Wishing Everyone a Safe, Healthy, Happy & Prosperous New Year!
See you in 2023!!
The Automotive Training Group, Inc.
You will no longer have to struggle with elusive faults, ATG has developed a repeatable strategy for flushing them out!
Sign up for our 3-hour webinar!
#repairshop #bluecollar #automotive #webinar
Invest in your education and become the best at what you do, reap the rewards of success!
ATG offers one of a kind training, with classes tailored to guide their clients on a road to success! Our manuals are made from scratch and with processes made from the shop up, not the engineers down. No confusion, no frustrations. Learn how to diagnose with ease and confidence.
#diagnostics #seminar #Webinar #mechanic #cars
Please come and join our CEO Tim Flannery and Master tech trainer Bryan Perrin for our next 3hr webinar: Service Writer: Selling Diagnostics and Managing Expectations. This webinar offers our students an opportunity to learn invaluable skills that can largely impact your company culture, employee satisfaction and interaction. Bryan will be introducing effective strategies that will open the communication between your technicians and service writers in order to create a seamless team effort and more sales opportunities.
Date: Wednesday, August 18- Thursday, August 19
Time: 5:30pm to 7pm Pacific Time each evening
#ATG #seminar #webinar #wearetechnicians #wetraintechnicians #mechnic #diagnostics #servicewriter #automobile #training #masterclass #hybrid #labscope #scantool #automotive
Thank you Scott for letting us know how the ATG manuals help you π
ATG KC Vision 2016 - Ford Powerstroke
ATG - KC Vision 2016 - Ford Engine Performance
Wally M. training at Vision 2016 - ATG Ford Engine Performance