Old Testament offer to a new believer? Is it relevant in light of the New Testament and the Gospel of the Messiah?

The book of Revelation begins with, “The Revelation of the Messiah” (Rev. 1:1). Shortly after, we read a heavenly exhortation regarding seven golden lampstands that represent seven churches. The messages written are directed to angels that represent these churches who are responsible to the Messiah, the One who walks among the seven golden lampstands. Did you know that this concept is first revealed in the Books of Torah?

At the beginning of Beha’alotcha, Aaron is told to “go up” and mount seven lamps in front of the golden lampstand so that light may be given. (Num. 8:1-2) Naturally, we would need to ask, why light and what does this represent. Yeshua said, “I have come as a light into the world, that everyone who believes in Me may not remain in darkness.” (Jn. 12:46) He also told those who represent Him, that they should shine light “before men in such a way that the world will see your works, and glorify the Father who is in Heaven.” (Matt. 5:14-16)

A predominant theme in the Torah reflects the glory of the Messiah through pictures. Purifying water is used to cleanse “vessels” and the people serving as “priests.” Atonement or the forgiveness of sin is made through sacrifice and the blood of the lamb. Passover is a remembrance of how that blood keeps us from death. Clouds over the tabernacle represent covering and dwelling. Trumpets sound alarms for assembly and war and of course, we are told that the Messiah will come in the clouds with the sound of trumpets. The promise and works of the Messiah is clearly stated well before the New Testament was even written.

A disciple by the name of Apollos followed the teachings of Paul. In the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 18, Apollos is described as a man “who was mighty in Scripture.” We also know that “he refuted the Jewish leadership in public” with the use of Scriptures. These Scriptures were of course the Torah and the Writings. So in short, Apollos was able to convince and convict others about the Gospel solely through use of Torah.

Here are some questions to ask yourself, if you doubt the current importance of the Torah. What books did Yeshua use when presenting Himself and His message? What books did the Wise Men use when looking for the birth of the Messiah? What books did John the Baptist use when calling sinners to repent of their sins? The answer is obvious. The message of grace through the works of the Messiah is first found in Torah and the Writings.

In this week’s study, Paul, in his letters to the Corinthians stated in Chapter 10, that he did not “want them to be unaware” of the Old Testament, where “fathers” were baptized into Moses. He reminds his readership of a spiritual Rock found in the wilderness. And through the example of these people, he calls the Corinthians to free themselves from sin by looking to the same Rock.

In the book of Zechariah, Chapter 3, we see a representation of Joshua wearing filthy clothes, but made clean by the Servant of the Branch (Yeshua), where on that great day, all will be invited to sit under His vine and His fig tree.

Are you fascinated yet? Does it amaze you that Yeshua is represented by living water, fig trees, a rock, a branch, a lamb, golden lampstands, silver trumpets, etc. The list gets rather long. In the book of John we read that the Word (Yeshua) was with God, of God, and created all things. So if we compare these statements to Genesis, “In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth.” Does your picture of Yeshua change? Consider this. If Yeshua was in the beginning, then everything that occurred in Old Testament is about Him and through Him. This includes the Law.

So here is my question. To understand the New should you read the Old? And if you have read the Old do you need the New? For me, I want both. The Old gives me assurance because it tells me Who He Is. The New gives me assurance because it tells what He did to prove Who He Is.

The Great I Am is called great, because He does the work. He made the promises, the covenants, and the pictures. He wins the battles for us. All we have to do is repent and be bathed in the Living Waters of baptism and ask for an infusion of His Spirit so that our old sinful man and spirit is put to rest.

Are you tired of being tired? Read about Him and Rejoice! Claim your priesthood, then “go up” and shine! As He works within your spirit, your hope and faith will “keep” or cherish His commands and laws, because they give you life.

Be Blessed,

What did you experience on Shavuot?  Share your story-we would love to know about it. Our local fellowship joined in pra...

What did you experience on Shavuot? Share your story-we would love to know about it. Our local fellowship joined in praise and worship with Mishkonim (An international music group you can find on Hebrew Nation Radio), shared testimonies, and went down to the river to be baptized in the Living Waters of Yeshua. It was a glorious celebration.

