Just kids catching fish again. #fishing #sandiegofishing #sandiegofishingcharters #fishingcharterssandiego #vacation #familyfishing #outdoors #fishinglife #ocean #adventure #potd #charter #sandiego #kidsfishing
Easy release of a nice mako shark
Releasing a big mako shark. Fishing Charters of San Diego #fishing #sandiegofishing #sandiegofishingcharters #fishingcharterssandiego #vacation #familyfishing #outdoors #fishinglife #ocean #adventure #potd #charter #sandiego #makoshark #sharkfishing
Struggling to hold up a pair of chunky lingcod. The bigger the bait the bigger the lingcod. Fishing Charters of San Diego #fishing #sandiegofishing #sandiegofishingcharters #fishingcharterssandiego #vacation #familyfishing #outdoors #fishinglife #ocean #adventure #potd #charter #sandiego #lingcod
A smooth ride home aboard the DECIMAL DUST. We bounced from rock to rock for a pick on the bottom critters. The guys had a good time and went home with bags of fish. #fishing #fishinglife #sandiegofishing #fishingchartersofsandiego #funfishing #teamdecimaldust #sandiegolife
Some action from the deck of the APEX. Bounce, gaff, re-tie, repeat. Notice the lack of chumming. They were ours! @bokenadventure #fishingchartersofsandiego #fishing #sandiegofishing #fishingcharter #fishingtrip #familytime #familyfishing #vacation
Not the best video but we had a great show from a blue marlin on one of our recent charters. Unfortunately the fish died during the fight and sank out. Almost spooled on igfa 50 alive and dead. We were heartbroken when trying to winch it up and the line parted after a 3 hour battle. SoCal blue marlin! #fishingchartersofsandiego #bluemarlin #fishing #sandiegofishing
A clean release. Shark fishing was on 🔥 the last few trips! Two small makos for the kids along with numerous bigger models from 250-900 pounds. Top it all off with 2 white sharks and that’s @worldclasssharkfishing. #biteme #worldclasssharkfishing #fishingchartersofsandiego #sharkfishing #fishing #sandiegofishing #fishingcharter #familytime #familyfishing #graytaxidermy #pennreels
Whitey hung out terrorizing our chum slick and our gear. @worldclasssharkfishing #sharkfishing #fishingchartersofsandiego #whenyouwantthebigone #worldclasssharkfishing #sandiegofishing #fishing #hunting #familyfishing #fishingtrip #waittheresmore
Twitching yourself to sleep on the deck of the APEX. This one came on the down rod with IGFA 50# #fishingchartersofsandiego #familyfishing #sandiegofishing #bluefin #tunafishing #bloodydecks #graytaxidermy
Family shark fishing for blue sharks
The kids got to play with some blue sharks and a Mako on a recent shark trip. This is one of the smaller ones we got to play with. #familytime #family #familyfishing #charter #charterfishing #sharkfishing #worldclasssharkfishing #fishingchartersofsandiego #sandiegofishing #sandiego #fishing #fishingpicoftheday #deepseafishing #deepsea #hatterasyachts #graytaxidermy