6 days left to join our 45th anniversary fundraiser!
✨ Tickets include heavy appetizers and an open bar
😄 Keynote speakers including Marco Werman and Amb. (ret) Nina Hachigian
🎉Silent auction
🖼️ Entertainment and interactive activities with M A L U and Pom Pom Project
We are SOLD OUT of VIP tables - but if you're interested in joining us as a VIP, we still have a few sponsorship options available:https://sandiegodiplomacy.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/FY25-SDDC-Fundraiser-Sponsorship-Menu-condensed.pdf
Get your tickets now: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-next-45-building-a-sustainable-legacy-tickets-1048979494907?