Thoughts on condemnation and conviction anyone?  I'm thinking conviction helps us run towards Yah so that He can address...

Thoughts on condemnation and conviction anyone? I'm thinking conviction helps us run towards Yah so that He can address our "issues." Whereas condemnation is from the enemy who seeks to blame and attack. I think YHWH God is pretty cool. Helps us grow up!


Ever Feel Small?

I find it fascinating how a seemingly insignificant word can make a difference. Have you ever considered what “the” and “a” can do to change a perspective?

For instance, if I were to say “a” cave versus “the” cave, which one would you want to visit? Typically, “the” cave would carry a bit more significance. The same would be true if I were to say “the” teacher over “a” teacher. Who would have the most authority?

In Scripture, Yahweh sets Himself apart from other gods or lords, by stating that He is the One to be acknowledged, “I AM The Lord Your God.” In our study of Kidoshim, YHWH makes this statement well over 23 times. (Lev. 18-20) Why?

When YHWH introduced Himself to Moses in Exodus 3, He said, “I am who I am” and you Moses, “are standing on Holy Ground.” He made a distinction of importance.

The meaning of “I Am Who I Am” is recognized as being the most Holy of all names. It is interpreted as Yod Hey Vav Hey, which not only claims Kingship, but gives a message to those who serve Him. The Letters of this Name paint a wonderful picture of who He Is.

Yod is the 10th (complete) letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, with a pictorial representation of an outstretched hand. It symbolic meaning is "work or deed."
Hey is the 5th (grace) letter in the Hebrew Alphabet with a pictorial representation of beholding. Its symbolic meaning is "to reveal." Vav is the 6th (mankind) letter in the Hebrew Alphabet with a pictorial representation of a clinched nail or peg. Its symbolic meaning is "to secure.” Hey is then again repeated.

Put into modern terms, Yod Hey Vav Hey simply states "The work of the outstretched hand behold the nail behold."

When Yah, first gave His Name at the burning bush to Moses, He proclaimed the work of redemption and salvation thru His Son. From this point forward, The Name would then be demonstrated through the Sanctuary, the sacrifices, the offerings, healings, Manna, water, and Feast Days. These demonstrations reflected the works of the clinched nail—the Messiah. Consequently, Yah’s work in giving His Son is Holy. Behold His outstretched hand, secured with a nail for our salvation--behold!

The apostle Peter makes direct reference to Leviticus by stating, .”. . . gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of the Messiah. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts, which were yours in your ignorance. But like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy as I am holy.” (I Peter 1:13-16)

For most Hebrew students the term holy means to be set apart. By being set apart, we become “the” children of Yahweh. We have been given this privilege through the life, death, and resurrection of Yeshua our Messiah, who invites us to accept His gift.

In hearing “The Name,” like Moses, we begin to stand on Holy ground, and should with all good reason take off our earthly sandals to claim our inheritance of freedom and come out of bo***ge. As we all know, when Israel was called to meet Yah at the Mount Sinai, the ground was holy or set apart. And when Yah gave His 10 commands, He stated His promise of freedom by beginning with “I Am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt.”

Peters advice to gird ourselves up, now makes sense doesn’t it? The “rules’ of Leviticus are not chains at all, but are instead guidelines for us to follow so that we are no longer slaves, but set apart---made to be holy—made to be free.

So how do we stay free and not go back into bo***ge? According to Leviticus 18-20 there are guidelines that give us freedom from the lies of a false god.
We do this by. . . .
Not succumbing to sexual acts that degrade Yah’s original intentions.
Protecting our children from the worship of Molech (satan)
Keeping or cherishing Yah’s Sabbaths
Giving honest measures with our money
Consecrating ourselves to Kingdom work
Filling our fleshly bodies with clean foods
Staying clear from those who practice witchcraft
Dedicating our food sources to YHVH
Honoring our elders
Rejecting idols
Making our blessings available to the poor.
Not swearing falsely or allowing slander to come from our lips
Not opposing or taking vengeance against our neighbors
Not reflecting the world through tattoos or other body modifications

Some might say, “We are not under the law.” But honestly, why would YHWH not give laws that reflect His holiness? “Isn’t this the very reason, Peter writes, “You shall be holy as I am holy.” Being set apart in His Holiness gives us freedom from this world of condemnation. HalleluYAH! So let us remain alert and seek Him, for the works of the Messiah will set us apart as a free and holy people.

