The calm before the storms proved to be quite gorgeous today! It was sunny and brisk with abundant wildlife. Just 5 mins after exiting the jetties we sighted a pod of long beaked common dolphins hunting bait fish down below. We watched them hunt for fish while the birds preyed on the dolphins bounty. Shortly after leaving them we spotted a southbound gray whale. We observed this gray whale for a while - it began to travel out west eventually which seemed out of character so - we left this whale to his migration and set out in search of more wildlife. We headed out to the drop off in a westerly direction and found a few scattered dolphins, but as we followed them we found more and more - seemingly a long line of long beaked common dolphins sweeping the area for any available food. Once we were traveling the direction they liked - they clung around our boat and did some people watching. Dolphins hung with us until we had to turn back to shore.
Naturalist, Alison