Ocean Discovery Institute - Young Lives Transformed Through Science
The poor performance of American students in science has been recognized as a national crisis. Department of Education reports that when tested for science knowledge, U.S. high school students ranked in the bottom seven of all countries tested. The current educational structure results in large groups of students who are signif
icantly underprepared to pursue education and careers in the sciences. Students of color and low-income students are far less likely to receive science education and to pursue the higher education necessary for most science- and technology-based careers. Deficiencies in science education have far reaching consequences for our country. In today’s globalized economy, America’s competitiveness increasingly depends on a diverse workforce well-educated in science, engineering and technology. Experts have concluded that the greatest prospect to increase the size and quality of our scientific workforce is to provide opportunity to the untapped talent in underrepresented groups. We must attract more students to science earlier, particularly those who historically have not been drawn to the field, and hold their interest, providing the resources and support they need to advance to college and successful careers. These issues and trends are especially acute in San Diego. Science- and technology-based careers represent many of the fastest growing and highest wage job sectors in the region. With over 500 biomedical companies and billions invested in research, San Diego is a place of great opportunity in the sciences. However, large numbers of San Diego’s children are not receiving the science education necessary to pursue career opportunities in these fields and California tests 2nd from the bottom in the United States. Ocean Discovery Institute was created 10 years ago to leverage San Diego’s natural environments as a means to engage young people from underserved communities and inspire them to become part of the next generation of scientific and environmental leaders. Many of our high school graduates are on their way; currently achieving higher education at leading institutions including:
•Brown University
•University of California Berkeley
•University of California Davis
•University of California Los Angeles
•University of California Santa Barbara
•University of California San Diego
•University of California Santa Cruz
•University of San Diego
•San Diego State University