Be Blessed,


My two grand babies singing on Shabbat❤️❤️🙏🙏❤️❤️

Our Book of the Month:  "A Game-Changing Revelation"  Do you feel that America’s roots are under attack? Were the superp...

Our Book of the Month: "A Game-Changing Revelation"
Do you feel that America’s roots are under attack? Were the superpowers of Israel, America, and Great Britain meant to be? If so, what was their purpose and are they a part of your ancestry.

If so, We invite you to purchase “A Game Changing Revelation by Stephen J. Sypkerman. Volumes one and two. And find the hidden Ancestry of America and Great Britain.

Go to Hebrew Nation Radio’s Market place and find Our book of the month. “A Game Changing Revelation” by Stephen Spykerman. You will be blessed.

Are We Privileged? We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, through the resurrection of Yeshua...

Are We Privileged?

We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, through the resurrection of Yeshua. With His kind intention we are forgiven. Are you ready to claim your riches of Grace?
(Eph. 1:2-7)

We have come to the close of the Feast of Unleavened. We kept the Passover. We recounted the stories. We cleaned our house. We lived with the Lamb. We honored the Holy Days. But did we learn anything? That’s the question for this week—at least for me.

In our Torah Portions we come to a section that reads, “Sabbath after the feast.” One of the texts given in the study is John 20:1-19, where we find examples of doubt that are met with grace. In this chapter, we learn of Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, the disciples, and Thomas who express vivid responses to the resurrection of Yeshua.

Mary is the first one to come to the tomb of Yeshua. She finds it empty and returns to Peter and John to tell them. The two disciples run to the tomb and behold the linen wrappings. The writer tells us that they “believed” what they saw, but “as of yet, they did not understand the Scriptures.” So the two men go home.

Isn’t it interesting that Mary stays at the tomb after the two leave. She weeps or yearns for the Savior. You might say, “she cried out.” While weeping she looks into the tomb and sees messengers from Heaven who ask her a question. Upon responding, she turns to see Yeshua. At first, she doesn’t recognize Him, but Yeshua reveals Himself and she proceeds to hang onto Him. After letting go, she runs to tell the disciples.

So why did Peter and John only observe and then go home? Why is Mary the only one who cries out to seek the Savior? Why is Mary the only one who runs back to tell everyone? Where do you see yourself in these examples?

As we go further into the Chapter, we see the disciples gathering together (minus Thomas for some unknown reason) because they feared the Jewish leadership. Yeshua comes into the room and shows them that He is indeed the Messiah. They rejoice and receive instructions from the Messiah. So of course, they tell Thomas, but Thomas won’t believe until he sees Yeshua with his own eyes and hands.

After 8 days (a sign of new beginning), the disciples were once again inside and this time Thomas gets to see and touch Yeshua. Even while Thomas is in doubt, Yeshua says, “Peace be with you.” Yeshua then invites Thomas to touch so that he will know and believe.

So why are there some of us who need concrete evidence of Yeshua’s workings, while others choose to believe without evidence? Why were the disciples still dealing with fear issues, after hearing from Mary that the Messiah had risen? Why didn’t they receive her testimony, but needed their own testimony? Again, where are you in this picture? What do you need?

After this week of unleavened, I have learned that we are indeed privileged to know the King of Kings, the Lamb, the Teacher, the Healer, the Redeemer. The Scriptures give us many names for The One. Why? Do we need a story of our own to share? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

Be Blessed,

Words from the Master TeacherErev PesachFor many of us, The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened season is a time of ref...

Words from the Master Teacher
Erev Pesach

For many of us, The Passover and the Feast of Unleavened season is a time of reflection. Some might say it is somber. We repeat the story of preparing for the Exodus, protecting our homes with the blood of the Lamb, and clearing out the leaven. We remind ourselves what it must have felt like to prepare for a journey, so that our children will never forget the Mighty Hand of YHWH.

Reading from the Gospel John, we know that the Messiah participated in this set apart custom, but He also brought another element to the table. For which we need to rejoice. He said, “. . . take courage for I have overcome the world.” Think about this for a moment.

We have no idea if this year will be our last. The world has become corrupted in almost every facet of life. And His return is imminent. As Yeshua told us, we are in the last days. But take heart my friend, He has prepared those who choose to follow Him for this time. Maybe we should start to focus on the promises He gave His disciples at His Passover table?

From the Book of John, in the chapters of 14-16 Yeshua gives the following promises, before taking on the role of the Sacrificial Lamb:

• Let not your heart be troubled (14:1)
• I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again (14:3)
• I am the way the truth and the life (14:6)
• If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it (14:14)
• I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever. (14:16)
• I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. (14:18)
• He who loves me (by keeping my commands) shall be loved by My Father, and I will love him and I will disclose Myself to him (14:21)
• The Holy Spirit will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. (14:26)
• If you abide in Me, you will bear much fruit (15:5)
• My words of what I speak will bring you joy (15:11)
• You are not slaves, I chose you and appointed you that you should bear fruit (15:15,16)
• Love one another (15:17)
• The Holy spirit will guide you into truth (16:13)
• You shall ask the Father for anything and He will give it to you in My Name (16:23)
• The Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me. (16:27)
• You will have peace, in that I have overcome the world (16:23)

After these promises, Yeshua prays for His disciples before going out to be slaughtered for our iniquity. He blesses them, gives them authority, and asks for the Father’s covering to be over them. Let us do the same with our children this Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. We could all use a promise or two.

Be Blessed,
Hebrew Nation Radio

Passover is coming soon.  As you prepare your hearts and home, Hebrew Nation Radio would like to thank you for your cont...

Passover is coming soon. As you prepare your hearts and home, Hebrew Nation Radio would like to thank you for your continual support in helping us share the Gospel.

YHWH knows what a woman is even when our secular court has forgotten. He compares not forsaking us as to a woman, He say...

YHWH knows what a woman is even when our secular court has forgotten. He compares not forsaking us as to a woman, He says, "Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Is. 49:15 Praise Yah, for the creation of women!

Purim, a Psalm of Deliverance

Purim, a Psalm of Deliverance

"The church, fellowship, or home groups" are called to be a virtuous woman.  Would they (we) be like Esther and call out...

"The church, fellowship, or home groups" are called to be a virtuous woman. Would they (we) be like Esther and call out Haman to the King? Think about this on Purim.

Shabbat Shalom Mishpocha ❤️

Shabbat Shalom Mishpocha ❤️

Looking for restoration, fellowship, and life?

Looking for restoration, fellowship, and life?

It seems like the blame game is still very popular.  As long as it is someone else's fault, personal reflection is never...

It seems like the blame game is still very popular. As long as it is someone else's fault, personal reflection is never required. Interesting that this game started in the Garden of Eden. Satan blamed Elohim, Adam blames Eve, and Eve brings it full circle back to the serpent. We blame dictators like Trudeau, Putin, and Biden, but we need to remember that apathy & greed allowed these types to come into power. May we repent like King David and ask for righteous judgment .

We pray for the heavenly armies to surround those who are standing against modern day pharaohs--those rulers who harden ...

We pray for the heavenly armies to surround those who are standing against modern day pharaohs--those rulers who harden their hearts. We pray for the Mighty Angels of Yah to give encouragement and fortitude to those truckers who choose to stand for righteous freedom. My Yah hear their cry against rulers of darkness.


Yahweh tells Moses in Exodus 28:1-4 to set up a priesthood that "minister as a priest to Him." Notice He doesn't ask for the priesthood to minister to the people, but to Him. Why?


If Joseph, Esther, Daniel, and yes even Paul got involved in politics (policies that can change your life), then why do Bible believers fail to participate? Why are they so apt to say, "God will take care of it?" Does God use people to help "take care of it" or does He want us to sit by passively and allow freedoms to be eroded?

It seems like no matter how bad your day goes a dog is there to love you unconditionally. What would happen if we loved ...

It seems like no matter how bad your day goes a dog is there to love you unconditionally. What would happen if we loved our spouse like a dog loves us?


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